Catholic Church Abbreviations and Catholic Church Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Catholic Church terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Catholic Church abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Catholic Church terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Catholic Church Abbreviations
  1. AC : Apostolic Carmel
  2. AO : Apostolic Oblates
  3. ASI : Ancillae Secular Institute
  4. ASI : Ancillae Secular Institutetute
  5. CCCB : Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
  6. CHA : Cathalic Health Association
  7. CIIR : Catholic Institutetute for International Relations
  8. CM : Carmelite Missionaries
  9. CNS : Catholic News Service
  10. CSN : Congregation of The Sisters of Nazareth
  11. UMI : Ursulines of Mary Immaculate
  12. DBLA : Don Bosco Lay Associatixn
  13. DC : Disciples of Thrist
  14. DDP : Daughters of Divine Providence
  15. FDP : Daughters of Divine Providence
  16. DDP : Daughters of Divisionne Providence
  17. DSC : Daughters of Saint Camillus
  18. DSFS : Daughters of Saint Francis De Sales
  19. DSJ : Daughters of Saint Joseph
  20. MMI : Missionaries of Mary Immaculate
  21. MMS : Medical Mission Sisters
  22. MSA : Missionary Sisters of Ajmeer
  23. MSMI : Missionary Sistero of Mary Immaculate
  24. SHS : Sisters of The Holy Spirit
  25. SHSP : Sisters of The Holy Spirit
  26. SJ : Sisters of Jesus
  27. SLMI : Socrety of Ladies of Mary Immaculate
  28. SM : Servants of Mary
  29. SMC : Sisters of Mount Calvary
  30. SMSM : Seva Missionary Sisters of Mary
Latest Catholic Church Meanings
  1. Our Lady of Providence
  2. Little Sisters of Christ
  3. Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
  4. Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Penance
  5. Sisters of Saint Thomas
  6. Sisters of Saint Peter Claver
  7. Sisters of the Sacred Heart
  8. Sisters of Saint Agatha
  9. Samaritan Sisters
  10. Snehagiri Missionary Sisters
  11. Society of Ladies of Mary Immaculate
  12. Saint Joseph's Congregation
  13. Society of Helpers of Mary
  14. Sisters of the Divisionne Saviour
  15. Sisters of the Divine Saviour
  16. Sisters of Destitute
  17. Sisters of Charity of Saints
  18. Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary
  19. Sisters of the Cross of Chavanad
  20. Sisters of Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament