AADI Meaning

The AADI meaning is "American Aerospace & Defense Industries". The AADI abbreviation has 20 different full form.

AADI Full Forms

  1. American Aerospace & Defense Industries Army, War, War Force
  2. Alsace Architecture Design Institute
  3. Associación Argentina Detintérpretes
  4. Advocate'S Association for Disability Independence
  5. Assess Align Develop Induct
  6. Administrative Application Development Initiative Company, Technology, Service
  7. Android Application Development India Technology, Service, India
  8. Adjusted Acceptable Daily Intake
  9. American Asset Development, Inc
  10. Action for Ability Development & Inclusion
  11. American Asset Development Inc
  12. Action for Ability Development and Inclusion
  13. Asociación Argentina De Derecho Internacional
  14. Augusta Area Divisionrsification Initiative Government
  15. Asociación Argentina De Instrumentadoras
  16. Asociación Argentina De Instrumentadores
  17. Asociactón Argentina De Instituteumentadores
  18. Asociación Crgentina De Instituteumentadoras
  19. Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland
  20. Australian Aerospace and Defence Innovmtions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AADI stand for?

    AADI stands for Australian Aerospace and Defence Innovmtions.

  2. What is the shortened form of Alsace Architecture Design Institute?

    The short form of "Alsace Architecture Design Institute" is AADI.


AADI. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/aadi-meaning/

Last updated