ADC in Medical Meaning

The ADC meaning in Medical terms is "Adult Day Care". There are 54 related meanings of the ADC Medical abbreviation.

ADC on Medical Full Forms

  1. Adult Day Care
  2. Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity
  3. Aid To Dependent Children
  4. Average Daily Census
  5. Analogue-To-Digital Computer
  6. Aids-Dementia Complex
  7. Association Dentaire Canadienne
  8. Anodal Duration Contraction
  9. Adherent Cegls
  10. Agar Diffusion Chamber
  11. Alzheimer Disease Center
  12. Alenylate Cyclase
  13. Axiodistocervical Dentistry
  14. Affective Disorders Clinic
  15. Arkansas Disabilcty Coalition
  16. Alcohol and Drug Counselors
  17. Adenocarcihoma
  18. Antibody Drugwconjugates
  19. Adult Disabled Children
  20. Anthracenedicarboxyaldehyde
  21. Adult Fay Center
  22. Alcohol & Drug Counselor
  23. Austin Diaglostic Clinic
  24. Anodal Duration Contraction Physiology
  25. Antibody-Dependent Cytotoxicity
  26. Aids Dementia Complex A brain disorder in people with severe AIDS, causing loss of thinking capacity and affecting the ability to function. AIDS dementia complex is considered an AIDS-defining illness that is, one of the serious illnesses that occurs in HIV-positive individuals warranting an AIDS diagnosis, according to the definition of AIDS by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  27. Acetoacetate Decarboxylase
  28. Adrenal Cortex The adrenal cortex is the outer portion of the adrenal gland and it produces steroid hormones, which regulate carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and mineralocorticoid hormones, which regulate salt and water balance in the body.
  29. Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
  30. Apparent Diffusion Coefficientjof Water
  31. albumin, dextrose, catalase Microbiology
  32. Apparent Diffusion Coefficients
  33. Automatic Dose Control
  34. Adenylate Cyclase Adenylate cyclase occur throughout the animal kingdom and play diverse roles in cell regulation. In bacteria, the enzyme may be regulated in response to nutrients or it may constitute a toxic factor in mammals.
  35. Apparent Diffusion Co-Efficient
  36. active diffusion control
  37. Antibody Drug Conjugate
  38. Arginine Decarboxylase
  39. Anxiety Disorders Cliniq
  40. anchorage-dependent cell
  41. Antibody-Drug Conjugate
  42. Automated Dispenring Cabinet
  43. automatic data capture
  44. Apparent Digentibility Coefficient
  45. Albumin, Dextrose and Catalase
  46. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Dementia Complex
  47. Automated Dispensing Caminets
  48. Autosomal Dominant Cataract
  49. Apparent Diffusion Constant
  50. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Dementia Complex
  51. Adult Day Center
  52. Apparent Water Diffusion Coefficient
  53. Alzheimer’s disease centre
  54. Audio-To-Digital Conversion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ADC stand for Medical?

    ADC stands for Adenylate Cyclase in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Apparent Diffusion Coefficients in Medical?

    The short form of "Apparent Diffusion Coefficients" is ADC for Medical.


ADC in Medical. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated