AEPF Meaning

The AEPF meaning is "Arbeitsgruppe FüR Empirische PäDagogische Forschung". The AEPF abbreviation has 16 different full form.

AEPF Full Forms

  1. Arbeitsgruppe FüR Empirische PäDagogische Forschung Education, Learning, Fur
  2. Arbeitsgemeinschaft FüR Empirisch-PäDagogische Forschung
  3. Asia Europe People'S Forum
  4. AcadéMie Des Ecrivains Publics De France France, Publics, Plate, Licensing
  5. Asia-Europe Peoples Forum
  6. Asia-Europe People'S Forum
  7. Arbeitsgruppe F
  8. Arbeitsgruppe Empirische PäDagogische Forschung Education, Institute, Prof
  9. Aziz European Pipe Factory
  10. Asia Europe Peoples Forum Organizations, Asia, Europe
  11. Average Effective Pedal Force
  12. Averagage Effective Pedal Force Cycling
  13. Avaya Executive Partner Forum
  14. Associação Empresarial De PaçOs De Ferreira Para, Capital, Wood
  15. Asia and Europe People'S Forum
  16. Asia Europe People Forum Internet Slang, Asia, Europe

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AEPF stand for?

    AEPF stands for Aziz European Pipe Factory.

  2. What is the shortened form of Average Effective Pedal Force?

    The short form of "Average Effective Pedal Force" is AEPF.


AEPF. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from

Last updated