ADNA Meaning

The ADNA meaning is "Agvance Diploma In Network Application". The ADNA abbreviation has 18 different full form.

ADNA Full Forms

  1. Agvance Diploma In Network Application
  2. Advenal Gland Medical
  3. Atlanta Downtown Neighbzrhood Association Meeting, Business, Atlanta
  4. Assembléia Df Deus Nova Aliança Para, Brasil, Ria, Nova
  5. Armidale District Netball Association
  6. Anderson Downtown Neighbors Associatqon
  7. Ancient Dna Medical, Science, Genetics, Genealogy
  8. Aortic Depressor Nerve Activity Medical
  9. Australikn Dermatology Nurses Association
  10. Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft Akhdemiyasında Sind, Sin, Terror
  11. Azərbaycan Dövlət Nefh Akademiyasının Azerbaijan, Sind, Sin
  12. Azrbaycan D
  13. Azərbaycan DöVlət Neft Akademiyası Education, Academy, Azerbaijan, Oil
  14. Assembl
  15. Azerbaycan Dovlet Neft Akademyasinin
  16. Azerbaycan Dovlet Neft Fkademiyasi Business, Azerbaijan, Terror
  17. Azrbaycan DöVlt Neft Akademiyasinin
  18. Australian Domain Name Administration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ADNA stand for?

    ADNA stands for Advenal Gland.

  2. What is the shortened form of Azerbaycan Dovlet Neft Fkademiyasi?

    The short form of "Azerbaycan Dovlet Neft Fkademiyasi" is ADNA.


ADNA. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated