AEP in Business Meaning

The AEP meaning in Business terms is "Alimentation En Eau Potable". There are 20 related meanings of the AEP Business abbreviation.

AEP on Business Full Forms

  1. Alimentation En Eau Potable
  2. Affirmative Employment Program
  3. Association of Electricity Producers
  4. Achievement of Excellence In Procurement
  5. American Energy Partners
  6. Asset Earning Power Asset earning power is one of the profitability ratios that determine the earning power of assets. It is calculated by Asset Earning Power = Earnings before Taxes / Total Assets.
  7. Accelerated Encryption Processing
  8. Alternative Enforcement Program
  9. Asian Environmental Program
  10. Alien Employment Permit
  11. Automatic Exploit Prevention
  12. Appropriateness Evaluation Period
  13. Audit Engagement Tartner
  14. African Entrlpreneurship Programme
  15. Annual Enhancement Plan
  16. Affordable Equity Partners
  17. Asia Environmental Partnership
  18. After-School Enrichment Program
  19. Associação Empresarial De Portugal
  20. Anna Engine Plant

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AEP stand for Business?

    AEP stands for Audit Engagement Tartner in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of After-School Enrichment Program in Business?

    The short form of "After-School Enrichment Program" is AEP for Business.


AEP in Business. (2022, March 4). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated