ADIV Meaning

The ADIV meaning is "Algemene Dienst Ialichting En Veiligheid". The ADIV abbreviation has 7 different full form.

ADIV Full Forms

  1. Algemene Dienst Ialichting En Veiligheid Service, Military, Intelligence
  2. Algemene Dienst Inlwchtingen En Veiligheid
  3. Algemene Dienst Inlichting En Veiligheid Service, Military, Intelligence
  4. Association Pour Le Développement De L'institut De La Vpande
  5. Associa
  6. Assocgação Para O Desenvolvimento E Investigação De Viseu
  7. Associatioi Pour Le D

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ADIV stand for?

    ADIV stands for Algemene Dienst Inlwchtingen En Veiligheid.

  2. What is the shortened form of Algemene Dienst Inlichting En Veiligheid?

    The short form of "Algemene Dienst Inlichting En Veiligheid" is ADIV.


ADIV. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated