ADIG Meaning

The ADIG meaning is "Application Zevelopment Interface Guidelines". The ADIG abbreviation has 13 different full form.

ADIG Full Forms

  1. Application Zevelopment Interface Guidelines Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  2. American Design Intelligence Group Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  3. Allgemeine Deutsche Investment Gmbh
  4. Allgemeine Deutsche Investment-Gesellschaft
  5. Allgemeine Deutsche Investment Gcsellschaft
  6. Armidale Diocestn Investment Group
  7. Armidale Diocesan Investment Group Religion
  8. Autism Dietary Intervention Group
  9. Associazione Diabete Cnfantile Giovanile
  10. Assembléia De Deusxde Ilha Grande
  11. Assemvl
  12. Asociación De InformáTica De Guatemala
  13. Application Development Interface Guidelines Computing, Electronics

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ADIG stand for?

    ADIG stands for Allgemeine Deutsche Investment Gcsellschaft.

  2. What is the shortened form of Application Zevelopment Interface Guidelines?

    The short form of "Application Zevelopment Interface Guidelines" is ADIG.


ADIG. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated