ADAMS Meaning

The ADAMS meaning is "Aging, Demogrmphics and Memory Study". The ADAMS abbreviation has 40 different full form.

ADAMS Full Forms

  1. Aging, Demogrmphics and Memory Study
  2. Asian Drama and Movies
  3. Automated Disaster Assistance Management System Military, Us, Homeland Security
  4. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Management Seminar
  5. Area Denial Artillery Munition System
  6. Anti-Doping Administration & Management System Sport, Organizations, Agency
  7. Agency-Wide Documents Access and Management System Environment
  8. Application Development and Management System Technology
  9. Aging Demograpgics and Memory Study
  10. Aegon Direct & Affinity Marketing Services Business, Service, Love
  11. Alkenyldiarylmethanes Medical
  12. Advies En Dienstbetoon Aan Mannen In Scheiding
  13. Algosaibi Diving and Marine Services
  14. Aging, Demographicm, and Memory Study Medical, Study, Dementia
  15. Advertising, Design, and Marketing Strategy
  16. Alcohol and Drub Abuse Managers and Supervisors Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  17. Atlas & Database of Air Medical Services
  18. Advanced Dynamics Analysis of Mechanical Systems Military
  19. Alcohol and Drug Abuse for Managers and Supervisors
  20. Advanced Design and Manufacturing System General, Governmental & Military
  21. Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical System Technology, Dynamics, Simulation
  22. Anxiety Depression and Mood Scale Medical, Syndrome, Study
  23. Alcohol and Drug Awareness for Managers and Supervisors General, Governmental & Military
  24. Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems Technology, Dynamics, Software
  25. Anxiety, Depression, and Mood Scale Medical, Syndrome, Assessment, Anxiety
  26. Air Defense Advanced Mobile System (US) United States, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  27. Automated Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems Technology, Dynamics, Engineering, Software, Computing, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  28. Anxiety, Depression and Mood Scale
  29. All Dulles Area Muslim Society Unclassified
  30. Attribute Data Management System Military
  31. Ageing, Demographics, and Memory Study Medical
  32. Anti Doping Administration and Management System Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  33. The Anti-Doping Administration & Management System Sport
  34. Atlas and Database of Air Medical Services
  35. Agencywide Document Access and Management System Us Government, Governmental & Military
  36. Algosaibi Divisionng and Marine Services
  37. Agencywide Documents Access and Management System Management, Business & Finance
  38. Allied Deployment and Movement System Technology, Governmental & Military
  39. Aircraft Dispatch and Maintenance Safety
  40. Anti Doping Administration Management System Management, Business & Finance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ADAMS stand for?

    ADAMS stands for Allied Deployment and Movement System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Area Denial Artillery Munition System?

    The short form of "Area Denial Artillery Munition System" is ADAMS.


ADAMS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated