AEF in Medical Meaning

The AEF meaning in Medical terms is "Allogeneic Effect Factor". There are 20 related meanings of the AEF Medical abbreviation.

AEF on Medical Full Forms

  1. Allogeneic Effect Factor
  2. Aortoesophageal Fistula
  3. Auditory Evoked Fields
  4. Aortoenteric Fistulae
  5. Auditory Evoked Field
  6. Aortoenteric Fistula
  7. Auditory-Evoked Field
  8. Atrial Ejection Fraction
  9. Amyloid Enhancing Factor
  10. Atrial Ejection Force
  11. Auditory Evoked Magnetic Field
  12. Allogenic Effect Factor
  13. Area Ejection Fraction
  14. Auditory Evoked Magnetic Fields
  15. Aggregate External Finance
  16. Aryepiglottic Fold
  17. Helper Allogeneic Effect Factor
  18. Axolemma-Enriched Fractions
  19. Aorto-Enteric Fistula
  20. Axolemma-Enriched Fraction

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AEF stand for Medical?

    AEF stands for Aortoenteric Fistulae in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Auditory Evoked Field in Medical?

    The short form of "Auditory Evoked Field" is AEF for Medical.


AEF in Medical. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated