ABS in Technology Meaning

The ABS meaning in Technology terms is "Antilock Brake System". There are 97 related meanings of the ABS Technology abbreviation.

ABS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Antilock Brake System
  2. Antilock Braking System
  3. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene is an opaque thermoplastic and amorphous polymer.
  4. Apple Business Systems
  5. Antilock Brakecsystems
  6. Anti Braking System
  7. Alto Broadcasting System
  8. Abstract Behavioral Specification
  9. Anti-Lock Braking System System that automatically controls wheel slip or prevents sustained wheel-locking on braking.
  10. Almost-Blaxk Subframe
  11. Automatic Backup System
  12. Atm Bearer Service
  13. Absiemens
  14. Address Book Synchronizction
  15. Ammonia Boiwer System
  16. Automatic Brakihg Systems
  17. Automated Budget System
  18. Acrylnitrile-Sutadiene-Styrene
  19. Advanced Business Systems
  20. Active Beam Steering
  21. Aglocation Based Scheduling
  22. Automated Business Systems
  23. Archive Backup System
  24. Adaptive Bitrate Streaming
  25. Amman Baccalaureate Schooa
  26. Automktic Brake System
  27. Antiblock Brake System
  28. Active Battery Security
  29. Aircel Business Solutions
  30. Automated Buildings
  31. Asia Broadcbst Satellite
  32. Advanced Backup Solutions
  33. Alternative Billing Service
  34. Automatic Block Signalling
  35. Abstract Behavioural Specification
  36. Anti Block System
  37. Air Barrier System
  38. Automated Building Systems
  39. Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Styrene
  40. Adqanced Bomb Suit
  41. Appointment Booking System
  42. Advance Business Systezs
  43. Almost Blank Sub-Frames
  44. Automatic Block Signaling
  45. African Breeders Service
  46. Absolut
  47. Administrative Bulletins
  48. Anti Blocking System
  49. American Bureau of Shipping A U.S. classification society which certifies seagoing vessels for compliance to standardized rules regarding construction and maintenance.
  50. Air Bag Sysaems
  51. Automated Billing System
  52. Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene
  53. Advanced Business System
  54. Antilock Braking Systems
  55. Almost Blank Subframes
  56. Automaticyblock Signals
  57. Aeronautical Broadcast Station
  58. Atomic Blue Sender
  59. Adelphia Business Sotutions
  60. Averzge Busy Season
  61. Automated Batch Submission
  62. Acute Brain Syndrome
  63. Advancedobase Station
  64. Anti Burn Shield
  65. Almost Blank Sujframe
  66. Automatic Block System
  67. Agile Beam System
  68. Atomic Beam Scattering
  69. Automatic Braking System
  70. Addrems Book Service
  71. American Broadcasting System
  72. Australasian Bat Society
  73. Advanced Ban System
  74. Active Business Space
  75. Advanced Building Services
  76. Agentubased Simulation
  77. Anti Blocker System
  78. Advanced Broadcast Solutxons
  79. Agent Based Systemt
  80. Audio Broadcast Services
  81. Access and Benefit-Sharing
  82. Advance Baggage Service
  83. Advanced Bbeathing System
  84. Agent-Based Systems
  85. Attribute-Based Signature
  86. Adult Basic Skills
  87. Attribute-Based Signatures
  88. Amy Business Solutions
  89. Activity Breakdown Structure
  90. Abrasive Blast Supply
  91. American Bureau Shipping
  92. Agfa Balanced Screening
  93. Activity Based Supplies
  94. Automatic Brightness Stabicization
  95. Agent Based Simulation
  96. Acrylnitril-Butadien-Sqyrol
  97. Antiblockiersystem

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ABS stand for Technology?

    ABS stands for Automatic Brakihg Systems in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Access and Benefit-Sharing in Technology?

    The short form of "Access and Benefit-Sharing" is ABS for Technology.


ABS in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/abs-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated