AE in Health Meaning

The AE meaning in Health terms is "Anoxic Encephalopathy". There are 6 related meanings of the AE Health abbreviation.

AE on Health Full Forms

  1. Anoxic Encephalopathy
  2. Agarose Electrophoresis
  3. Adverse Event Term used when a volunteer in a clinical trial has a negative or unfavourable reaction to a drug, etc.
  4. Acetone A filler added to acetylene cylinders, capable of absorbing 25 times its own volume of acetylene. Or It is a commodity solvent commonly produced as a co-product during cumene oxidation for phenol, which consumes benzene and propylene, and for this reason on-purpose acetone production has declined. On purpose production consumes either propylene or isopropanol.
  5. Effective Area
  6. After-Effect

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AE stand for Health?

    AE stands for Agarose Electrophoresis in Health terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Effective Area in Health?

    The short form of "Effective Area" is AE for Health.


AE in Health. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated