ADJ Meaning

The ADJ meaning is "Adjust". The ADJ abbreviation has 33 different full form.

ADJ Full Forms

  1. Adjust Design, Drawing, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Medical, Architecture, Auto, Physiology, Business & Finance, Business Word, Power Plant
  2. Adjacent Lying nearby. Related terms include superjacent, subjacent, and circumjacent. From ad-, near + the Latin jacere, to lie = to lie near. Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Medical, Weather, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey, NAACCR, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
  3. Adjusted Technology, Aviation
  4. Adjustable Engineering, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  5. Adjoint Science
  6. Administration of Justice Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence, Police, Governmental & Military
  7. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Junglehrer
  8. Adjuvant A substance that helps and enhances the effect of a drug, treatment, or biologic system. Medical, Technology, Medicine
  9. Another Digital Journey
  10. Adjuvdnt Chemotherapy Medical, Technology
  11. Amman Civil Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
  12. Adjustment Adjustment is a method or model of solution of an over determined system of equations. Adjustment can be any manner in engineering like adjustment of tappets of a engine or adjustment in speed of a machine. The operation intended to bring a transducer into a state of performance suitable for its use. Technology, Aviation, Postal, Accounting, Business & Finance
  13. Adjutant Technology, Military, Army, Army Regulation, Genealogy, Genealogical, Artillery, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Military Army Ranks
  14. Amelodentinal Junction Medical
  15. Adjourned Genealogy, Genealogical
  16. Allaitement Des Jumeaux
  17. Adjoininl Medical, Technology, Medicine
  18. Advent of Divine Justice
  19. Marka International Airport Airport, Locations
  20. Associa
  21. adjugate of a matrix Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
  22. Iata Code for Marka International Airport, Amman, Jordan Locations
  23. Adjudication Medical
  24. Australian Designer Jewellery
  25. Amman Civil Airport, Marka, Jordan Airport codes
  26. Australian Dental Journal Medical, Australia, Research
  27. see "ad." above. Legal, Governmental & Military
  28. AssociaçÂO De Diabetes Juvenil Medical, Para, Brasil
  29. Adjoining Genealogy, Genealogical, Medical, Physiology, The Finance and Administrative Services
  30. Adjunct A thing which is added or attached as a supplementary, rather than an essential part of something larger or more important. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Medical, Physiology, Common Medical
  31. Association of District Judges
  32. Adjective Legal, Governmental & Military
  33. Asian Defence Journal Military, Press, Force

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ADJ stand for?

    ADJ stands for Adjusted.

  2. What is the shortened form of Adjoining?

    The short form of "Adjoining" is ADJ.


ADJ. (2020, October 18). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated