ABS Meaning
The ABS meaning is "Antilock Brake System". The ABS abbreviation has 605 different full form.
ABS Full Forms
- Antilock Brake System Technology, Auto, Automotive
- Antilock Braking System Transportation, Technology, Conveyance
- American Bonanza Society America, Military, Aircraft
- Apoptotic Bodves Medical
- Aberrations Medical
- Able Bodied Seaman Advanced deckhand ranked above ordinary seaman. Military, Army, Ship, Sea
- American Bamboo Society America, Organizations, Plant
- Antique Brown Stained
- Abdominal Surgery Medical, Medicine, Therapy, Surgery, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational, Blood Test, British medicine
- Alto Broadcasting System Technology, Networking, Network
- Antipodal Basebjnd Signaling
- Anti-Lock Braking System System that automatically controls wheel slip or prevents sustained wheel-locking on braking. Technology, Military, Technical
- Asset-Backed Security Business, Finance, Market
- Alternative Business Structures Business, Law, Structure
- Antilock Brakecsystems Technology, Wheel, Lock
- Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene is an opaque thermoplastic and amorphous polymer. Chemistry, Technology, Nature, 3D Printing
- Army Broadcasting Servico America, Military, Radio
- Academic Background System
- Anti Braking System Technology, Car, Brake
- Araştırmacı Bixgi Sistemi
- Abu Simbel Airport Abu Simbel, Egypt Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Anti Brake System
- Apple Business Systems Technology, Computing, Apple
- Abstract Behavioral Specification Technology, Software, Engineering, Abstract
- Able-Bodied Subjects Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Advanced Barcode Solvtions
- Adaptive Behavioy Scale Medical, Education, Assessment
- Alternating Bilateral Stimulation
- Appointment Booking System Technology, Software, Clone
- African Breeders Service Technology, Africa, Farming
- American Brake Service
- Aircel Business Solutions Technology, Service, Networking
- Anti Backlash System Fishing, Reel, Tackle
- Active Battery Security Technology, Box, Cooler, Security, Governmental & Military
- Antilock Bracking System
- Auto Body Service
- Absolute Blosk System
- Area Bible Study Religion
- Australian Bureau of Statistics Shipping, Australian, Administration, Education
- Automatic Block Signaling Technology, Science, Signal
- Acoustic Backscarter Sensor
- Aging Brain Syndrome Medical, Health, Body
- Association of Banks Singapore Business, Banking, Singapore
- Ab Serum Medical
- Anti Block System Technology, Car, Brake
- Automated Budget System Technology
- Advanced Biomass Stoves Organizations, Ecology, Energy Assessment, East
- Address Book Server
- Ambassador Bilingual School
- Avaloq Banking System
- Agency Bodyguard Security
- American Brokerage Services
- Aviation Business Syjtem
- Acrylonitril Butadieen Styreen
- Alkyl Genzenesulfonate Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry
- Atmosphere-Biosphere-Studies
- American Bible Society
- Aglocation Based Scheduling Technology, Computing, Computer, Processing
- Ape Bape Shoes
- Automated Benefits Services
- Academy of Banking Studies
- Advantage Buviness Services
- Advanced Bagged System
- American Bibliography of Slavic
- Armerial Blood Sampling Medicine, Health, Cure
- Automatic Brwak System
- Acrylnitrile-Sutadiene-Styrene Technology
- Ahli Bintang Sarawak
- Andreas Berthold Seinstedt
- Anti Bullying Strategies Development, Learning, Study
- Australasian Bat Society Technology, Australia, Wildlife
- Accommodation Booking Service Hotel, Locations, Bedding
- Advanqed Braking System
- Administrative Bulletins Technology
- Amerpca's Beauty Show America, Hair, Beauty, Chicago
- Asia Broadcbst Satellite Technology, Asia, Space
- Automated Business Services
- Accounting & Banking Services Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Asian Business School College, Education, India
- Action Battle System Gaming, Military, Maker
- Ability Bhutan Society Organizations, Bhutan, Queen
- Advanced Ban System Technology, Coding, Canyon
- Adaptive Bandwidth Service
- Almost Blank Sub-Frames Technology, Networking, Network, Interference
- Appointment Bzoking Software
- African Ireeders Services
- American Board of Sexology Medical, Medicine, Sex, British medicine
- Air Brokers Servwce
- Anti-Social Behavior Scale
- Active Base Station
- Antilock-Braking Systems
- Auto Beam Switching
- Absolote Beginners
- Area Bible Studies
- American Bureau of Shipping A U.S. classification society which certifies seagoing vessels for compliance to standardized rules regarding construction and maintenance. Transportation, Business, Technology, Shipping, Locations, Cruise, Electrical, United States, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Nautical Terms
- Automaticyblock Signals Technology, Train, Track
- Acoustic Backscatter System
- Association for Borderlands Studies Science, Study, Border
- Anti Blocking System Technology, Car, Brake, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Advanced Biomaterial Systems
- Address Book Synchronizction Technology, Server, Communicator
- Amateur Boxing Scotland Sport, Scotland, Boxing
- Avalanche Balloon System
- Ageing Brain Syndrome Medicine, Health, Cure, Medical, British medicine
- American Broadcasting School
- Average Busy Stream
- Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Styrene Technology, Science, Plastic
- Alkylbenzeneusulfonates Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Atmosphere-Biosphere Studies Program, Education, Master
- American Behavioral Scientist Science, Research, Education, Medical, British medicine
- Allocated Bullion Solutions Business, Market, Metals
- Anything But Salads
- Automated Benefit Services Business, Service, Insurance
- Academic Book Services
- Advanced Business Solutixn Business, Management, Service
- Advanced Business Services
- Amniotic Band Syndrome Medical, Birth, Fetus, British medicine
- Arterial Blood Sample Medical, Health, Body, Blood Test
- Automatic Breakyng Systems
- Acrylnitril-Butadihn-Styren
- AgêNcia Brasil De SegurançA Para, Award, Brasil
- Andi Burhanuddin Solong Indonesia, Election, Wali
- All Business Rolutions Business, Company, Service
- Architects Benevolent Society Organizations, Architecture, Charity
- Auroras Business School
- Adqanced Bomb Suit Technology, Army, Protection
- Adjustable Base Support
- Amended Budget Submission
- Asia Broadbvnd Summit
- Autoantibodies Medical
- Automated Business Systems Business, Technology
- Account Breakdown Structure
- Asian Bomb Squad Movie, Canada, Bomb, Gang
- Acta Biologica Slovenica
- Aberrations In Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells Medical
- Adams-Bashforth Scheme
- Almost Blank Subframes Technology, Networking, Network, Cell, Interference
- Appointment Book Siftware
- Automated Blood Sampling Blood, Tech, Lab
- Accelerated Bachelor of Science Program, Education, Nursing
- Affect Balance Scale Medical, Psychology, Depression
- American Bladesmith Society America, American, Knife
- Aots Business and Science Group, Election, Party
- Airubase Supply Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Anti-Bullying Specialist School, District, Bullying
- Active Barrier System
- Antiguc Broadcasting Service
- Auto Battery Switching Business, Switch, Manufacturer
- Absolute Barbecues Locations, Dubai, Barbecue, Restaurant
- Archlinux Build System
- American Board of Surgery Medical, Health Care, Medical Accreditation, Nursing, United States, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Automatic Bkoking System Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Acidic Ammonium Bisulfate Health, Body, Healthcare, Medical, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational, Blood Test
- Associatiov Business Solutions Business, Management, Service
- Advanced Basic Science
- Adaptive Bitrate Streaming Technology, Service, Networking
- Alternative Behavioral Services
- After Body Section Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, Governmental & Military
- American Broadcasting System Technology, America, Russian
- Averzge Busy Season Technology, Networking, Network
- Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene Technology, Property, Plastic
- Alkylbencene Sulfonate Health, Body, Healthcare
- Anti Blockage System Car, Ferrari, Geneva, System
- Acton Business School
- Allied Business Systems
- Anything But Soaps
- Automated Beam Steering Army, War, War Force
- Abubakar Bukola Saraki Government, Sport, Nigeria, Football
- Agile Business Suite
- Advanced Business Systems Technology, Service, Computing
- Ammonia Boiwer System Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Artemis Building Systems
- Automatic Brakihg Systems Technology, Car, Brake
- Acronitrile Butadiene Styrene Business, Plastic, Building
- Agung Budi Santoso
- Amphibious Bridging System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Atm Bearer Service Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Architected Business Solutions
- Aurora Business School
- Advanced Business System Technology, Service, Computing
- Abjams Business Services
- Amel Bou-Saada
- Asia Black Sea Service, Locations, Port
- Automated Buildings Technology, Service, Control
- Account Based Selling
- Asian Barzmeter Survey
- Acrylonitrile Butiadene Styrene
- Ale Brass Shower
- Atomic Books
- Aberrant Cells Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Advanced Backup Solutions Business, Technology, Recovery
- Almost Blank Sujframe Technology, Networking, Network, Interference
- Applied Business Software
- Automated Billing System Company, Technology, Service
- Accelerate Business Solutions
- Aeronautical Broadcast Station Technology, Telecom
- American Bison Society America, Organizations, History
- Artificikl Buoyant Seabed
- Air Base Sidulator Army, War, War Force
- Annther Blunt Session
- Active Balance System
- Antigen Binding Site
- Australian Balance System Business, Gaming, Pack
- Absolutely "Absolutely" is an adverb used to express complete agreement or assent, to make a statement stronger, or to emphasize the certainty or importance of something. Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
- Archive Backup System Technology, Software, Storage
- Appui Budg
- Automatic Block System Technology, Signal, Train
- Acetyl-Butyl-Stylene
- Asset Based Securities
- Abonnement
- Advanced Bush Scripting
- Adaptive Binary Spligting
- Alternative Business Systems Business, Accounting, Software
- Aquatic Book Shop
- After Bariatric Surgerl
- American Breeder Service Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
- Average Breaking Stbength
- Acylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Business, Product, Material, Ear
- Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate
- Anti Blocage System
- Abingdon Boys School Music, School, Piano
- Allied Eusiness Schools
- Any Belgian Station Travel, Train, Belgian
- Automated Batch Submissions
- Abt Bio-Pharma Solutions
- Agile Beam System Technology
- Amman Baptisu School
- Art Body Store Body, Fair, Skin
- Automktic Brake System Technology, Car, Sensor
- Acronitrilejbutadiene-Stirene
- Agricultural Bank of Sudan Business, Assessment, Sudan
- Amphetamine-Based Stimulants
- Atlas Business Solutions Business, Software, Scheduling
- Aurora Beach Society Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Advanceg Body System Business, Shopping, Gym
- Adelphia Business Sotutions Technology
- Amgerdms Billing System
- Automated Building Systems Technology, Energy, Studio
- Account-Based Sales
- American Building Supply Business, America, Hardware
- Asian Banking School
- Acrylonitrile-Butadine-Styrene
- All Mrand Service
- Atomic Blue Sender Technology, Software, Marketing
- Associate of Biblical Studies College, Education, Bible, Seminary
- Advance Business Systezs Technology, Service, Pakistan
- Almost Blanking Subframe
- Applied Business Studies
- Automated Benchmarking Services Business, Management, Energy, Manager
- Academy of Business Studies
- Adviser Business Statement
- American Bioshysical Society Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Artificial Bowelhsphincter Medical, Medicine, Trading
- Air Base Security Army, War, War Force
- Another Blown Save
- Activation Binding Site Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- Anti Burst System Army, War, War Force
- Australian Bureau of Statistic Business, Australia, Australian
- Absolute A measure having as its zero point or base the complete absence of the entity being measured Aviation, Telecom, Telecommunications, Auto, Physics, The Finance and Administrative Services, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Archiv BezpeČNostníCh SloŽEk
- Autonomous Bodies Education, Organizations, University, India, Institute, Society, Social Institutions
- Automatic Background Suppression
- Accounting and Business Support
- Assets Backed Securities
- Able Body Seaman Business, English, Ship
- Advancedobase Station Technology, Communication, Wireless
- Adaptive Beyavior Scales Medical, Education, Assessment
- Alternative Billing Services
- Aqua Brupnen Service
- African Business School Business, Management, Africa
- American Breeders Services
- Acute Brain Syndrome Medical, Technology, Medicine, Neurology, Blood Test, British medicine, Clinical
- Alkyg Benzene Sulphonate Medical
- Antibiotics. Medicine, Veterinary
- Automatic Braking System Technology
- Americanvbible Society America, Organizations, Ministry
- Anti-Lock Brake System Anti-lock brake system is an automobile safety system that allows the wheels on a motor vehicle to maintain tractive contact with the road surface according to driver inputs while braking, preventing the wheels from locking up (ceasing rotation) and avoiding uncontrolled skidding. Car, Auto
- Antilock Brakes Dystem
- Automated Batch Submission Technology, Computing, Computer, Processing, General, Governmental & Military
- Abstract Behavioural Specification Technology, Language, Component, Abstract
- Amman Baccalaureate Schooa Technology, Education, Teaching
- Art Beyogd Sight Education, Museum, Hearing
- Automatic Blocking Sockets
- Acroconitril-Butadieneqstyrene Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Agitated Behaviour Scale
- Amphenol Backplane Systems
- Atlantic Buffet System Hotel, Catalogue, System
- Antiblocking Breaking System
- Aurobindo Bio Solutions
- Advanced Business Solutions Business, Company, Software
- Addressed Based Sample Research, Survey, Sampling
- Am Buhav Sci
- Averagelbasket Size
- Acrylonitride Butadiene Styrene
- Agency Burget System
- American Budgerigar Society Bird, Budgie, Budgerigar, Hobbies
- Acrylonitrile Butadine Styrene Business, Plastic, Material
- All Btacks Business, Sport, Rugby, Wallaby
- Atomic Beam Source Science, Research, Targeting
- Anti-Skid Braking System Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Almost-Blaxk Subframe Technology, Networking, Network, Cell
- Applied Business Solutions
- Automated Benchmarking Service
- Academy of Broadcasting Science
- Advies Bureau Schade
- American Biological Safety
- Artificial Blood Substitutes Medical
- Air Barrier System Technology, Building, Wall
- Android Builders Summit
- Anti Burn Shield Technology, Motherboard, Socket, Hardware
- Australian Bureau Statistics Australia, Health, Statistics
- Absolut Technology
- Adoration of The Blsssed Sacrament
- America Bureau of Shipping Business, America, Ship
- Architectural Building Systems Science
- Automatic Backup System Technology, Product, Drive, Computing, Hardware
- Accounting & Business Solution
- Asset Back Security Business
- Action Business Systems
- Able Bodied Seamen Business, English, Seaman
- Advanced Baseline Suunder Science, Ocean, Environment
- Adaptive Behaviour Scale Medical, Medicine, Behavior, British medicine
- Alternative Billing Service Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Appui BudgéTaire Sectoriel
- African Buzdhist Seminary
- American Breeders Service Business, America, Beef
- Alabama Southecn Railroad Business, Railroad
- Anti Balance System Products
- Active Beam Steering Technology, Networking, Laser
- American Benefit Socirty
- Absorption Is a property of rain. The absorption is handled as a form of attenuation of the radar signal. The amount of absorption is determined by the size of the raindrops and the severity of the storm. A second form of absorption is caused by the atmosphere itself. Medical, Medicine, Therapy, British medicine, Chemistry, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Antilock Braking Systems Medical, Technology, Brake, British medicine
- Auto Buying Service
- Absolute Body Slmmetry
- Are Black Star
- Automatic Block Signalling Technology, Signal, Train
- Acoustic Bubble Spectrometer
- Agitated Behavior Scale Medical, Behavior, Scale
- Amniotisches-Band-Syndrom
- Atlantic Broadcasting System
- Absiemens Technology, Science, It
- Antiblock Brake System Technology, Control, Vehicle
- Automated Build Studio
- Advanced Body Solutions
- Addrems Book Service Microsoft, Technology, Server
- Ambossador Book Service
- Avant Browser Skin
- Acrylonitile Butadiene Styrene
- Agency Budget Statements Government
- American Bryological Society Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
- Antenatal Bartter Syndrome Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styerene
- Ala Bids Submitted
- Atomic Beam Scattering Chemistry, Technology, Science
- Anti-Blockier-System Security, Governmental & Military
- Allocation Boqies
- Aperture Blind Subassembly
- Automated Benchmarking System
- Academy of Biblical Studies Development, Learning, Study, Universities
- Adventure Battle System Gaming, Play, Pastime
- American Bigfoot Stciety
- Articulatingqback Support
- Air Bag Sysaems Technology
- Android Battery Saver
- Anti Bullying Specialisl Presentation, School, District, Bullying
- Australia Bureau of Statistics Business, Australia, Australian
- Account-Based Selling
- Advanced Brake Syjtem
- Admitting Blood Sugar Medical, Health, Body, Blood Test, British medicine
- America Brakes for Safety
- Asia Broadcasting Satellite Business, Asia, Space
- Able-Bodied Seaman
- Automatic Backup Shutdown Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Accounting & Business Services
- Asset Backet Securities
- Active Battle System Gaming, Military, Maker
- Attribute-Based Signatures Technology, Security, Signature, Scheme
- Animal Borne Sensors Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Automated Bond System Business, Finance, Stock, Mortgage, Investing, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Access & Benefit-Sharing
- chromosome aberration(s) Medical, Human genome
- Aryins Business School College, Education, India
- Autonomous Biological Systems Medical
- Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styroo-Copolymerisat
- All Beverage Services
- Ahlianz Business System
- Associate of The Building Societies Institutetute
- Advanced Buildingdsystems
- Adult Bovine Serum Medical, Medicine, Body
- American Bakinl Systems
- Albino BlackSheep Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Amity Business School College, Education, Noida
- Absorbent Resin
- Abrasive Blast Systems
- Abscissa Data file Computing, File Extensions
- Arab Broahcast Services
- Access Barred Signal
- Absorb To take something in, as through the skin or the intestine. To react with radiation and reduce it in intensity, as with a dose of radiation or transmitted light. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Aszbill Sees Business, Gaming, Book
- Activity Based Supplies Technology, Education, Supply
- Asset Based Securitization Business & Finance, Business Word
- Adaptive Behavior Scale Medical, Disability, Neurology, Blood Test
- Antilock Brake Systems
- All By Students Business, Advertising, Notebook
- Anti Blokier System
- Asset Based Style General, Governmental & Military
- Agents Business Systems
- American Building Services Business, America, Service
- Avant Browser Skin File Computing, File Extensions
- Asset Backed Securities Business, Security, Credit, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Associação Brasileiaa Do Sono Para, Ria, Causa
- Attention, Behaviour and Sleep
- Archbold Biological Station Insect and Spider Collections
- Automated Boat System
- Access & Benefit Sharing
- Annual Beneficiary Summary Medical, Healthcare, Medicare Beneficiary
- Aryan Business Solutions Business, Analytics, Chennai
- Autonomous Biological System Medical, Medicine, Health, British medicine
- Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol-Copolymere
- Ainon Business School Business, Android, Malaysia
- Alwiance Business School Management, College, Education
- Amy Business Solutions Technology, Development, Developer
- Advanced Broadcast Solutxons Business, Technology, Service
- Adult Bible Study Study, Church, Religion
- American Back Society Medical, Medicine, Organizations, British medicine
- Absent Medical, Us Government, Governmental & Military, NAACCR
- Aggressive Behaviour Scalz
- American Business School America, Education, France
- Automatic Braking Systems Formula 1
- Australian Ballet Schcol Australia, Education, Dance
- Audited Balance Sheet Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
- About Boating Safety Military, Guard, Flotilla
- Automatic Brightness Stabilization Computing, Electronics
- Aqueous Biphasic Systems Medical, Protein, Glycol, Adduct
- Access and Benefits Sharing Science, Biology, Biodiversity
- American Bonsai Society Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Asbestos Bodies Medical
