ADFG Meaning

The ADFG meaning is "Alaska Department of Fish and Game". The ADFG abbreviation has 12 different full form.

ADFG Full Forms

  1. Alaska Department of Fish and Game Business, Government, Alaska, Fish, Game
  2. Abu Dhabi Financial Group Business, Investment, Capital
  3. Alaskan Department of Fish and Game
  4. Alaska Department of Fish & Game Locations, Alaska, Fishing, River
  5. Alaska Department of Fish and Game's Geographic
  6. Alaska Departmentof Fish and Game Geography, Location, System
  7. Ação DemocráTica Feminina GaÚCha
  8. Alaska Dept of Fish and Game
  9. Australian Dairy Farms Group
  10. Associacao Democratica Feminina Gaucha
  11. Application Development Facility Geovision
  12. American Diversified Financial Group

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ADFG stand for?

    ADFG stands for Associacao Democratica Feminina Gaucha.

  2. What is the shortened form of American Diversified Financial Group?

    The short form of "American Diversified Financial Group" is ADFG.


ADFG. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated