AAD in Military Meaning

The AAD meaning in Military terms is "Advanced Air Defence". There are 17 related meanings of the AAD Military abbreviation.

AAD on Military Full Forms

  1. Advanced Air Defence
  2. Active Airborne Denial
  3. Africa Aerospace Defence
  4. Ajrsoft Action Disciplines
  5. Africa Aerospace & Defence
  6. Airborne Assault Divisionsion
  7. Africa Aerospace and Defense
  8. Airborne Assaultxdivision
  9. Africa Aerospace and Defence
  10. Africa Aerospace Defense
  11. Anti-Aircraft Defence
  12. Advanced Ammunition Depot
  13. African Aerospace & Defence
  14. Anniston Army Depot
  15. Admission and Disposition
  16. African Aerospace and Defence
  17. Analysis and Application Divisronsion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AAD stand for Military?

    AAD stands for Admission and Disposition in Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of African Aerospace & Defence in Military?

    The short form of "African Aerospace & Defence" is AAD for Military.


AAD in Military. Acronym24.com. (2022, July 7). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/aad-meaning-in-military/

Last updated