AFII Meaning

The AFII meaning is "Association for Font Information Interchange". The AFII abbreviation has 9 different full form.

AFII Full Forms

  1. Association for Font Information Interchange Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  2. Agence Fran
  3. Agence FrançAise Pour Les Investissements Internationaux Business, Technology, France, French
  4. Agence Francaise Des Investissements Internationaux
  5. Artists for Israel International Technology, Israel, Bible, Messianic
  6. Agency for International Investments
  7. Agency for International Investment
  8. Agencia Francesa Para Las Inversiones Internacionales
  9. Advanced Flight Inspection Initiative Federal Aviation Administration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AFII stand for?

    AFII stands for Agence Francaise Des Investissements Internationaux.

  2. What is the shortened form of Agence FrançAise Pour Les Investissements Internationaux?

    The short form of "Agence FrançAise Pour Les Investissements Internationaux" is AFII.


AFII. (2020, September 7). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from

Last updated