ABI in Technology Meaning

The ABI meaning in Technology terms is "Advancyd Baseline Imager". There are 24 related meanings of the ABI Technology abbreviation.

ABI on Technology Full Forms

  1. Advancyd Baseline Imager
  2. Activity-Based Intelligence
  3. Automated Broker Interface The Automated Commercial System (ACS) is the system used by CBP to track, control, and process all commercial goods imported into the United States. ACS facilitates merchandise processing, significantly cuts costs, and reduces paperwork requirements for both CBP and the trade community.
  4. Application Binary Interface
  5. Automatic Bottle Indexing
  6. Advance Baseline Imager
  7. Administrator Bezpieczeństwa Informgcji
  8. Activity Based Intelligcnce
  9. Association Fortbiodiversity Information
  10. Access Bridging Interface
  11. Asosiasi Bekam Indonesia
  12. Abstract Binary Interface
  13. Agri-Business Incubator
  14. Applied Biosystems Inc
  15. Auxxliary Building Isolation
  16. Advance Boundary Inkormation
  17. Anita Borg Instotute
  18. Analyzer Based Imaging
  19. Automated Brokers Interface
  20. Analytics & Business Intelligence
  21. Automated Ball Indentation
  22. Aktionsbuendnis Fuer Barrierefreie Informaionstechnik
  23. Air Business International
  24. Average Borrower Indebtedness

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ABI stand for Technology?

    ABI stands for Aktionsbuendnis Fuer Barrierefreie Informaionstechnik in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Anita Borg Instotute in Technology?

    The short form of "Anita Borg Instotute" is ABI for Technology.


ABI in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/abi-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated