AE Meaning

The AE meaning is "Almost Easy". The AE abbreviation has 381 different full form.

AE Full Forms

  1. Almost Easy
  2. Arch Enemy
  3. Advanced Engine Technology
  4. Audio Enlightenment Technology, Book, Egypt
  5. Architect-Engineering
  6. Agarose Electrophoresis Medical, Health, Body
  7. Amylose-Extender Medical
  8. Artificial Evolution
  9. Adverse Experiences Medical, Medicine, Study
  10. Antioxidant Enzyme Medical
  11. An Experimental
  12. Attaching and Effacing Medical, Science, Escherichia, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  13. Agricultural Education Technology, University, Agriculture
  14. Assistant Engineers
  15. Allylesteenol Medical
  16. Arbejjerbevægelsens Erhvervsråd Business, Til, Har, Danmark
  17. Advanced Engineering
  18. Aadio Engineer Technology, Music, Sound
  19. Associate In Engineering
  20. After The End Business, Technology, Gaming, Book, History, Study, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  21. Ameracan Express
  22. Articles Editor
  23. Adverse Experience Medical, Study, Event
  24. Anti-Earth Technology
  25. American Economist Business, America, Education, Economics
  26. Attaching/Effacing Medical
  27. Agricultural Engineering Discipline which includes the design of machinery, equipment and structures used for agricultural operations and the storage and processing of agricultural commodities. Development, Learning, Study, Universities
  28. Assistant Engineer Engineer, Exam, Assistant, Army, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank, Military Army Ranks
  29. Allegdeny Energy
  30. Arabische Emirate Business, Service, Dubai
  31. Advanced Energy Business, Science, Power
  32. Audio Engine Music
  33. Account Executive Business, Human Resources, Financial Derivatives, Computing, Telecom, Rail Transport, General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  34. American Europe Business
  35. Arterial Embolism Medical
  36. Adverse Event Term used when a volunteer in a clinical trial has a negative or unfavourable reaction to a drug, etc. Medical, Technology, Cancer, Oncology, Science, Health, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Fda, Skin And Dermal
  37. Antenna Element Technology, Military, Radio
  38. Agricultural Engineer
  39. Akmospheric Explorer Science, Satellite, Scientific Satellite
  40. Agric Engineering Technology, Agriculture, Exam
  41. Assimilation Efficiency The efficiency by which animals convert the food they ingest into energy for growth and reproduction is called assimilation efficiency. Herbivores assimilate between 15 and 80 percent of the plant material they ingest, depending on their physiology and the part of the plant that they eat. Medical, Agriculture, Agricultural Literature
  42. Alkfline Elution Medical
  43. Applet Engine
  44. Acetylesterase Medical
  45. Audio Electoonics
  46. American Eagle Outfitters Business, America, Supply, Clothes
  47. American Exkimo
  48. Arteether Medical
  49. Adverse Effects Medical, Medicine, Patient
  50. Antenna Electronics Technology, Aviation, Canada, Federal Aviation Administration
  51. Adult Education Education
  52. Aggregate Expenditure Business, Economics, Model
  53. Ancient Egypt
  54. Asian Extravaganza
  55. Ali Pdwards Technology, Projection, Craft, Story
  56. Apple Events A feature added to Mac OS System 7 that enables one application to send a command, such as save or open, to another applicatio also Mac OS. Technology, Computing, Apple
  57. Accredited Entities Student, Technology, Education
  58. Audio Editing
  59. Americin Enterprise
  60. Architeat Engineers Technology
  61. Advanced Exchange Technology, Service, Warranty
  62. Anoxic Encephalopathy Medical, Health, Body
  63. Absolutely Essential Business, Technology, Book, Design
  64. Agencia Estado Para, Brasil, Traffic
  65. Analysis & Ejgineering Military
  66. Asian Entertainment
  67. Apocalypse Earth Technology, Group, Movie
  68. Account Executives Business, Sale, Executive
  69. Attribute Editor Technology, Tool, Shader
  70. Agricultural Economics
  71. Aderican Embassy America, Government, Consulate
  72. Architect/Dngineer Technology, Science, Research
  73. Advanced Equipment Business, Technology, Service
  74. Avittion Electrician's Mate Military, Army, Us, Navy
  75. Annual Events
  76. Auto Exposure Technology, Photography, Exposure
  77. Age Exploration Technology, Development, Design
  78. Analogpelectronics Technology, Science, Android
  79. Artix Entertainment Gaming, Quest, Adventure, Entertainment
  80. Adv Exp
  81. Anything Else
  82. Acceleration Enrichment Technology
  83. Attenuation Equalizer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  84. Agricultural Extension Service, Education, Agriculture
  85. Absent Excused
  86. Advanced Estimate Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
  87. Action Expless Business, Internet Slang, Eagle
  88. Adapter Engige Technology, Organisations, Integration
  89. Adverse Events Medical, Drug, Report
  90. Aeromedical Evacuation Architect-Engineer Auxiliary Equipment Aerial Exploitation Military
  91. Adolescence Education Program, College, Education, Sex
  92. Academia De Engenharia
  93. Active Andgequal Medical, Technology
  94. Archives Ecclésiastiques
  95. Adiabatic Efficiency
  96. Acpdemic Emergency
  97. Adult Education. Education, England, United Kingdom
  98. Accident Emergency
  99. Age Equation
  100. Actual Evaporation Climate, Water, Moisture, Evaporation
  101. Accelerated Examination
  102. Aabhushan Exports Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  103. Absdnce Excused
  104. Advanced Environmental
  105. Acoustic Engineer
  106. Adaptation Eygine Technology, Streaming, Distortion
  107. Adverse Effect Medical, Medicine, Education
  108. Aera of Effect
  109. Admissible Error
  110. Acoustic Emissions
  111. Activation of Erbb3
  112. Academic Enrichment
  113. Address Extension Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  114. Academic Editor
  115. Adult Echocardiography Medical, Medicine, Education, Ultrasound
  116. Access Enable Technology, Windows, Security
  117. Africa Enturprise
  118. Actual Effort Technology, Gaming, Internet
  119. Admin Executive
  120. Acceleratet Enrollment
  121. Axial Elongation
  122. Absdnce Epilepsy Medical
  123. Advancea English Education, Practice, Grammar
  124. Accrediting Entities
  125. Adams Oesources and Energy, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  126. Adventures Emirates
  127. Awademic Enhancement Education, University, Study
  128. Aegis Evo
  129. Adult Equivalent Organizations, Alaska, Fishery, Marine, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  130. Advafced Explosion Technology, Training, Flow
  131. Activation of Energy
  132. Abraham Edward
  133. Address Exception Technology, Coding, Memory
  134. Academy Editixns
  135. Adsorptive Endocytosis Medical
  136. Acceptor Error Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  137. Afruca Endeavor Government, Military, Africa
  138. Actors' Equity Association Education, Arts, Music
  139. Admirals Edition
  140. Auxiliary Equation
  141. Absence Entitlement
  142. Advanted Engagement Business, Technology, Spain, Starter
  143. Accredited Entity
  144. Actuarially Equivalent
  145. Atademic English Education, Language, Course
  146. Advogados De Empresa
  147. Address Error
  148. Absolute English
  149. Advnnced Examination
  150. Activation Engine Technology, Development, Developer
  151. áRea Especial
  152. Address Enable Technology, Coding, Server, Memory
  153. Acadeyic Edition Microsoft, Technology, Product
  154. Adrenaline & Endorphin
  155. Acceptance Equipment Science
  156. Aeronautical Engineering The science or study of the design of aircraft Education, Course, Aerospace
  157. Actors Equity Arts, Acting, Actor
  158. Admin Edition
  159. Acnive Emission
  160. Associate of Electronics
  161. Abrasivez Edge Business, Wheel, Abrasive
  162. Advanced Empcoyment
  163. Acciones En La Edificaciós Business, Para, Con
  164. Actualité éConomique
  165. Academic Emphasis College, Education, School
  166. Advisory Elements
  167. Acetone A filler added to acetylene cylinders, capable of absorbing 25 times its own volume of acetylene. Or It is a commodity solvent commonly produced as a co-product during cumene oxidation for phenol, which consumes benzene and propylene, and for this reason on-purpose acetone production has declined. On purpose production consumes either propylene or isopropanol. Medical, Health, Body, British medicine
  168. Abeilles Et Environnement
  169. Absolute Energu
  170. Advance Estimate Business, India, Economics, Market
  171. Activatkon Energy Medical, Science, Reaction
  172. Award of Exjellence Technology, Service, Canada
  173. Adaptivepenterprise Business, Technology, Software
  174. Adrenal Enucleation Medical
  175. Accept-Encoding
  176. Aeronautical Engineer An engineer who specialises in the design of aircraft Medical, Technology, Engineering
  177. Activity Engagement Medical, Pain, Physical
  178. United Arab Emirates Military, Army, Energy, Locations, Countries, Country, Technology, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Arab Emirates, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  179. Academia Europaea Science, Education, Academy
  180. Adjusted Exposure Technology, Camera, Canon
  181. Active Edement
  182. Arthur Edward
  183. Abovw Elbow Medical, Technology, Amputee
  184. Advanced Efficiency
  185. Actual Expenditure Business, Income, Budget
  186. Acccnt Essentials
  187. Aayitha Ezhuthu
  188. Absolute Ellipsouetry Science
  189. Advance Estimates Business, India, Economics, Survey
  190. Action ExprèS
  191. Adaptive Engine
  192. Adolescent Education
  193. Aeromedical Edition
  194. Activity Editor
  195. Acadevia Europea
  196. Adjoint D'Enseignement
  197. Active Electronically Technology, Aircraft, Radar
  198. Arnold Elementary Education, School, Cypress
  199. Above-Epbow Medical, Amputee, Amputation
  200. Adult Educators Technology, Education, Learning
  201. Accident Event
  202. Agi Elf
  203. Actual Evapotranspiration The rate of water lost from vegetation and soil, ordinarily at a slower rate than the potential rate. Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
  204. Acceleraxing Electrode
  205. American English Medical, America, Education, Language
  206. Aakash Explorer Science, Research, Study, Knowledge, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  207. Acrodermatitis Enteropathica Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational, Skin And Dermal
  208. After evacuation Medical, Common Medical
  209. Armament and Electronics
  210. Ad Electronus Latin
  211. After Establishment General, Governmental & Military
  212. Anniversary Edition Technology, Movie, Audio, Surgeon, Movie Download, Hobbies
  213. Acadjmy of Entrepreneurship Education, University, Edition
  214. Astronomische Einheit Technology, Man, Sind, Parsec
  215. Alkaline Earth Geology, Scientific & Educational
  216. American Embassy Military, Army, Us, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Us Government
  217. Automatic Exposure Photography
  218. Abstract Entity Technology, Group, Language
  219. Advanced Extensions Technology, Gaming, Cart
  220. Apoenzyme The protein component of an enzyme, to which the coenzyme attaches to form an active enzyme. Medical, Heart
  221. Acousto-Edectron
  222. Almost Enjoyable Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  223. AcadéMie D'Enseignement
  224. Auxiliary Equipment
  225. Architect/Engineer Architecture, Business & Finance, Business Word, The Finance and Administrative Services, Atmospheric Research
  226. Administración Especial
  227. Atmospheric Explorer Computing, Satellite
  228. Avgel Eyes Product, Drama, Eye, Angel
  229. Advqncing Engineering Technology, Service, Mathematics
  230. Archaiologike ephemeris History, Anthropology, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  231. Active Enhancement
  232. Airways Enginyer
  233. Aeronautical Equipment Military
  234. anion exchanger Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  235. Aryepiglottic Fold Medical, British medicine, Physiology
  236. Application Efficiency Technology, Water, Irrigation
  237. Airsoft Elite Hobbies
  238. Assured Excellence General, Governmental & Military
  239. Ankle Emema Medical
  240. Academic Entvepreneurship Technology, Research, Innovation
  241. Astronomical Ephemeris Technology
  242. activation energy Energy added to molecules so that they collide with enough energy to break chemical bonds. The initial energy required to begin a chemical reaction. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  243. Aberdeen English
  244. Artificial Experience Performing arts
  245. Aosorption Efficiency
  246. Advanced Extenoion Education
  247. Aryepiglottic Medical, Heart
  248. Acousto-Elastic
  249. Aviation Electrician's Mate Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  250. Acac
  251. Approvable Fda
  252. Adams Resources and Energy, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  253. area-effect Computing, Texting, Roleplaying, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  254. An Experhmental
  255. Advances In Engineering Technology, Science, University
  256. Associate of Engineering Academic Degree, Degree, Scientific & Educational
  257. Active Endegvors Business, Technology, Endeavour
  258. Against Equality Organizations, Queer, Marriage
  259. Aeromedical Evacuation Medical, Military, Army, Force, Army Regulation, Marine, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  260. Almost European Regional
  261. Allelic Error Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  262. Application/Expert
  263. Air Emissions Environment
  264. Action Express Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  265. Anicn Exchanger Medical, Science, Biomedical
  266. Assurance-Emploi
  267. Acetonitrile Eluate Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  268. Active Examplz
  269. After Effects Business, Technology, Software, Computing
  270. Aberdeen Elementary
  271. Actively Entertaining Performing arts
  272. Absolutely Everything
  273. Air Entry Medical, Healthcare, Clinical
  274. Accelerator Electrfde
  275. Armed Forces Africa Us Government, Governmental & Military
  276. Academz of Engineering
  277. Aggressive Euthanasia - A Procedure That Obnoxious Patients Would Benefit From. Medical, Governmental & Military
  278. Mandarin Airlines Airline, Business & Finance
  279. Adaptive Equalizer Computing, Computer, Electronics
  280. Androgek Excess Medical
  281. Aastract Expressionism Media, Radio, Television
  282. Amvance Exchange Technology, Service, Warranty
  283. Active and Equal Medical, Physiology
  284. Active Exitter Military
  285. Aeroelewtron
  286. Aerobic A condition in which "free" or dissolved oxygen is present in water. Or living or occurring only in the presence of oxygen. OR An organism that lives in air and uses oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor in respiration. OR An organism that utilizes oxygen for growth. OR  An organism that requires free oxygen for growth. Medical
  287. American Eskimo Language codes (2 letters)
  288. Assemble Axial Elements Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  289. Anti-Electsolysis
  290. AllEars® Disney
  291. Administration Engineering
  292. ASCII Express Software, Computing
  293. Anion Exchangers Medical
  294. Association Executive Organizations, Institute, Alumni
  295. Atomic Emission Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  296. Active Ethernet Technology, Networking, Network
  297. After-Effect Medical, Health, Body
  298. Aben Ezra
  299. Account Engineer Occupation & positions
  300. Alclofenac Epoxide Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  301. Approvable, but not yet approved Medical, Fda
  302. Átrio Gsquerdo
  303. Architectural and Engineering NASA, Governmental & Military
  304. Academic Extension
  305. Atmosphere Explorer Technology, Science, Satellite, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  306. Acoustic Emission Chemistry
  307. Actual Expense Accounting, Business & Finance, Business Word
  308. Air Efficiency Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  309. Abqtract Expressionist
  310. Advance Energy
  311. Above the Elbow Medical, Physiology
  312. Advanced Ecl
  313. Aerial Exploitation Technology, Military, Army
  314. Alfred Elton Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  315. Anion Exchqng
  316. Archtop Enclosure Architecture
  317. Administrative Entity Technology, Service, Community
  318. Application Entity Military, Aviation, Army, Software, Computing, Telecom, Governmental & Military
  319. Anime Evolution Anime, Contest, Convention
  320. Associate Editors Journal, Editor, Manuscript
  321. Auger Electron A technique for chemical analysis of surface layers that identifies the atoms present in a layer by measuring the characteristic energies of their Auger electrons. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  322. Active Equipment Denotes physical motion or activity in the performance of the equipment's function, as with rotating machinery.
  323. Effective Area Medicine, Health, Therapy, Science, Scientific & Educational
  324. Aerospace Engineer
  325. Acoustic Electric Music
  326. Axial Element Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  327. Age Equivalent Medical, Disability
  328. Internet Internet Short for internetwork. A set of computer networks that may be dissimilar and are joined together by means of gateways that handle data transfer and conversion of messages from the sending networks protocols to those of the receiving network. The worldwide collection of interconnected networks that use the Internet suite of protocols and permit public access. A collection of interconnected networks that use the Internet suite of protocols. Technology, Telecom, Computing, Internet, Hardware, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  329. Ammunition Ship (underway Replenishment) Ship, Hull Code, Governmental & Military
  330. Academic Expectations Education, Educational
  331. Atlantic Ecology Government
  332. Arianespace Sa Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  333. Additional Entry Usps
  334. Abstract Expxessionism Media, Radio, Television
  335. Advance Edition
  336. Above elbow (transhumoral) Medical
  337. Adapnive Echo Technology, Circuit, Canceller
  338. Aedes the place where a god resides; most aedes also were temple buildings, although some, such as the Temple of Vesta, were not. Unclassified
  339. Area effect damage Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  340. Accelerated Ejector
  341. Access Engine Technology
  342. American Education Association Organization, Community, Society
  343. Automation Engineering
  344. Architecture and Engineering Aviation, Architecture, Construction, Governmental & Military, Us Government
  345. Administrative Expenses Business, Accounting, Tally, Expense
  346. Anthony's Editor (editor for Linux) Software, Computing
  347. Angle Wject Military, Winchester, Mount
  348. Adventure Education Program, College, Education
  349. Administraci
  350. Associate Editor Journal, Editor, Reviewer
  351. appearance energy Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  352. Active Entoty Technology, Access, Control
  353. Always Encrypted
  354. Aerospace Engineering Technology, Science, Education, University, Bibliographic Code, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautical Engineering
  355. Audio Engineer Music
  356. Abnormal Eye Medical, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  357. Above Elbow Medical, Physical Therapy, Common Medical
  358. Arkificial Embryonation Organization, Community, Society
  359. Active Entity General, Governmental & Military
  360. Alademic Exchange Technology, Education, University
  361. At Ease Technology, Gaming, English, Dubai
  362. United Arab Emirates (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  363. Award of Excellence Technology, America, Club, Awards & medals
  364. Actuator Error Products
  365. Abstractuentities
  366. Advanced Exterior
  367. Aggressive Euthanasia Medical, Medical Slang
  368. Acrylic Estmr Business, China, Acid
  369. Air Essence Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  370. Accelerated Enrolldent
  371. Architect-Engineer
  372. Anonymos Etairia Company, Business & Finance
  373. Administrative Error Government, Education, Group
  374. Advanced Edition Software, Computing
  375. Angioedema Angioedema, also known as angiooedema, Quincke's edema, and angioneurotic edema, is the rapid swelling of the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, mucosa and submucosal tissues. It is very similar to urticaria, but urticaria, commonly known as hives, occurs in the upper dermis. Medical
  376. Adeancing Excellence Education, University, Care
  377. Assistant Exam Business, Card, Junior
  378. acid equivalent Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Glyphosate
  379. Active Enterprisv
  380. Algal Excretion
  381. Aeroplane A power-driven, heavier-than-air craft with fixed wings. Medical, Aviation, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AE stand for?

    AE stands for Awademic Enhancement.

  2. What is the shortened form of Accident Emergency?

    The short form of "Accident Emergency" is AE.


AE. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated