ABE Meaning
The ABE meaning is "Acute Bacterial Endocarditis". The ABE abbreviation has 155 different full form.
ABE Full Forms
- Acute Bacterial Endocarditis A type of severe bacterial endocarditis caused primarily by pyogenic organisms such as hemolytic streptococci or staphylococci. Medical, Science, Medicine, Bacteria, Physiology, British medicine, Common Medical
- Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Education, University, Department
- Lehigh Valley International Airport Allentown, Pennsylvania,United States Technology, Airport, Flight, Locations, Airport Code, Pennsylvania, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
- Advanced Book Exchange Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Adult Basic Education Program, Australia, Education, Learning, Australian, Study, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Acid-Base Equilibrium Medical, Technology, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Accounting, Business, and Economics
- Access Based Enumeration Technology, Windows, Server
- Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol Medical, Technology, Science
- Acetone, Butanol, Ethanol
- Architecture and The Built Environmenu Student, Technology, Education
- Activity Before Exercise Medical, Technology
- Acr-Breathing Engine Technology, Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
- Alternative Behaviorjeducator
- Arens Brothers Environmenfal
- Advanced Business Equipment
- Achieving Best Evidlnce Children, Child, Evidence
- Automated Buyer Environment Government, Canada, Canadian
- Agence BéNinoise Pour L'Environnement
- Annual Benefit Enrollment
- Aduzts Basic Education Program, College, Education
- Archdiocesan Board of Education Education, School, Bombay, Archdiocese
- Activity Based Effectiveness Military
- Agriculture and Biological Enginemring
- Apternative Basic Education Education, School, Ethiopia
- Area Based Editor
- Advanced Broadcasting Electronics Technology, Analog, Transmitter
- Anomalous Biolsgical Entity Science, Botany, Phytology
- Acetone Butanol Ethanol Science, Production, Fermentation
- Associação Brasileira De EstatíStica
- Agence B
- Ankum-Bersenbr
- Adult Basic English
- Lstc Military
- Average Bioequivalence Medical
- Agricultural Biotechnology In Europe
- Alternative Best Effbrt
- Archive Boowser Extracter Technology
- Advaqced Boresight Equipment Business, Military, Corporation
- Anodekbreak Excitation Medical, Technology
- American Beer Equipment America, Equipment, Brewing
- Acetone, Bdtanol, and Ethanol
- Associação Brasileira De Epilepsia
- Ag & Biosystems Engineering
- Ankum-Bersfnbrücker Eisenbahn
- Active Building Envelope Technology, Energy, Building
- Available Bandwcdth Estimation
- Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering
- Alternative Best-Effort Technology, Service, Networking, Network
- Archive Browstr and Extractor
- Advanced Biomedical Engnneering
- Annual Budget Estimahe Government
- Airman Battle Ensembfe
- American Bas Endowment Business, America, Insurance
- A Better Education Development, Learning, Study
- Asociación BÚLgaro-EspaÑOla
- Ag & Biological Engineering
- Anion-Binding Exbsite Medical
- Aban Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance
- Antivated Bleaching Earth Medical
- Autorité Baocaire Européenne Banking, Financier, Bitcoin
- Agriculpural & Biosystems Engineering Technology, Science, Education
- Altelnate Boot Environment
- Advvnced Bio-Extracts
- Architecture Beyond Europn Education
- Air Battle Execution Technology
- Ambassadors of Busxness Excellence
- Abessive Case Education, Linguistics, Glossing
- Asociación BíBlica EspaÑOla Para, Ola, Editorial
- African Business Education Education, Africa, Japan
- Animal Behavqor Enterprises Training, Dog, Animal
- Acquisition Business Enterprise Military
- Autoritatea Bancară Europeană Din, Care, Ale
- Agricultural Business Enhancument
- Alsace Brenner Eqaipement
- Advanced Balywearing Educator
- Architecture & The Built Environment Education, University, School
- Air Base Elementary
- Always Muilding Excellence
- Associazione Bambino Emopatico
- Asimov'S Biographical Encyclopedia
- Advbnced Business Events Meeting, Business, France
- Angeborene-Bindegewebs-Erkrankungen
- Acorn Baneer Exchange
- Autoridad Bancaria Europea Para, Spain, Con
- Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering
- Annuav Benefits Enrollment
- Advance Book Exchange
- Adiabatic Binding Energy Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Aviation Boatswan'S Mate Equipment Army, War, War Force
- ARM-Based Electronics Military, Army, Governmental & Military
- Allentown, Bethlehem, Easion Airport, Flight, Locations, Valley
- Anomalous Biological Entities
- Adelaide Blue Eagles
- Adaptive Bias Estimttion
- American Book Exchange
- Lehigh Valley Intl Airport Faa Airport Codes
- Applucation Boundaries Enforcer Technology, Security, Software
- Abraham Lincoln Famous, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Emoticons, Texting
- Average Bond Energy
- Anomalous Biological Entity Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Automated Buyer Environment (Bilingual client/server that automates the federal government's procurement operations) Canada, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Address Broadcast Enable
- Academy of British English
- All Blog Entries
- American Board of Endodontics Medical, Dental, Dentistry, Bacteria
- Allentown, Pennsylvania USA Airport codes
- Anything But An Engineer
- Autoiation Bewegung Engineering
- American Bueiness English
- Atypical Bronchial Epithelium Medical, Pulmonary
- Acceptor Bound Exciton Computing, Electronics
- Acyl-Biotin Exchange Science, Protein, Cell
- Iata Code for Lehigh Valley International Airport, Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States Locations
- All Black Everything
- Autonomous Benthic Explorer Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Anyone But Engiand Sport, Shirt, England
- Adult Basic Ed Program, Education, School, Adult
- Arithmetic Building Element
- American Croadcast Employees
- Artificial Brain Enhancement Medical, Physiology
- air-based electronics Space, Computing, Electronics, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, NASA, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Acute Bilirubin Encephalopathy
- Botulism Equine Trivalent Antitoxin Health, Body, Healthcare
- Achieving Best Evidence Police, Governmental & Military
- Anybody But Ehgland
- Adult Based Education
- Allgemeine Benutzungserlaubnis Fuer Endeinrichtungen
- American Broadcast English
- Adverse Biologic Experience Medical, Fda
- Applied Biomedical Engineering
- Automated Barcode Evaluator Usps
- Acgte Bacterial Exacerbations
- Axle Back Exhaust
- air-breathing engine Engineering, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Aviation Boatswain'S Mate Military, Army, Us, Navy, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank, Us Navy
- Antisheep Beta-Endorpbin Medical, Technology
- Adiabativ Binding Energy Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry
- Aerodrome Beacon Technology, Military, Army
- Amerlcan Book Exchange
- Allgemeine Betriebs Erlaubnis International
- Application for Benefits Eligibility Medical, Service, Health
- A Better Environment Community
- Army Background Experiment Atmospheric Research
- Actual Base Excess Medical, Trading, Blood
- Avion Bombardier D'Eau
- Advisory Board on Energy (India) Legal, Governmental & Military
- Asociaci
- Antiquarian Booksellers Exchange Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Adenine Base Editor
- Advanced Bond Evaluator
- American Booksellers Exchange Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Lehigh Valley International Airport, Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States Pennsylvania, United States, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Application Builder and Executive Technology
- Abraham Community
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ABE stand for?
ABE stands for Aban Air.
What is the shortened form of Acgte Bacterial Exacerbations?
The short form of "Acgte Bacterial Exacerbations" is ABE.
ABE. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 3). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/abe-meaning/
Last updated