Ascii character codes Abbreviations and Ascii character codes Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Ascii character codes terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Ascii character codes abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Ascii character codes terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Ascii character codes Abbreviations
  1. 000 : NUL ( Null Character)
  2. 001 : SOH ( Start of Header)
  3. 002 : STX ( Start of Text)
  4. 003 : ETX ( End of Text)
  5. 004 : EOT ( End of Transmission)
  6. 005 : ENQ ( Enquiry)
  7. 006 : ACK ( Acknowledgment)
  8. 007 : BEL ( Bell)
  9. 008 : BS ( Backspace)
  10. 009 : HT ( Horizontal Tab)
  11. 010 : LF ( Line Feed)
  12. 011 : VT ( Vertical Tab)
  13. 013 : CR ( Carriage Return)
  14. 014 : SO ( Shift Out)
  15. 015 : SI ( Shift In)
  16. 016 : DLE ( Data Link Escape)
  17. 017 : DC1 ( XON) ( Device Control 1)
  18. 018 : DC2 ( Device Control 2)
  19. 019 : DC3 (Device Control 3) (XOFF)
  20. 020 : DC4 ( Device Control 4)
  21. 021 : NAK ( Negative Acknowledgement)
  22. 022 : SYN ( Synchronous Idle)
  23. 023 : ETB ( End of Transmission Block)
  24. 024 : CAN ( Cancel)
  25. 025 : EM ( End of Medium)
  26. 026 : SUB ( Substitute)
  27. 027 : ESC ( Escape)
  28. 028 : FS ( File Separator)
  29. 029 : GS ( Group Separator)
  30. 030 : RS ( Request to Send)
Latest Ascii character codes Meanings
  1. Non Printable ASCII Character
  2. adds a space
  3. DEL ( Delete)
  4. ~ ( tilde, squiggle)
  5. } ( Right/closing brace)
  6. | ( Vertical bar)
  7. { ( Left/opening brace)
  8. Z (lower Case)
  9. Y (lower Case)
  10. X (lower Case)
  11. W (lower Case)
  12. V (lower Case)
  13. U (lower Case)
  14. T (lower Case)
  15. S (lower Case)
  16. R (lower Case)
  17. Q (lower Case)
  18. P (lower Case)
  19. O (lower Case)
  20. N (lower Case)