ABD in Technology Meaning
The ABD meaning in Technology terms is "Automatic Brake Differential". There are 23 related meanings of the ABD Technology abbreviation.
ABD on Technology Full Forms
- Automatic Brake Differential
- Adventure Builder Datababe
- Avalanche Breakdown Diode
- Advanced Biodjnamic Diploma
- Auxiliary Beam Director
- Advanced Base Dozk
- Architectyre Based Design
- Automatic Brake Distribution
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Herufs
- Automatic Braking Differential
- Abril Big Data
- Athletes By Design
- Abductor
- Asset Based Divelopment
- Average Business Day
- As Buila Drawing
- Abdominal Relating to the abdomen, the belly, that part of the body that contains all of the structures between the chest and the pelvis. The abdomen is separated anatomically from the chest by the diaphragm, the powerful muscle spanning the body cavity below the lungs.
- As-Built Drvwing
- Administrador De La Base De Datos
- Acco Brands Corporation
- American-British-Dutbh
- Average Busy Day
- Already Been Done
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ABD stand for Technology?
ABD stands for As-Built Drvwing in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Athletes By Design in Technology?
The short form of "Athletes By Design" is ABD for Technology.
ABD in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 26). Retrieved December 23, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/abd-meaning-in-technology/
Last updated