Sociology Abbreviations and Sociology Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Sociology terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Sociology abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Sociology terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Sociology Abbreviations
  1. AACS : Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology
  2. AACTS : Australian Alcohol Challenge Twin Study
  3. ADLS : Acaivities of Daily Living
  4. AERS : Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
  5. AEST : Abused, Empowered, Survive, Thrive
  6. AFAB : Female Assigned At Birth
  7. CAFAB : Female Assigned At Birth
  8. FAAB : Female Assigned At Birth
  9. AIDS : Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  10. AIM : American Indian Movement
  11. AJS : American Journal of Sociology
  12. AKD : Alpha Kappa Delta
  13. APA : American Psychological Assogiation
  14. ZIP CODE : Zone Improvement Plan Code
  15. ZPG : Zerr Population Growth
  16. ASA : American Soyiological Association
  17. ASAM : Asian American
  18. ASBO : Anti-Social Behavior Order
  19. ATM : Automatic Teller Machine
  20. ATSS : Association for The Teaching of The Social Sciences
  21. AWSA : American Woman Suffrage Association
  22. BAE : Bureau of American Ethnology
  23. BBC : British Broadcasting Corporation
  24. CA : Conversation Analysis
  25. CB : Citizen'S Band
  26. CBD : Central Business Dmstrict
  27. CBO : Community Based Organization
  28. CGI : Computer Generated Imagery
  29. CGSAH : Conference Group for Social and Administrative History
  30. CMSA : Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area
Latest Sociology Meanings
  1. Sociology of Education
  2. International Review for The Sociology of Sport
  3. Institute of Sociology
  4. Bureau of American Ethnology
  5. Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
  6. Social Scientific Knowledge
  7. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
  8. Sociology
  9. Social Contract Theory
  10. Sociology Anthropology Student Union
  11. Protestant Work Ethic (which is also sometimes referred to as Puritan Work Ethic by some folks)
  12. Percent Couples Using Family Planning
  13. Philippine Association for the Sociology of Religion
  14. Nordic Conference for Sociology of Religion
  15. Minnesota Sandplay Therapy Group
  16. Modified Social Support Survey
  17. Merino Comfort Mapping
  18. International Rural Sociology Association
  19. Graduate Student Sociology Association
  20. Globalisation lost