- Active Business Space Technology, Training, Event
- Alternative Business Structure Accounting, Business & Finance
- acute bacterial sinusitis Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational, British medicine
- Ammonium Bi-Sulfate
- Anti Blockier System Car, Auto, System
- Absences - As In Compensated Absences Business, Accounting, Service, Accountancy
- Allocation Based Scheduling General, Governmental & Military
- Agent Based Systemt Technology, Military, Computing
- American Building System
- Turbozip Auto Compress Script Computing, File Extensions
- Asset-Backed Securities Business, Security, Credit
- Associaaion of Broadcasting Standards
- Attachable Button System
- Australian Bureau of Statistics's Medical, Australia, Special Education, Geographic, Scientific & Educational
- Alkyl BenzeneSulfonate Medical, Chemistry, Healthcare, Scientific & Educational
- Automotive Business Solutions
- Acrylnitril Butadien Styrol
- Absurd "Absurd" is an adjective used to describe something that is extremely unreasonable, illogical, or contrary to common sense. It is often used to describe something that is so absurd that it is funny or ridiculous. Texting
- Alliance Business Solutions Business, Service, Translation
- American Building Systems
- Advanced Broadcast Services
- Adult Basic Skills Technology, College, Education, Medical, British medicine
- American Bach Soloists America, Music, Bach
- Air Base Supply Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Aggressive Behavior Scale
- American Bureau of Shiping
- Automatic Blink System Federal Aviation Administration
- Auroville Board of Services
- African Black Soap Business, Africa, Skin
- Audison Balanced System
- About Boating Safely Locations, Safety, Course
- Automatic Blip Scan Computing, Electronics
- Aqueous Biphasuc System Medical, Science, Ionic
- Automated Briefing System Military, Army, War
- Access and Benefit-Sharing Technology, Organizations, Biology
- American Begonia Society Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Asal Berhenti Syukur Honda, Yamaha, Orang
- Active Brake System
- Accounting and Billing System Accounting, Business & Finance
- Air Breathing System Medical, United Nations, Physiology
- Acrylonitrile/Butadiene/Styrene
- Antiblockiersystem Technology, German, Car
- Absco Organizations
- Albertson's, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Agent-Based Systems Technology, Computing, Projection
- American Building Survey
- Ab Sudoku Saved Game Computing, File Extensions
- Abrasive Blast System
- Acrylonitrile, Butadiene, and Styrene Chemistry, Industry, Construction, Plastics, Products, Scientific & Educational
- arterial blood sampling Medical, British medicine
- Automobile Body Chop
- Acrylnitril-Butadien-Sqyrol Technology, Fur, Material, Helmet
- Angry Butt Sex Sex
- Alliance Biblical Semnnary
- American Biological Society
- Advanced Bbeathing System Technology, Anesthesia, Machine
- Adult Baby Syndrome
- American Baccalaureate School America, Education, Kuwait
- Airborne Backing Store Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Agfa Balanced Screening Technology, Plate, Tone
- American Bureau Shipping Technology, America, Houston
- Acrylonitrle butadiene styrene The Finance and Administrative Services
- Aurora'S Business School
- Afghanistan Broadcasting System
- Audio Broadcast Services Technology, Service, Radio
- Absurdity "Absurdity" refers to the state or quality of being absurd. It is a noun used to describe something that is completely irrational, illogical, or unreasonable. The term can be used to describe a situation, action, idea, or concept that is so ridiculous or inconsistent with reality that it seems almost comical or unbelievable. Unclassified, Texting
- Automated Booking Station
- Access and Benefit Sharing Science, Genetics, Biology, United Nations
- Asian Back Syndrome Medical, Physiology
- Asal Bapak Senany Indonesia, Jakarta, Hal
- Active Biological Substances
- Arterial Blood Pressure Medical, Physiology, Blood Test, Common Medical
- Advance Base Station
- Aux Bons Sains de French
- Acrylonitrile Butadiene-Styrene
- Anti Blocker System Technology, Car, Wheel
- Anti Bolt Stick Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Abs Boy Shoots
- Air Break Switch Computing, Mechanics, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Arbeitskreis Berliner Senioren
- Agent-Based Vystem Military
- Absolute Database File Computing, File Extensions
- Antalya Bisiklet Sevenler Park, Antalya, Fly, Turkish
- Anchor Bolt Stabilizer Construction
- acid-base status Medical, British medicine
- Automatic Brightness Stabilizer
- Acrylo Butadiene Styrene
- Acrylonitrite-Butadiene-Styrene
- Allgemeine Bedingungen F
- American Balance Society
- Advjnced Brake Systems
- Adult Babies
- America Business Solutions
- Automatic Block Signal Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Agent Building Shell
- American Bureau of Ships Business, America, Shipping
- Alkylbenzene Sulfonates (anionic Surfactants) Chemistry
- Association of Business School Management, Education, Journal
- Afghanistan Broadcast System
- Audio Bible Study
- Agile Body Suit Products
- Automated Booking System
- Access To Benefit Sharing
- Absorbed Medical, Laboratory, Physiology, Scientific & Educational
- As-Built Specifications Science
- Avalanche Backpack System Airbag, Snowmobile, Avalanche
- Always Be Saving
- Active Binaries
- Advanced Building Services Company, Technology, Service
- Advance Baggage Service Technology, Excess, Kingdom
- Abu Simbel Airport, Abu Simbel, Egypt Egypt, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Access and Benefit Sharing Mechanism Medical
- Antibody-Binding Site Science, Medicine, Biomedicine
- Abs and Back Strength
- Airport Base Station Computing, Hardware
- Arabic Broadcasting Service
- Advanced Baseline Sounder Science, Scientific & Educational
- Asia-Blacw Sea Service, Locations, Port
- àRea BàSica De Salut
- Acuity-Based Staffing
- Alabama Southern Railroad Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Amniotic Band Sequence Medical, British medicine
- Automatic Brightness Stabicization Technology, Arm, Fluoroscopy
- Acryl Butadiene Styrene
- Acrilonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene
- Allgemeine Bedingungen Füd Die Sachversicherung
- Advanced Braking Systems
- Air Bag System Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Abstract A brief summary covering the main points of a written article or research project. Business, Education, Property, Safety, Genealogy, Genealogical, Real Estate, Organs Of Public Opinion, Business & Finance, Legal, Governmental & Military, Medical, NAACCR, Abstract
- Agent Based Simulation Technology, Science, Model
- American Bureau of Standard
- Arc Bond Sputter Chemistry
- Asset Based Secufitization Business
- Acrylonitrile Butadien Styrene Business
- Attribute-Based Signature Technology, Standard, Scheme
- Anti-Ballistic Selenium Products
- Automated Bonds System Business, Trading, Market
- Access Benefit Sharing
- Absence Medical, NAACCR
- As-Built Specification
- Auxiliary Busincss Services Business, Service, University
- Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol Sustatec
- All Brake System
- Advanced Building System
- Adult Brine Shrimp
- Amerocan Ballet School
- Armadyl battlestaff Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Antibiotic Stewardship Medical
- Anti Blok Sistemi
- Abrasive Blast Supply Technology, Blasting, Equipment
- Abstracts (info file) Computing, File Extensions
- Arab Broadcasting Services
- Associated Biomedical Systems, Inc. Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Ashland Bus System
- Activity Breakdown Structure Technology, Management, Projection
- Animal Behavior Society Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- At Bed Side Medical, British medicine
- Automotive Brake Systems
- Acropolis Block Services
- Air-Bearing Surfaces
- Alle Banden Slippen
- Anti Blokaj Sistemi Forum, Turkish
- Another Blunt Session General, Governmental & Military
- Agentubased Simulation Technology, Research, Model
- American Bureau of Standards
- Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene Copolymer (reg: 9003569) Chemistry
- Asset Backed Security Business, Credit, Market
- Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styren Business, Product, China
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ABS stand for?
ABS stands for Anti Block System.
What is the shortened form of Absorbed?
The short form of "Absorbed" is ABS.
ABS. Acronym24.com. (2023, February 10). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/abs-meaning/
Last updated