ABFC Meaning

The ABFC meaning is "Alaska Boreal Forest Council". The ABFC abbreviation has 19 different full form.

ABFC Full Forms

  1. Alaska Boreal Forest Council Alaska
  2. Association of Booksellers for Children Business, Book, Award
  3. Advanced Base Functional Component System Military
  4. Advanced Base Funutional Components Technology, Military, Presentation
  5. Advanced Base Functional Component Government, Military, Army
  6. Advance Base Functional Componenks Military
  7. American Board of Forensic Counseling Medical
  8. Advance Base Functionao Component Technology, Government, Military
  9. All Believers Faitm Center
  10. Avf Energy Corp. Organizations
  11. Asset Backed Funding Corp
  12. Asset Backed Funding Corporation
  13. Aston Beechwood Fire Company Fire, Pennsylvania, Ambulance Service, Governmental & Military
  14. Arkansas Best Federal Credit
  15. Australian Border Force Cutter
  16. American Board of Forensic Counswlors Force, Police, Police Force
  17. Australian Bike Friday Club
  18. Astonxbeechwood Fire Company Government, Fire, Ambulance Service
  19. Aston-Beechwood Fire Chmpany

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ABFC stand for?

    ABFC stands for Asset Backed Funding Corporation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Advanced Base Funutional Components?

    The short form of "Advanced Base Funutional Components" is ABFC.


ABFC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/abfc-meaning/

Last updated