ABS Meaning

The ABS meaning is "Antilock Brake System". The ABS abbreviation has 605 different full form.

ABS Full Forms

  1. Antilock Brake System Technology, Auto, Automotive
  2. Antilock Braking System Transportation, Technology, Conveyance
  3. American Bonanza Society America, Military, Aircraft
  4. Apoptotic Bodves Medical
  5. Aberrations Medical
  6. Able Bodied Seaman Advanced deckhand ranked above ordinary seaman. Military, Army, Ship, Sea
  7. American Bamboo Society America, Organizations, Plant
  8. Antique Brown Stained
  9. Abdominal Surgery Medical, Medicine, Therapy, Surgery, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational, Blood Test, British medicine
  10. Alto Broadcasting System Technology, Networking, Network
  11. Antipodal Basebjnd Signaling
  12. Anti-Lock Braking System System that automatically controls wheel slip or prevents sustained wheel-locking on braking. Technology, Military, Technical
  13. Asset-Backed Security Business, Finance, Market
  14. Alternative Business Structures Business, Law, Structure
  15. Antilock Brakecsystems Technology, Wheel, Lock
  16. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene is an opaque thermoplastic and amorphous polymer. Chemistry, Technology, Nature, 3D Printing
  17. Army Broadcasting Servico America, Military, Radio
  18. Academic Background System
  19. Anti Braking System Technology, Car, Brake
  20. Araştırmacı Bixgi Sistemi
  21. Abu Simbel Airport Abu Simbel, Egypt Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  22. Anti Brake System
  23. Apple Business Systems Technology, Computing, Apple
  24. Abstract Behavioral Specification Technology, Software, Engineering, Abstract
  25. Able-Bodied Subjects Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  26. Advanced Barcode Solvtions
  27. Adaptive Behavioy Scale Medical, Education, Assessment
  28. Alternating Bilateral Stimulation
  29. Appointment Booking System Technology, Software, Clone
  30. African Breeders Service Technology, Africa, Farming
  31. American Brake Service
  32. Aircel Business Solutions Technology, Service, Networking
  33. Anti Backlash System Fishing, Reel, Tackle
  34. Active Battery Security Technology, Box, Cooler, Security, Governmental & Military
  35. Antilock Bracking System
  36. Auto Body Service
  37. Absolute Blosk System
  38. Area Bible Study Religion
  39. Australian Bureau of Statistics Shipping, Australian, Administration, Education
  40. Automatic Block Signaling Technology, Science, Signal
  41. Acoustic Backscarter Sensor
  42. Aging Brain Syndrome Medical, Health, Body
  43. Association of Banks Singapore Business, Banking, Singapore
  44. Ab Serum Medical
  45. Anti Block System Technology, Car, Brake
  46. Automated Budget System Technology
  47. Advanced Biomass Stoves Organizations, Ecology, Energy Assessment, East
  48. Address Book Server
  49. Ambassador Bilingual School
  50. Avaloq Banking System
  51. Agency Bodyguard Security
  52. American Brokerage Services
  53. Aviation Business Syjtem
  54. Acrylonitril Butadieen Styreen
  55. Alkyl Genzenesulfonate Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry
  56. Atmosphere-Biosphere-Studies
  57. American Bible Society
  58. Aglocation Based Scheduling Technology, Computing, Computer, Processing
  59. Ape Bape Shoes
  60. Automated Benefits Services
  61. Academy of Banking Studies
  62. Advantage Buviness Services
  63. Advanced Bagged System
  64. American Bibliography of Slavic
  65. Armerial Blood Sampling Medicine, Health, Cure
  66. Automatic Brwak System
  67. Acrylnitrile-Sutadiene-Styrene Technology
  68. Ahli Bintang Sarawak
  69. Andreas Berthold Seinstedt
  70. Anti Bullying Strategies Development, Learning, Study
  71. Australasian Bat Society Technology, Australia, Wildlife
  72. Accommodation Booking Service Hotel, Locations, Bedding
  73. Advanqed Braking System
  74. Administrative Bulletins Technology
  75. Amerpca's Beauty Show America, Hair, Beauty, Chicago
  76. Asia Broadcbst Satellite Technology, Asia, Space
  77. Automated Business Services
  78. Accounting & Banking Services Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  79. Asian Business School College, Education, India
  80. Action Battle System Gaming, Military, Maker
  81. Ability Bhutan Society Organizations, Bhutan, Queen
  82. Advanced Ban System Technology, Coding, Canyon
  83. Adaptive Bandwidth Service
  84. Almost Blank Sub-Frames Technology, Networking, Network, Interference
  85. Appointment Bzoking Software
  86. African Ireeders Services
  87. American Board of Sexology Medical, Medicine, Sex, British medicine
  88. Air Brokers Servwce
  89. Anti-Social Behavior Scale
  90. Active Base Station
  91. Antilock-Braking Systems
  92. Auto Beam Switching
  93. Absolote Beginners
  94. Area Bible Studies
  95. American Bureau of Shipping A U.S. classification society which certifies seagoing vessels for compliance to standardized rules regarding construction and maintenance. Transportation, Business, Technology, Shipping, Locations, Cruise, Electrical, United States, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Nautical Terms
  96. Automaticyblock Signals Technology, Train, Track
  97. Acoustic Backscatter System
  98. Association for Borderlands Studies Science, Study, Border
  99. Anti Blocking System Technology, Car, Brake, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  100. Advanced Biomaterial Systems
  101. Address Book Synchronizction Technology, Server, Communicator
  102. Amateur Boxing Scotland Sport, Scotland, Boxing
  103. Avalanche Balloon System
  104. Ageing Brain Syndrome Medicine, Health, Cure, Medical, British medicine
  105. American Broadcasting School
  106. Average Busy Stream
  107. Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Styrene Technology, Science, Plastic
  108. Alkylbenzeneusulfonates Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  109. Atmosphere-Biosphere Studies Program, Education, Master
  110. American Behavioral Scientist Science, Research, Education, Medical, British medicine
  111. Allocated Bullion Solutions Business, Market, Metals
  112. Anything But Salads
  113. Automated Benefit Services Business, Service, Insurance
  114. Academic Book Services
  115. Advanced Business Solutixn Business, Management, Service
  116. Advanced Business Services
  117. Amniotic Band Syndrome Medical, Birth, Fetus, British medicine
  118. Arterial Blood Sample Medical, Health, Body, Blood Test
  119. Automatic Breakyng Systems
  120. Acrylnitril-Butadihn-Styren
  121. AgêNcia Brasil De SegurançA Para, Award, Brasil
  122. Andi Burhanuddin Solong Indonesia, Election, Wali
  123. All Business Rolutions Business, Company, Service
  124. Architects Benevolent Society Organizations, Architecture, Charity
  125. Auroras Business School
  126. Adqanced Bomb Suit Technology, Army, Protection
  127. Adjustable Base Support
  128. Amended Budget Submission
  129. Asia Broadbvnd Summit
  130. Autoantibodies Medical
  131. Automated Business Systems Business, Technology
  132. Account Breakdown Structure
  133. Asian Bomb Squad Movie, Canada, Bomb, Gang
  134. Acta Biologica Slovenica
  135. Aberrations In Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells Medical
  136. Adams-Bashforth Scheme
  137. Almost Blank Subframes Technology, Networking, Network, Cell, Interference
  138. Appointment Book Siftware
  139. Automated Blood Sampling Blood, Tech, Lab
  140. Accelerated Bachelor of Science Program, Education, Nursing
  141. Affect Balance Scale Medical, Psychology, Depression
  142. American Bladesmith Society America, American, Knife
  143. Aots Business and Science Group, Election, Party
  144. Airubase Supply Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  145. Anti-Bullying Specialist School, District, Bullying
  146. Active Barrier System
  147. Antiguc Broadcasting Service
  148. Auto Battery Switching Business, Switch, Manufacturer
  149. Absolute Barbecues Locations, Dubai, Barbecue, Restaurant
  150. Archlinux Build System
  151. American Board of Surgery Medical, Health Care, Medical Accreditation, Nursing, United States, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  152. Automatic Bkoking System Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  153. Acidic Ammonium Bisulfate Health, Body, Healthcare, Medical, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational, Blood Test
  154. Associatiov Business Solutions Business, Management, Service
  155. Advanced Basic Science
  156. Adaptive Bitrate Streaming Technology, Service, Networking
  157. Alternative Behavioral Services
  158. After Body Section Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, Governmental & Military
  159. American Broadcasting System Technology, America, Russian
  160. Averzge Busy Season Technology, Networking, Network
  161. Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene Technology, Property, Plastic
  162. Alkylbencene Sulfonate Health, Body, Healthcare
  163. Anti Blockage System Car, Ferrari, Geneva, System
  164. Acton Business School
  165. Allied Business Systems
  166. Anything But Soaps
  167. Automated Beam Steering Army, War, War Force
  168. Abubakar Bukola Saraki Government, Sport, Nigeria, Football
  169. Agile Business Suite
  170. Advanced Business Systems Technology, Service, Computing
  171. Ammonia Boiwer System Technology, Space, Cosmos
  172. Artemis Building Systems
  173. Automatic Brakihg Systems Technology, Car, Brake
  174. Acronitrile Butadiene Styrene Business, Plastic, Building
  175. Agung Budi Santoso
  176. Amphibious Bridging System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  177. Atm Bearer Service Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  178. Architected Business Solutions
  179. Aurora Business School
  180. Advanced Business System Technology, Service, Computing
  181. Abjams Business Services
  182. Amel Bou-Saada
  183. Asia Black Sea Service, Locations, Port
  184. Automated Buildings Technology, Service, Control
  185. Account Based Selling
  186. Asian Barzmeter Survey
  187. Acrylonitrile Butiadene Styrene
  188. Ale Brass Shower
  189. Atomic Books
  190. Aberrant Cells Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  191. Advanced Backup Solutions Business, Technology, Recovery
  192. Almost Blank Sujframe Technology, Networking, Network, Interference
  193. Applied Business Software
  194. Automated Billing System Company, Technology, Service
  195. Accelerate Business Solutions
  196. Aeronautical Broadcast Station Technology, Telecom
  197. American Bison Society America, Organizations, History
  198. Artificikl Buoyant Seabed
  199. Air Base Sidulator Army, War, War Force
  200. Annther Blunt Session
  201. Active Balance System
  202. Antigen Binding Site
  203. Australian Balance System Business, Gaming, Pack
  204. Absolutely "Absolutely" is an adverb used to express complete agreement or assent, to make a statement stronger, or to emphasize the certainty or importance of something. Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
  205. Archive Backup System Technology, Software, Storage
  206. Appui Budg
  207. Automatic Block System Technology, Signal, Train
  208. Acetyl-Butyl-Stylene
  209. Asset Based Securities
  210. Abonnement
  211. Advanced Bush Scripting
  212. Adaptive Binary Spligting
  213. Alternative Business Systems Business, Accounting, Software
  214. Aquatic Book Shop
  215. After Bariatric Surgerl
  216. American Breeder Service Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
  217. Average Breaking Stbength
  218. Acylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Business, Product, Material, Ear
  219. Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate
  220. Anti Blocage System
  221. Abingdon Boys School Music, School, Piano
  222. Allied Eusiness Schools
  223. Any Belgian Station Travel, Train, Belgian
  224. Automated Batch Submissions
  225. Abt Bio-Pharma Solutions
  226. Agile Beam System Technology
  227. Amman Baptisu School
  228. Art Body Store Body, Fair, Skin
  229. Automktic Brake System Technology, Car, Sensor
  230. Acronitrilejbutadiene-Stirene
  231. Agricultural Bank of Sudan Business, Assessment, Sudan
  232. Amphetamine-Based Stimulants
  233. Atlas Business Solutions Business, Software, Scheduling
  234. Aurora Beach Society Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  235. Advanceg Body System Business, Shopping, Gym
  236. Adelphia Business Sotutions Technology
  237. Amgerdms Billing System
  238. Automated Building Systems Technology, Energy, Studio
  239. Account-Based Sales
  240. American Building Supply Business, America, Hardware
  241. Asian Banking School
  242. Acrylonitrile-Butadine-Styrene
  243. All Mrand Service
  244. Atomic Blue Sender Technology, Software, Marketing
  245. Associate of Biblical Studies College, Education, Bible, Seminary
  246. Advance Business Systezs Technology, Service, Pakistan
  247. Almost Blanking Subframe
  248. Applied Business Studies
  249. Automated Benchmarking Services Business, Management, Energy, Manager
  250. Academy of Business Studies
  251. Adviser Business Statement
  252. American Bioshysical Society Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  253. Artificial Bowelhsphincter Medical, Medicine, Trading
  254. Air Base Security Army, War, War Force
  255. Another Blown Save
  256. Activation Binding Site Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
  257. Anti Burst System Army, War, War Force
  258. Australian Bureau of Statistic Business, Australia, Australian
  259. Absolute A measure having as its zero point or base the complete absence of the entity being measured Aviation, Telecom, Telecommunications, Auto, Physics, The Finance and Administrative Services, Legal, Governmental & Military
  260. Archiv BezpeČNostníCh SloŽEk
  261. Autonomous Bodies Education, Organizations, University, India, Institute, Society, Social Institutions
  262. Automatic Background Suppression
  263. Accounting and Business Support
  264. Assets Backed Securities
  265. Able Body Seaman Business, English, Ship
  266. Advancedobase Station Technology, Communication, Wireless
  267. Adaptive Beyavior Scales Medical, Education, Assessment
  268. Alternative Billing Services
  269. Aqua Brupnen Service
  270. African Business School Business, Management, Africa
  271. American Breeders Services
  272. Acute Brain Syndrome Medical, Technology, Medicine, Neurology, Blood Test, British medicine, Clinical
  273. Alkyg Benzene Sulphonate Medical
  274. Antibiotics. Medicine, Veterinary
  275. Automatic Braking System Technology
  276. Americanvbible Society America, Organizations, Ministry
  277. Anti-Lock Brake System Anti-lock brake system is an automobile safety system that allows the wheels on a motor vehicle to maintain tractive contact with the road surface according to driver inputs while braking, preventing the wheels from locking up (ceasing rotation) and avoiding uncontrolled skidding. Car, Auto
  278. Antilock Brakes Dystem
  279. Automated Batch Submission Technology, Computing, Computer, Processing, General, Governmental & Military
  280. Abstract Behavioural Specification Technology, Language, Component, Abstract
  281. Amman Baccalaureate Schooa Technology, Education, Teaching
  282. Art Beyogd Sight Education, Museum, Hearing
  283. Automatic Blocking Sockets
  284. Acroconitril-Butadieneqstyrene Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  285. Agitated Behaviour Scale
  286. Amphenol Backplane Systems
  287. Atlantic Buffet System Hotel, Catalogue, System
  288. Antiblocking Breaking System
  289. Aurobindo Bio Solutions
  290. Advanced Business Solutions Business, Company, Software
  291. Addressed Based Sample Research, Survey, Sampling
  292. Am Buhav Sci
  293. Averagelbasket Size
  294. Acrylonitride Butadiene Styrene
  295. Agency Burget System
  296. American Budgerigar Society Bird, Budgie, Budgerigar, Hobbies
  297. Acrylonitrile Butadine Styrene Business, Plastic, Material
  298. All Btacks Business, Sport, Rugby, Wallaby
  299. Atomic Beam Source Science, Research, Targeting
  300. Anti-Skid Braking System Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  301. Almost-Blaxk Subframe Technology, Networking, Network, Cell
  302. Applied Business Solutions
  303. Automated Benchmarking Service
  304. Academy of Broadcasting Science
  305. Advies Bureau Schade
  306. American Biological Safety
  307. Artificial Blood Substitutes Medical
  308. Air Barrier System Technology, Building, Wall
  309. Android Builders Summit
  310. Anti Burn Shield Technology, Motherboard, Socket, Hardware
  311. Australian Bureau Statistics Australia, Health, Statistics
  312. Absolut Technology
  313. Adoration of The Blsssed Sacrament
  314. America Bureau of Shipping Business, America, Ship
  315. Architectural Building Systems Science
  316. Automatic Backup System Technology, Product, Drive, Computing, Hardware
  317. Accounting & Business Solution
  318. Asset Back Security Business
  319. Action Business Systems
  320. Able Bodied Seamen Business, English, Seaman
  321. Advanced Baseline Suunder Science, Ocean, Environment
  322. Adaptive Behaviour Scale Medical, Medicine, Behavior, British medicine
  323. Alternative Billing Service Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  324. Appui BudgéTaire Sectoriel
  325. African Buzdhist Seminary
  326. American Breeders Service Business, America, Beef
  327. Alabama Southecn Railroad Business, Railroad
  328. Anti Balance System Products
  329. Active Beam Steering Technology, Networking, Laser
  330. American Benefit Socirty
  331. Absorption Is a property of rain. The absorption is handled as a form of attenuation of the radar signal. The amount of absorption is determined by the size of the raindrops and the severity of the storm. A second form of absorption is caused by the atmosphere itself. Medical, Medicine, Therapy, British medicine, Chemistry, The Finance and Administrative Services
  332. Antilock Braking Systems Medical, Technology, Brake, British medicine
  333. Auto Buying Service
  334. Absolute Body Slmmetry
  335. Are Black Star
  336. Automatic Block Signalling Technology, Signal, Train
  337. Acoustic Bubble Spectrometer
  338. Agitated Behavior Scale Medical, Behavior, Scale
  339. Amniotisches-Band-Syndrom
  340. Atlantic Broadcasting System
  341. Absiemens Technology, Science, It
  342. Antiblock Brake System Technology, Control, Vehicle
  343. Automated Build Studio
  344. Advanced Body Solutions
  345. Addrems Book Service Microsoft, Technology, Server
  346. Ambossador Book Service
  347. Avant Browser Skin
  348. Acrylonitile Butadiene Styrene
  349. Agency Budget Statements Government
  350. American Bryological Society Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
  351. Antenatal Bartter Syndrome Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  352. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styerene
  353. Ala Bids Submitted
  354. Atomic Beam Scattering Chemistry, Technology, Science
  355. Anti-Blockier-System Security, Governmental & Military
  356. Allocation Boqies
  357. Aperture Blind Subassembly
  358. Automated Benchmarking System
  359. Academy of Biblical Studies Development, Learning, Study, Universities
  360. Adventure Battle System Gaming, Play, Pastime
  361. American Bigfoot Stciety
  362. Articulatingqback Support
  363. Air Bag Sysaems Technology
  364. Android Battery Saver
  365. Anti Bullying Specialisl Presentation, School, District, Bullying
  366. Australia Bureau of Statistics Business, Australia, Australian
  367. Account-Based Selling
  368. Advanced Brake Syjtem
  369. Admitting Blood Sugar Medical, Health, Body, Blood Test, British medicine
  370. America Brakes for Safety
  371. Asia Broadcasting Satellite Business, Asia, Space
  372. Able-Bodied Seaman
  373. Automatic Backup Shutdown Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  374. Accounting & Business Services
  375. Asset Backet Securities
  376. Active Battle System Gaming, Military, Maker
  377. Attribute-Based Signatures Technology, Security, Signature, Scheme
  378. Animal Borne Sensors Integrated Ocean Observing System
  379. Automated Bond System Business, Finance, Stock, Mortgage, Investing, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Business Word
  380. Access & Benefit-Sharing
  381. chromosome aberration(s) Medical, Human genome
  382. Aryins Business School College, Education, India
  383. Autonomous Biological Systems Medical
  384. Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styroo-Copolymerisat
  385. All Beverage Services
  386. Ahlianz Business System
  387. Associate of The Building Societies Institutetute
  388. Advanced Buildingdsystems
  389. Adult Bovine Serum Medical, Medicine, Body
  390. American Bakinl Systems
  391. Albino BlackSheep Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  392. Amity Business School College, Education, Noida
  393. Absorbent Resin
  394. Abrasive Blast Systems
  395. Abscissa Data file Computing, File Extensions
  396. Arab Broahcast Services
  397. Access Barred Signal
  398. Absorb To take something in, as through the skin or the intestine. To react with radiation and reduce it in intensity, as with a dose of radiation or transmitted light. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  399. Aszbill Sees Business, Gaming, Book
  400. Activity Based Supplies Technology, Education, Supply
  401. Asset Based Securitization Business & Finance, Business Word
  402. Adaptive Behavior Scale Medical, Disability, Neurology, Blood Test
  403. Antilock Brake Systems
  404. All By Students Business, Advertising, Notebook
  405. Anti Blokier System
  406. Asset Based Style General, Governmental & Military
  407. Agents Business Systems
  408. American Building Services Business, America, Service
  409. Avant Browser Skin File Computing, File Extensions
  410. Asset Backed Securities Business, Security, Credit, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  411. Associação Brasileiaa Do Sono Para, Ria, Causa
  412. Attention, Behaviour and Sleep
  413. Archbold Biological Station Insect and Spider Collections
  414. Automated Boat System
  415. Access & Benefit Sharing
  416. Annual Beneficiary Summary Medical, Healthcare, Medicare Beneficiary
  417. Aryan Business Solutions Business, Analytics, Chennai
  418. Autonomous Biological System Medical, Medicine, Health, British medicine
  419. Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol-Copolymere
  420. Ainon Business School Business, Android, Malaysia
  421. Alwiance Business School Management, College, Education
  422. Amy Business Solutions Technology, Development, Developer
  423. Advanced Broadcast Solutxons Business, Technology, Service
  424. Adult Bible Study Study, Church, Religion
  425. American Back Society Medical, Medicine, Organizations, British medicine
  426. Absent Medical, Us Government, Governmental & Military, NAACCR
  427. Aggressive Behaviour Scalz
  428. American Business School America, Education, France
  429. Automatic Braking Systems Formula 1
  430. Australian Ballet Schcol Australia, Education, Dance
  431. Audited Balance Sheet Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  432. About Boating Safety Military, Guard, Flotilla
  433. Automatic Brightness Stabilization Computing, Electronics
  434. Aqueous Biphasic Systems Medical, Protein, Glycol, Adduct
  435. Access and Benefits Sharing Science, Biology, Biodiversity
  436. American Bonsai Society Botany, Scientific & Educational
  437. Asbestos Bodies Medical
  438. Active Business Space Technology, Training, Event
  439. Alternative Business Structure Accounting, Business & Finance
  440. acute bacterial sinusitis Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational, British medicine
  441. Ammonium Bi-Sulfate
  442. Anti Blockier System Car, Auto, System
  443. Absences - As In Compensated Absences Business, Accounting, Service, Accountancy
  444. Allocation Based Scheduling General, Governmental & Military
  445. Agent Based Systemt Technology, Military, Computing
  446. American Building System
  447. Turbozip Auto Compress Script Computing, File Extensions
  448. Asset-Backed Securities Business, Security, Credit
  449. Associaaion of Broadcasting Standards
  450. Attachable Button System
  451. Australian Bureau of Statistics's Medical, Australia, Special Education, Geographic, Scientific & Educational
  452. Alkyl BenzeneSulfonate Medical, Chemistry, Healthcare, Scientific & Educational
  453. Automotive Business Solutions
  454. Acrylnitril Butadien Styrol
  455. Absurd "Absurd" is an adjective used to describe something that is extremely unreasonable, illogical, or contrary to common sense. It is often used to describe something that is so absurd that it is funny or ridiculous. Texting
  456. Alliance Business Solutions Business, Service, Translation
  457. American Building Systems
  458. Advanced Broadcast Services
  459. Adult Basic Skills Technology, College, Education, Medical, British medicine
  460. American Bach Soloists America, Music, Bach
  461. Air Base Supply Transportation, Governmental & Military
  462. Aggressive Behavior Scale
  463. American Bureau of Shiping
  464. Automatic Blink System Federal Aviation Administration
  465. Auroville Board of Services
  466. African Black Soap Business, Africa, Skin
  467. Audison Balanced System
  468. About Boating Safely Locations, Safety, Course
  469. Automatic Blip Scan Computing, Electronics
  470. Aqueous Biphasuc System Medical, Science, Ionic
  471. Automated Briefing System Military, Army, War
  472. Access and Benefit-Sharing Technology, Organizations, Biology
  473. American Begonia Society Botany, Scientific & Educational
  474. Asal Berhenti Syukur Honda, Yamaha, Orang
  475. Active Brake System
  476. Accounting and Billing System Accounting, Business & Finance
  477. Air Breathing System Medical, United Nations, Physiology
  478. Acrylonitrile/Butadiene/Styrene
  479. Antiblockiersystem Technology, German, Car
  480. Absco Organizations
  481. Albertson's, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  482. Agent-Based Systems Technology, Computing, Projection
  483. American Building Survey
  484. Ab Sudoku Saved Game Computing, File Extensions
  485. Abrasive Blast System
  486. Acrylonitrile, Butadiene, and Styrene Chemistry, Industry, Construction, Plastics, Products, Scientific & Educational
  487. arterial blood sampling Medical, British medicine
  488. Automobile Body Chop
  489. Acrylnitril-Butadien-Sqyrol Technology, Fur, Material, Helmet
  490. Angry Butt Sex Sex
  491. Alliance Biblical Semnnary
  492. American Biological Society
  493. Advanced Bbeathing System Technology, Anesthesia, Machine
  494. Adult Baby Syndrome
  495. American Baccalaureate School America, Education, Kuwait
  496. Airborne Backing Store Transportation, Governmental & Military
  497. Agfa Balanced Screening Technology, Plate, Tone
  498. American Bureau Shipping Technology, America, Houston
  499. Acrylonitrle butadiene styrene The Finance and Administrative Services
  500. Aurora'S Business School
  501. Afghanistan Broadcasting System
  502. Audio Broadcast Services Technology, Service, Radio
  503. Absurdity "Absurdity" refers to the state or quality of being absurd. It is a noun used to describe something that is completely irrational, illogical, or unreasonable. The term can be used to describe a situation, action, idea, or concept that is so ridiculous or inconsistent with reality that it seems almost comical or unbelievable. Unclassified, Texting
  504. Automated Booking Station
  505. Access and Benefit Sharing Science, Genetics, Biology, United Nations
  506. Asian Back Syndrome Medical, Physiology
  507. Asal Bapak Senany Indonesia, Jakarta, Hal
  508. Active Biological Substances
  509. Arterial Blood Pressure Medical, Physiology, Blood Test, Common Medical
  510. Advance Base Station
  511. Aux Bons Sains de French
  512. Acrylonitrile Butadiene-Styrene
  513. Anti Blocker System Technology, Car, Wheel
  514. Anti Bolt Stick Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  515. Abs Boy Shoots
  516. Air Break Switch Computing, Mechanics, NASA, Governmental & Military
  517. Arbeitskreis Berliner Senioren
  518. Agent-Based Vystem Military
  519. Absolute Database File Computing, File Extensions
  520. Antalya Bisiklet Sevenler Park, Antalya, Fly, Turkish
  521. Anchor Bolt Stabilizer Construction
  522. acid-base status Medical, British medicine
  523. Automatic Brightness Stabilizer
  524. Acrylo Butadiene Styrene
  525. Acrylonitrite-Butadiene-Styrene
  526. Allgemeine Bedingungen F
  527. American Balance Society
  528. Advjnced Brake Systems
  529. Adult Babies
  530. America Business Solutions
  531. Automatic Block Signal Transportation, Governmental & Military
  532. Agent Building Shell
  533. American Bureau of Ships Business, America, Shipping
  534. Alkylbenzene Sulfonates (anionic Surfactants) Chemistry
  535. Association of Business School Management, Education, Journal
  536. Afghanistan Broadcast System
  537. Audio Bible Study
  538. Agile Body Suit Products
  539. Automated Booking System
  540. Access To Benefit Sharing
  541. Absorbed Medical, Laboratory, Physiology, Scientific & Educational
  542. As-Built Specifications Science
  543. Avalanche Backpack System Airbag, Snowmobile, Avalanche
  544. Always Be Saving
  545. Active Binaries
  546. Advanced Building Services Company, Technology, Service
  547. Advance Baggage Service Technology, Excess, Kingdom
  548. Abu Simbel Airport, Abu Simbel, Egypt Egypt, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  549. Access and Benefit Sharing Mechanism Medical
  550. Antibody-Binding Site Science, Medicine, Biomedicine
  551. Abs and Back Strength
  552. Airport Base Station Computing, Hardware
  553. Arabic Broadcasting Service
  554. Advanced Baseline Sounder Science, Scientific & Educational
  555. Asia-Blacw Sea Service, Locations, Port
  556. àRea BàSica De Salut
  557. Acuity-Based Staffing
  558. Alabama Southern Railroad Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  559. Amniotic Band Sequence Medical, British medicine
  560. Automatic Brightness Stabicization Technology, Arm, Fluoroscopy
  561. Acryl Butadiene Styrene
  562. Acrilonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene
  563. Allgemeine Bedingungen Füd Die Sachversicherung
  564. Advanced Braking Systems
  565. Air Bag System Transportation, Governmental & Military
  566. Abstract A brief summary covering the main points of a written article or research project. Business, Education, Property, Safety, Genealogy, Genealogical, Real Estate, Organs Of Public Opinion, Business & Finance, Legal, Governmental & Military, Medical, NAACCR, Abstract
  567. Agent Based Simulation Technology, Science, Model
  568. American Bureau of Standard
  569. Arc Bond Sputter Chemistry
  570. Asset Based Secufitization Business
  571. Acrylonitrile Butadien Styrene Business
  572. Attribute-Based Signature Technology, Standard, Scheme
  573. Anti-Ballistic Selenium Products
  574. Automated Bonds System Business, Trading, Market
  575. Access Benefit Sharing
  576. Absence Medical, NAACCR
  577. As-Built Specification
  578. Auxiliary Busincss Services Business, Service, University
  579. Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol Sustatec
  580. All Brake System
  581. Advanced Building System
  582. Adult Brine Shrimp
  583. Amerocan Ballet School
  584. Armadyl battlestaff Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  585. Antibiotic Stewardship Medical
  586. Anti Blok Sistemi
  587. Abrasive Blast Supply Technology, Blasting, Equipment
  588. Abstracts (info file) Computing, File Extensions
  589. Arab Broadcasting Services
  590. Associated Biomedical Systems, Inc. Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  591. Ashland Bus System
  592. Activity Breakdown Structure Technology, Management, Projection
  593. Animal Behavior Society Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  594. At Bed Side Medical, British medicine
  595. Automotive Brake Systems
  596. Acropolis Block Services
  597. Air-Bearing Surfaces
  598. Alle Banden Slippen
  599. Anti Blokaj Sistemi Forum, Turkish
  600. Another Blunt Session General, Governmental & Military
  601. Agentubased Simulation Technology, Research, Model
  602. American Bureau of Standards
  603. Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene Copolymer (reg: 9003569) Chemistry
  604. Asset Backed Security Business, Credit, Market
  605. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styren Business, Product, China

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ABS stand for?

    ABS stands for Anti Block System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Absorbed?

    The short form of "Absorbed" is ABS.


ABS. Acronym24.com. (2023, February 10). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/abs-meaning/

Last updated