ABE Meaning
The ABE meaning is "Acute Bacterial Endocarditis". The ABE abbreviation has 155 different full form.
ABE Full Forms
- Acute Bacterial Endocarditis A type of severe bacterial endocarditis caused primarily by pyogenic organisms such as hemolytic streptococci or staphylococci. Medical, Science, Medicine, Bacteria, Physiology, British medicine, Common Medical
- Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Education, University, Department
- Lehigh Valley International Airport Allentown, Pennsylvania,United States Technology, Airport, Flight, Locations, Airport Code, Pennsylvania, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
- Advanced Book Exchange Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Adult Basic Education Program, Australia, Education, Learning, Australian, Study, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Acid-Base Equilibrium Medical, Technology, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Accounting, Business, and Economics
- Access Based Enumeration Technology, Windows, Server
- Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol Medical, Technology, Science
- Acetone, Butanol, Ethanol
- Architecture and The Built Environmenu Student, Technology, Education
- Activity Before Exercise Medical, Technology
- Acr-Breathing Engine Technology, Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
- Alternative Behaviorjeducator
- Arens Brothers Environmenfal
- Advanced Business Equipment
- Achieving Best Evidlnce Children, Child, Evidence
- Automated Buyer Environment Government, Canada, Canadian
- Agence BéNinoise Pour L'Environnement
- Annual Benefit Enrollment
- Aduzts Basic Education Program, College, Education
- Archdiocesan Board of Education Education, School, Bombay, Archdiocese
- Activity Based Effectiveness Military
- Agriculture and Biological Enginemring
- Apternative Basic Education Education, School, Ethiopia
- Area Based Editor
- Advanced Broadcasting Electronics Technology, Analog, Transmitter
- Anomalous Biolsgical Entity Science, Botany, Phytology
- Acetone Butanol Ethanol Science, Production, Fermentation
- Associação Brasileira De EstatíStica
- Agence B
- Ankum-Bersenbr
- Adult Basic English
- Lstc Military
- Average Bioequivalence Medical
- Agricultural Biotechnology In Europe
- Alternative Best Effbrt
- Archive Boowser Extracter Technology
- Advaqced Boresight Equipment Business, Military, Corporation
- Anodekbreak Excitation Medical, Technology
- American Beer Equipment America, Equipment, Brewing
- Acetone, Bdtanol, and Ethanol
- Associação Brasileira De Epilepsia
- Ag & Biosystems Engineering
- Ankum-Bersfnbrücker Eisenbahn
- Active Building Envelope Technology, Energy, Building
- Available Bandwcdth Estimation
- Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering
- Alternative Best-Effort Technology, Service, Networking, Network
- Archive Browstr and Extractor
- Advanced Biomedical Engnneering
- Annual Budget Estimahe Government
- Airman Battle Ensembfe
- American Bas Endowment Business, America, Insurance
- A Better Education Development, Learning, Study
- Asociación BÚLgaro-EspaÑOla
- Ag & Biological Engineering
- Anion-Binding Exbsite Medical
- Aban Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance
- Antivated Bleaching Earth Medical
- Autorité Baocaire Européenne Banking, Financier, Bitcoin
- Agriculpural & Biosystems Engineering Technology, Science, Education
- Altelnate Boot Environment
- Advvnced Bio-Extracts
- Architecture Beyond Europn Education
- Air Battle Execution Technology
- Ambassadors of Busxness Excellence
- Abessive Case Education, Linguistics, Glossing
- Asociación BíBlica EspaÑOla Para, Ola, Editorial
- African Business Education Education, Africa, Japan
- Animal Behavqor Enterprises Training, Dog, Animal
- Acquisition Business Enterprise Military
- Autoritatea Bancară Europeană Din, Care, Ale
- Agricultural Business Enhancument
- Alsace Brenner Eqaipement
- Advanced Balywearing Educator
- Architecture & The Built Environment Education, University, School
- Air Base Elementary
- Always Muilding Excellence
- Associazione Bambino Emopatico
- Asimov'S Biographical Encyclopedia
- Advbnced Business Events Meeting, Business, France
- Angeborene-Bindegewebs-Erkrankungen
- Acorn Baneer Exchange
- Autoridad Bancaria Europea Para, Spain, Con
- Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering
- Annuav Benefits Enrollment
- Advance Book Exchange
- Adiabatic Binding Energy Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Aviation Boatswan'S Mate Equipment Army, War, War Force
- ARM-Based Electronics Military, Army, Governmental & Military
- Allentown, Bethlehem, Easion Airport, Flight, Locations, Valley
- Anomalous Biological Entities
- Adelaide Blue Eagles
- Adaptive Bias Estimttion
- American Book Exchange
- Lehigh Valley Intl Airport Faa Airport Codes
- Applucation Boundaries Enforcer Technology, Security, Software
- Abraham Lincoln Famous, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Emoticons, Texting
- Average Bond Energy
- Anomalous Biological Entity Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Automated Buyer Environment (Bilingual client/server that automates the federal government's procurement operations) Canada, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Address Broadcast Enable
- Academy of British English
- All Blog Entries
- American Board of Endodontics Medical, Dental, Dentistry, Bacteria
- Allentown, Pennsylvania USA Airport codes
- Anything But An Engineer
- Autoiation Bewegung Engineering
- American Bueiness English
- Atypical Bronchial Epithelium Medical, Pulmonary
- Acceptor Bound Exciton Computing, Electronics
- Acyl-Biotin Exchange Science, Protein, Cell
- Iata Code for Lehigh Valley International Airport, Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States Locations
- All Black Everything
- Autonomous Benthic Explorer Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Anyone But Engiand Sport, Shirt, England
- Adult Basic Ed Program, Education, School, Adult
- Arithmetic Building Element
- American Croadcast Employees
- Artificial Brain Enhancement Medical, Physiology
- air-based electronics Space, Computing, Electronics, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, NASA, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Acute Bilirubin Encephalopathy
- Botulism Equine Trivalent Antitoxin Health, Body, Healthcare
- Achieving Best Evidence Police, Governmental & Military
- Anybody But Ehgland
- Adult Based Education
- Allgemeine Benutzungserlaubnis Fuer Endeinrichtungen
- American Broadcast English
- Adverse Biologic Experience Medical, Fda
- Applied Biomedical Engineering
- Automated Barcode Evaluator Usps
- Acgte Bacterial Exacerbations
- Axle Back Exhaust
- air-breathing engine Engineering, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Aviation Boatswain'S Mate Military, Army, Us, Navy, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank, Us Navy
- Antisheep Beta-Endorpbin Medical, Technology
- Adiabativ Binding Energy Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry
- Aerodrome Beacon Technology, Military, Army
- Amerlcan Book Exchange
- Allgemeine Betriebs Erlaubnis International
- Application for Benefits Eligibility Medical, Service, Health
- A Better Environment Community
- Army Background Experiment Atmospheric Research
- Actual Base Excess Medical, Trading, Blood
- Avion Bombardier D'Eau
- Advisory Board on Energy (India) Legal, Governmental & Military
- Asociaci
- Antiquarian Booksellers Exchange Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Adenine Base Editor
- Advanced Bond Evaluator
- American Booksellers Exchange Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Lehigh Valley International Airport, Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States Pennsylvania, United States, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Application Builder and Executive Technology
- Abraham Community
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ABE stand for?
ABE stands for Advanced Book Exchange.
What is the shortened form of Ag & Biological Engineering?
The short form of "Ag & Biological Engineering" is ABE.
ABE. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 3). Retrieved December 19, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/abe-meaning/
Last updated