AFMT Meaning

The AFMT meaning is "AcadéMie FrançAise De Muay Thai". The AFMT abbreviation has 14 different full form.

AFMT Full Forms

  1. AcadéMie FrançAise De Muay Thai
  2. Anti-Friction Metal Treatment Business, Engine, Lubricant
  3. Association Fran
  4. Andy Fanshawe Memorial Trust
  5. Airway Facilities Management Team Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  6. Air Force Missile Test
  7. Air Force Military Training
  8. After Fixing Main Terms
  9. Association Francaise Des Malades De La Thyrode Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  10. Association FrançAise Des Malades De La ThyroïDe France, Patient, Association, Pas
  11. Archivo FotográFico Manuel Toussaint
  12. Appliance, Fixture, Machine, Tool
  13. Appliance, Fixture, Machine Tool
  14. Anti Friction Metal Treatment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AFMT stand for?

    AFMT stands for Archivo FotográFico Manuel Toussaint.

  2. What is the shortened form of Appliance, Fixture, Machine, Tool?

    The short form of "Appliance, Fixture, Machine, Tool" is AFMT.


AFMT. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 9, 2025 from

Last updated