AEM Meaning

The AEM meaning is "Active Electrode Monitoring". The AEM abbreviation has 184 different full form.

AEM Full Forms

  1. Active Electrode Monitoring Technology, Device, Laparoscopic
  2. Acoustic Emission Monitoring Technology, Science, Environment, Chemistry
  3. Acoustical Emission Monitoring Science, Acoustics, Acoustical Engineering, Physics, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  4. Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited Technology, Organizations
  5. Accessible Educational Materials Technology, Education, Material
  6. Agentless Exception Monitoring Technology, Management, Manager
  7. Advanced Engine Management Technology, Performance, Intake, Products
  8. Advanced Enclosed Mast Military, Ship, Radford
  9. Academy for Ethics In Medicine
  10. Aeronautical Metetrology Division Science, Climatology, Meterology
  11. American Equipment Manufacturers Business, Industrial, Africa
  12. Applied Environmental Microbiology Medical, Science, Research, Journal, Computing, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  13. Agencia Espanola Medicamento Medicine, Health, Care
  14. Assembly Evaluation Method Military
  15. Albanitn Evangelical Mission Technology, Albania, Church
  16. Adaptive Environmental Management
  17. Architect-Engineer-Management Science
  18. Audio Entertainment Multiplex Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  19. Analog Electronics Module Science
  20. Advanced Environmental Management
  21. Advanced Electron Microscopy
  22. Arts Entertainment Management
  23. Air Efficiency Bedal Technology, Military, Girl
  24. Automated Electrified Monorail Company, Technology, Conveyor
  25. Ann Emerg Med
  26. Albanian Energy Market
  27. Aero Madrid Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  28. American Entertainment Marketing Business, America, Agency
  29. Applied and Environmental Microbiology Medical, Chemistry, Technology, Journal, American Chemical Society, Cas, Biology, Scientific & Educational
  30. Agencia Espacial Mexicana Technology, Agency, Space, Mexico
  31. Assembly and External Maintenance Business, Logistics, Maintenance, Engineering, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, NASA, Governmental & Military
  32. Albania Nnergy Market
  33. Adaptive Energy Management
  34. ArchäOlogisch-Epigraphische Mitteilungen
  35. Audio Entertainment Multiplexer
  36. Amusement Entertainment Management Business, Park, Laser
  37. Advanced Engineering Materihls Technology, Product, Intake
  38. Association Des Employeurs Maritimes
  39. Advanced Electronic Manufacturing Business, Product, Manufacturer
  40. Arts and Entertainment Ministries
  41. Auto-Entrepreneurs Du Maroc
  42. Annals of Emergency Medicine Medical, Education, Journal
  43. Agnico Eagle Mines Business, Supply, Stock
  44. Aem Engine Management
  45. Applped & Environmental Microbiology
  46. Assembly Engineering Manager
  47. Alarm Evezt Manager Technology
  48. Arch 1.A curved or pointed structural element that is supported at its sides.2.a method of spaning an opening, stronger than a lintel. Usually a curved or pointed structural member, however there are many different types.3.A rounded element that spans an opening is called an arch. A basic element of construction, arches apear in all types of achitecture. Arches can be decorative or structural.
  49. Access Expansion Module
  50. ArchäOlogisch Epigraphische Mitteilungen
  51. Audio Electronics Mattijsen Technology, Sound, Console
  52. Amis Des Enfants Du Monde Adoption, Association, Carte
  53. Appliedteconomic Management
  54. Advanced Engineering and Materials Technology, University, Studentship
  55. Associate Engineering Manager
  56. Advanced Effect Maker
  57. Army Emergency Management Technology
  58. Authenticated Encryption Mode Technology, Security, Cyber
  59. Anion Exchange Membrane Technology, Fuel, Cell
  60. Advertising Expenditure Measurement
  61. Applications Explore Mission Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
  62. Assembled Engine Management
  63. Akademie Für Ethik In Der Medizin Technology, Medicine, Fur
  64. Access Element Manager Technology
  65. Archaeologisch-Epigraphische Mitteilungen
  66. Atmospheric Explorer Mission Science, Geography, Information System, Geographic
  67. Amgu Airport Amgu, Primorsky Krai, Russia Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  68. Applied Econoiics Management
  69. Agencia Europea Del Medicamento
  70. Association of Emergency Managers
  71. Adobe Extension Manager Technology, Management, Photoshop
  72. Area Emergency Manager Government
  73. Australian Estate Management
  74. Anion-Exchange Membrane Education, Fuel, Cell
  75. Advance Electivu Module Education, School, Singapore
  76. Applications Explorer Mdssion-3
  77. Asia-Europe Meeting Science, Conservation, International Relations, Business & Finance, International business
  78. Akademieif
  79. Accessory Electronic Module Technology, Car, Volvo
  80. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Evangelischer Missionen
  81. American Excavations At Morgantina
  82. Agencia Espa
  83. Applied Economics & Management Business, University, Cornell
  84. Agencia EspaÑOla Del Medicamento
  85. Associate Emergency Manager Management, Education, Professional
  86. Adobe Experience Manager Business, Management, Development
  87. Area Education Manager
  88. Australian Egalitarian Movement
  89. Analog Expansion Module Technology, Display, Dash
  90. Advanced Exhibit Methods
  91. Advanced Elective Module Education, School, Singapore
  92. Asean Economic Ministers' Meeting Community, Economics, Asean
  93. Airports & Environqent Management Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  94. Application Equipment Module Technology
  95. Accesory Electronic Module
  96. American Etching & Manufacturing
  97. Applied Economics and Management Business, University, Cornell
  98. Agencia EspaÑOla De Medicamentos
  99. Asset Emerging Markets
  100. Alien Emergency Medical
  101. Adenovirus Expression Medium
  102. Arclight Energy Marketing
  103. Auger Electron Microprobe Science
  104. Analog Equation Method
  105. Advanced Event Management Technology, Networking, Network, Arista
  106. Advanced Ecective Modules Education, School, Singapore
  107. Asean Ecxnomic Ministers
  108. Air Enginewring Mechanic
  109. Azienda Energetica Metropolitana
  110. Annunciator Expander Module
  111. Auger Electron Microscopy Chemistry
  112. Arabian Exhibition Management
  113. Ataxia Episodica With Myokymia Medical, Medicine, Health, Body, Therapy
  114. Analyzer Energy Modulation
  115. Akademie F
  116. Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Technology, University, Minnesota, Computing, Mechanics
  117. Applied Element Method Technology, Analysis, Structure
  118. Association of Electronic Manufacturers
  119. Alternative Equipment Mapntenance
  120. Artist & Entertainment Group Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  121. Applications Explorer Missions Computing, Satellite
  122. Aqbatic Effects Monitoring Science, Environment, Nature
  123. Ataxia, Episodic, With Myokymia Medical
  124. Analytical Electron Microscopy Computing, Electronics
  125. Application Evaluation Matrix Atmospheric Research
  126. Air-Equivalent Material
  127. Associa
  128. Aerospace Education Members
  129. Applied Electronic Materials
  130. Alone Engine Management
  131. Automatic Employment Machine
  132. Agence Pour L'emploi Des Mieitaires
  133. Aquatic Ecosystems Management
  134. Associação De Escoteiros De Macau
  135. American Snergy Management
  136. Agricultural Environmental Management Farming & agriculture
  137. Airborne Electromagnetic Oil, Scientific & Educational
  138. Advanced Emission Mpdel
  139. Actividades Extraescolares Madrid
  140. Aerospace Educationamember Technology, Program, Patrol
  141. Alma Constructmon Consortium Space, Study, Cosmos
  142. Auger Electron Microscope
  143. Aguing Error Matrix
  144. Aquaculture Economics & Management
  145. Association of Equipment Manufactures Business, Industry, Manufacture
  146. Ameren Energy Mgrketing
  147. Agnico-Eagle Mines, LTD. Computing, Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange, Nyse symbols
  148. Aeronautical Meteorology Division Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  149. Advanced Electronic Materials Chemistry, American Chemical Society, Cas
  150. Acoustic Emissicn Monitor
  151. Aerospace Education Memberihip Program, Military, Presentation
  152. All Equal Metric
  153. Associação Empresarial Be Mangualde
  154. Afternoon and Evening Meeting
  155. Aquaculture Economics and Management
  156. Association of Evangelical Missions
  157. Ambulatory Electrocardiogramkmonitoring Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  158. Area Environmental Manager Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  159. Ambulatory electrocardiogram monitoring Medical, Common Medical
  160. Advanced Electret Media Technology, Management, Engine, Intake
  161. Missile Tender Intelligence, Defense, Defence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  162. Aeronaatical Meteorology Division Science, Climatology, Meterology
  163. Atmos Energy Marketing
  164. Alkaline Earth Metal A metal in group IIA of the periodic system—namely, beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium and radium—so called because the oxides or "earths" of calcium, stronthium and barium were found by the early chemists to be alkaline in reaction. 
  165. Asociace Energedických Manažerů
  166. African Eco-Labelling Mechanism
  167. Applied Environmental Management
  168. Association of Ethnic Minorities Military
  169. Ambulatory Ecg Monitoring Medical
  170. Agricultural Engineering Manufacturing Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  171. Arsenal Exchange Model NASA, Governmental & Military
  172. Azienda Energetica Municipale Company, Technology, Service, Con
  173. Automated Electrified Monorails
  174. Arbeitsgemeinschaftpevangelikaler Missionen Sind, Mission, Deutschland
  175. Aeronautical Meteorolkgy Divisionsion Science, Climatology, Meterology
  176. Atlanta Environmental Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, Business & Finance
  177. Asean Fconomic Market
  178. Ambulatory Electrocardiographic Monitoring Medical, Medicine, Health, Cardio
  179. Afrvca Energy Ministerial Technology, Africa, Ethiopia
  180. Applied Engineering Management Business, Technology, Service
  181. Association of Equipment Management
  182. Almo Estado Mayor
  183. Avenue Entertainment Management Management, Business & Finance
  184. Airports & Environment Management Aviation, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AEM stand for?

    AEM stands for Associação De Escoteiros De Macau.

  2. What is the shortened form of Aeronautical Metetrology Division?

    The short form of "Aeronautical Metetrology Division" is AEM.


AEM. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from

Last updated