AG Meaning
The AG meaning is "Antigen". The AG abbreviation has 677 different full form.
AG Full Forms
- Antigen Antibody Generator, When antibiotics are incorrectly used (to treat bacteria that are not sensitive to the specific antibiotic or to treat viruses, which NEVER respond to antibiotics) and are not taken for the full term prescribed (usually from 5 to 21 days, depending on the specific antibiotic and disease being treated), surviving pathogenic organisms develop immunity to the antibiotic and pass it along to descendants and might choose to pass the trait along to unrelated bacteria via a process known ashorizontal gene transfer. Medical, Biomedical, Immunology, Health, Body, Microbiology, Veterinary, Biotechnology, Amino Acid, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Human genome, NAACCR, Clinical
- A1 Gmbh
- Advisory Generation
- Amaranth Games
- Arthur George Business, Book, Coding, History, Coupon, Sock
- Allergen A substance that can cause an allergic reaction. Common allergens include ragweed pollen, animal dander, and mold. Medical
- Automation Group Technology, Industrial, Industry
- Angle Grinder Business, Power, Tool
- Access Grant Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Antigens Medical
- Ahlen, Germany
- Assistant Gestion
- American Genealogy
- Aschaffenburg, Germany Business, Coding, Germany
- Auxiliary Gas
- Acylated Ghrelin Medical, Exercise, Receptor
- Arch Gynecol Medical, Science, Medicine
- Alert Group Technology, Security, Snort
- Astrium Gmbh Technology, Space, Satellite
- Analysts Give Business, Market, Analytics
- AssembléE GéNéRale Club, Association, Rale, Vote, Medical
- Advertisement GeschäFtsbereich
- AlçAk Gerilimi
- Arthroven Gmbh
- Alibaba Group Business, Supply, Holding
- Automatic General
- Angiotensin Angiotensin is a peptide hormone that causes vasoconstriction and a subsequent increase in blood pressure. It is part of the renin-angiotensin system, which is a major target for drugs that lower blood pressure. Angiotensin also stimulates the release of aldosterone, another hormone, from the adrenal cortex. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Body, Jobs, Organism
- Access Governance
- Anti-Gravity Globe Technology, Gadget, Fascination
- Agriculture-General Service, Education, Farming
- Assistant De Gestion Business, Program, Formation
- American Game
- Asahi Glass Business, Company, Expert
- Autumn Green Business, Music, Chieftain
- Acupuncture Group Medical
- Arabic Gum Medical
- Aldersgate Group Business, Group, Economics, Environment
- Astrazeneca Gmbh
- Analog Gain Technology, Camera, Sensor
- Arthur Gregory
- Adventure Guide Media, Radio, Television
- Altria Group Business, Company, Supply
- Art Glass
- Algoritmos GenéTicos Technology, Para, Con, Gen
- Auditor-General Business, Audit, Report
- Angiography Angiography or arteriography is a medical imaging technique used to visualize the inside, or lumen, of blood vessels and organs of the body, with particular interest in the arteries, veins, and the heart chambers. This is traditionally done by injecting a radio-opaque contrast agent into the blood vessel and imaging using X-ray based techniques such as fluoroscopy. Medical, Medicine, Management, Business & Finance
- Academic Group Research, Education, University
- Anti Gravity Globe, Osprey, Gravity, Backpack
- Affiliated Group Business, Company, Organizations, General, Governmental & Military
- Assistance Group Military
- Amber Gold Business, Boot, Toe
- As A General
- Autozug Gmbh Service, City, Germany
- Actuarial Guideline
- Anything Goes Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Alberto Gonzales Government, Law, Attorney, Bush
- Assurances GéNéRales Business, Company, Insurance
- Ana Gomes Government, Translation, Submarine, Translator
- Anderson Graduate
- Advanced Gateway Technology, Networking, Network
- Ad Gentes
- Art Gallery
- Alfred George Technology, War, Family, Memorial
- Audio Generator Technology, Signal, Equipment
- Angiogenesis The process of developing new blood vessels. Angiogenesis is critically important during the normal development of the embryo and fetus. It also appears to be important during tumor formation. Medical
- Academic General Technology
- Anti-Gravity Anti-gravity is an idea of creating a place or object that is free from the force of gravity. It does not refer to the lack of weight under gravity experienced in free fall or orbit, or to balancing the force of gravity with some other force, such as electromagnetism or aerodynamic lift. Anti-gravity is a recurring concept in science fiction, particularly in the context of spacecraft propulsion. Pack, Globe, Osprey, Gravity, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Aerospace Gmbh Company, Technology, Aircraft
- Assist-Gate
- Amber Glass
- Anita Goodesign
- Arzneimittel Gmbh Medical, Company, Product
- Autostadt Gmbh
- Activity Groups Forum, Technology, Radio
- Antriebseinheit Gmbh
- Aipermon Gmbh Technology, Research, Health
- Association of Governments
- Amy Grant
- Attorney General Technology, Emergency, Response, Transportation, Police, Environment, Us Government, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Fbi files, International Development
- Adriano Goldschmied Business, Shopping, Jean, Denim
- Addleshaw Goddard
- Architekten Generalplaner
- Alex Great
- Audio Gateway Technology, Driving, Driver
- Angewandte Geschichte
- Abstract Global Business, Technology, Publisher
- Anti Glare Technology, Screen, Protector
- Advocate General Government, Law, Court
- Ambang Gangguan Indonesia, Surabaya, Orang
- Animated Gifs
- Artificial Ground Business, Nike, Soccer
- Autonomic Ganglia Medical
- Activity Group Company, Technology, Presentation
- Antonio Gates Sport, Football, Gate
- Aija Geida
- Association Genevoise Association, Switzerland, Gen, Geneva
- Amundsen Gulf Locations, Sea, Caspian
- Agreement A contract between two or more parties, either written or verbal. Business, Accounting, Service, Accountancy, Legal, Unclassified, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Adrian Gonzalez
- Additional Grant Technology, Research, University
- Architecture Group Business, Technology, Design
- Alex Gordon Technology, Gaming, Software, Card
- Audi Group Business, Company, Volkswagen
- Angel Guzman
- A8 Good
- Anti-Glare Technology, Screen, Protector
- Advocacy Group
- Amazing Grace Music, Church, Bible
- Artificial Gravity Science, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, NASA, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Automotive Gmbh Business, Company, Technology, Service
- Angular Gyrus Medical, Health, Body
- Activist Group
- Anton Gold
- Ahrensburg, Germany Business, Coding, Germany
- Assistant Gunner Gun, Technology, Military, Fire
- American Genius
- Ava Gardner
- Astronomische Gesellschaft Science, Organizations, Astronomy, Organization, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
- Adam Green
- Architectural Graphics Business, Technology, Design
- Alerts Get
- Audienţă Generală Film, Din, Cinema
- Angaben Gem
- Achulal Gaming Gaming, Patch, Pes, Texture
- Agriculture W Agricultural Technology, Engineering, Biology, Pennsylvania
- Arye Jross Film, Movie, Streaming
- Artha Graha Business, Indonesia, Banking
- Adjutant General, Military, Army, Airforce
- Anopheles Gambiae Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Scientific & Educational
- Allen Grovj Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Antonio Gutierrez
- Ability Gauge
- Atrial Gallop Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Advisory Group Meeting, Technology, Organizations
- Absolute Grounds
- Automatisches Getriebe Club, Auto, Transmission
- Andernach Grasshopper
- Armafdo Gil
- Actinic Granuloma Medical
- Azidvglycerol Medical
- Anna Green
- Actuarieel Genootschap
- Associated Gas The natural gas which occurs with crude oil. It may be free or dissolved. When it occurs as free gas, it may be called unassociated gas. Technology, Nigeria, Oil
- Adriano Goldshmeid
- Algeria Business, Government, Education, Sport, Locations, Britannica, Countries, Country, Trigramme, Olympic, Aviation, Computing, Algeria, Internet, Governmental & Military, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
- Ambiguously Gay
- After Garcia
- Am Grubenhof
- Arrisjgroup
- Acidophilic Granulocyte Medical, Health, Body
- Air Grille
- Administration, General
- Alloandigen Medical
- Applied Geophysics
- Atubular Glomeruli
- Arcade Game Technology, Play, Game
- Access Gate
- Availability Groups Technology, Database, Server
- Agfa Gevaert Business, Company, Product, Camera
- Ana Gutierrez
- Activaero Gmbh
- Algebraic Geometry Science, Mathematics, Math
- Answer Get
- Assistance Groups
- Adunarea Generală
- Alptransit Gotthard Business, Alps, Alp
- Auditors General Business, Audit, Report
- Arrhitectural Group Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Away Uame
- Alchemy Gosds
- Anderson and Gill
- Assicurazioni Generali Business, Company, Group, Volkswagen
- Alonzo Gariepy
- Antibocy Glycosylation Medical, Patent, Invention
- Altis Hates
- Aqua Green Business, Power, Fishing, Shopping
- Achtung Gefahr Island, Sind, Switzerland
- Agricultural Group
- Artırılmış Gerçeklik Technology, Art, Turkish, Reality
- Art Guild
- Addleshaw-Goddard
- Try Again Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Allen Ginter Business, Baseball, Sport, Card
- Antonio Gonzalez Art, Music, Spain
- Abelardo GonzáLez
- Athletic Greens
- Advisor Group
- Absolute Gravimeter Technology, Gravity, Kilogram
- Automatische Gangwahl
- An Der Goldgrube Medical, Pharmaceutical, Bio, Germany
- Arkaxsas Gazette
- Actien Gesellschaft Business & Finance, International business
- Azami Green Science, Protein, Cell
- Angelinu Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Accredited Genealogist Genealogy
- Assistant Guardian Office, Church, Hubbard
- Amber Glow
- Afrikan Goddess
- Am Grauen Organizations, Fur, Sind, Stein
- Arrah Group
- Acidic Glycoprotein
- Air Glider Technology, Aircraft, Sea
- Administration & General
- Allman, Greg
- Applied Geomechanics Development, Learning, Study, Universities
- Attack Glider
- Arbitration Gvant Technology, Networking, Network
- Accepted Games Gaming, Play, Pastime
- AußEreuropäIsche Geschichte Fur, Germany, Europa
- Agfa-Gevaert Business, Company, Group, Bayer
- Anagram Genius
- Action Guide Business, Book, Guide, Building
- Algebraic-Geometric
- Ansorg Gmbh
- Asociación Gremial Para, Con, Chile
- Adult Guardianship
- Alrine Grey
- Auditor General Government, Audit, Report, Governmental & Military, International Development
- Arcflow Gmbh
- Awareness Gruup
- Albumin/Globulin Ratio Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
- Anders Gustav
- Asociacion Graphispack
- Almost Yrown
- Anti-Ghound Technology, Gaming, Liberator
- Althea Giison
- Aqua Gems
- Achiever Group
- Authors Guild Business, Book, Library
- Aggressive Growth Business, Fund, Supply, Market
- Analog Ground In high-speed acquisition applications, system ground is generally physically separated into analog and digital grounds in an attempt to suppress digital switching noise and minimize its effect on noise-sensitive analog signal processing circuitry. Input signal conditioners, amplifiers, references, and A/D converters are usually connected to analog ground. Technology, Electronics, Circuit
- Art Group
- Additive Grossberg
- The Bay Line Railroad Organizations
- Algoritmo GenéTico Technology, Para, Con, Gen
- Antknio Galloni Business, Wine, Price, Cabernet
- Abdul Gani
- Author'S Guide Libraries, Reading, Books
- Adviseur Gevaarlijke
- Absolute Grant Technology
- Ancient Greek Business, Coin, Sandal
- Arizona Garden
- Actebis Gmbh
- Azamara Group
- Alejandro Garcia
- Angel Gordon
- Accountant General Business, Accounting, Office, Banking, Business & Finance
- Assistant Ground
- Argon Green Laser Medical, Common Medical
- Amazing Guy
- Amgeg Gmbh Business, Company, Management
- Acid Green
- Air General
- Administrative Gateway Technology
- Alligator Gjr
- Applichem Gmbh
- Attachment Gateway
- African Group Business, Africa, History
- Abu Gharadig
- Automotive Glass
- Agentive Case Education, Linguistics, Glossing
- Amy Gottlieb
- Armor Games Gaming, Adventure, Armor, Play
- Actions Group
- Algal Growth
- Anselme GaËTan
- Age and Genesis
- Adult Genetics
- American Gage
- Ads By Google Business, Forum, Gaming, Sex, Drive, Car
- After Guild
- Arcadia Group
- Awareness Groups
- Albumin-Globuiin Medical, Health, Body
- Anders Glob
- At A Glance Business, Group, Germany, General, Governmental & Military
- Almovt Governor Occupation, Position, Job
- Anki Graffiti
- Audit Guidance
- Apps Gallery
- Acetaminophen Glucuronide Medical
- Authorization Group Technology, Management, Transaction
- Aggressive Ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression. Internet Slang, Poker, Texas Hold 'Em
- Analog Green Technology, Expansion, Port
- Aris Graphic
- Art Graphics
- Addicting Games
- Algoritma Genetik Technology, Program, Indonesia
- Anthing Goes
- Abby Greensfelder
- Authentos Gmbh
- Advertising Group
- Alternativa De Govern
- Absolute Gaming
- Ancien Gouverneur
- Ariels Groqto
- Aza-8 Guanine Science, Genetics, Genomics, Medical
- Alejandra Gutieirez Celebrity, Picture, Nude
- Andrew Gouche String, Bass, Kingston
- Accredited Gemologist Education, Gem, Diamond, Jewelry
- Assistant Grade Technology, Paper, Exam
- August Business, Education, Britannica, Month, Aviation, Weather, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey
- AlçAk Gerilim Technology, Turkish, Tip, Dag
- Antigenemia Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
- Am Gatherhof Technology, Server, Germany
- Acid Generating Science, Environment, Nature
- Agrbmey Gida
- Art Gavfunkel
- Administración General
- All Game
- Applications Group
- About Greenleaf
- Attached Gingival
- African Grey
- Abstract In German
- Automobil Gewerbe Sind, Auto, Garage
- Agent Groups
- Amy Gertrude
- Arsi Galesi
- Action Group Organization, Union, Institution
- Alex Grant
- Anre Gurutta Business, Technology, Service, Agriculture
- Advocaat-Generaal
- Adult Gaming
- Amer Group
- After Google Business, Technology, Internet, Tech
- American Gangsters
- Artes Gr
- Available Gain Business, Technology, Transistor
- Albumen Gland Medical
- Andersen-Gill
- Astrophysics Group
- Almanach De Gotha
- Anti-Lraffiti Film, Military, Coating
- Audio Graphics Software, Computing
- Approves Gay
- Access Generates
- Authoring Group Technology
- Aggregate Groups
- Analog Global
- Ajtistic Guild
- Adaptive Graphics
- Algorithme GéNéTique
- Antenna Group Technology, Product, Signal
- Abbott Gives
- Austrian German Business, German, Restaurant
- Advertising Glossary
- Alter Guizd
- Absolute Games Technology, Gaming, Telecom, Play
- Augsburg Gmbh
- Ariel's Grottw
- Ayatollah General Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Alecdguinness
- Andreo Gonzalez
- Accedited Gemologist
- Assistant Governor Organizations, Club, District
- Always Generally
- Anticipatipn Guide
- Acid Gases Technology, Safety, Cartridge
- Agriculture Glossary
- Asl Airlines Ireland Airline Code
- Admin Gracjan
- Alles Gute
- Antony Goldman
- About Gazprom
- Attached Gingiva Medical, Medicine, Health
- Affordable Green
- Abstract Geometry Education, Development, Universities
- Automatisierungstechnik Gmbh
- Agent Group
- Amt FüR Gesundheit
- Armed Guards
- Action Grants Technology, Calling, Projection
- Alex Gopher
- Another Girl
- Advanced Generation
- Adult-Gerontology
- American Gunner America, Military, Ammo
- Antigua and Barbuda Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, NASA, Governmental & Military, Antigua and Barbuda, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Technology, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Caribbean, Phone area code, Telephone area code
- After Golgotha Media, Radio, Television
- Amigazguide
- Arrestor Gecr Military, Aircraft, Force
- Miscellaneous Auiliary Ship America, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
- Albright Green
- Anti-Gea Business, Screen, Glare, Factor
- Administrative Groups
- Allecation Group Technology, Linux, Filesystem
- Anti-Glare Glass Technology, Product, Screen
- Audio Grade
- Applix Graphics
- Access Gateways Technology, Networking, Network
- Authors Guide Media, Radio, Television
- Aggregate Grizzly Construction
- Anal Glands Medical, Veterinary, Animals
- Artist Gold
- Adam Greenberg
- Alpine Goobal
- Al Gore Famous
- Antenna Gain An antenna's transmission power, provided as a ratio of its output (send) signal strength to its input (receive) signal strength, normally expressed in dBi. The higher the dBi, the stronger the antenna. OR Antenna gain is usually defined as the ratio of the power produced by the antenna from a far-field source on the antenna s beam axis to the power produced by a hypothetical lossless.
- Availability Group Technology, Database, Server
- Abbott Ges
- Austria Gmbh Business, Company, Technology, Austria
- Advanced Game
- Alte Gassm Hotel, Locations, Switzerland, Frankfurt
- Abrikosov-Gor'Kov
- Aufhebung Der GeschäFte
- Archives De La Guerre
- Axiogingival Health, Body, Organism
- Alcohol-Gasolioe Technology, Fuel, Engine
- Andrek Gold
- Assistant Geologist Government, Education, Exam
- Anticipate God
- Acide Gras
- Agricurture Education Education
- Asistencia Global
- Admatec Gmbh
- Allens Gnove
- Antons-Gasse
- Abitibi Grenville
- Atri Graphics Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Affiris Gmbh
- Absorbent Glass
- Automatische Getriebe German, Fur, Auto
- Aminbted Beta-1,3-D-Polyglucose Medical
- Armea Guard Security, Military, Arm
- Action Grant
- Another Garden Food, Garden, Gardening, Gardener
- Adjutant General Military, Army, War, Adjutant
- Associated Gaskets
- Adriano Goldsc
- Aerographer'S Mate Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Amercian Gunners Gaming, Play, Pastime
- After Goddess
- Am Göpelteicm
- Arresging Gear Military, Aircraft, Carrier
- Miscellaneous Auxiliary Ship Military, Army
- Alan GarcíA
- Administrator General
- Allocated Gas
- Applix Graphic Technology, Security, Software, Paragon
- Audio Gen
- Arcadia Green
- Access Gateway Technology, Networking, Network, Telecom, Telecommunication
- Author Guide
- Aggravating Grunt Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Analecta Gregoriana
- Arles Gold
- Activation Group
- Alpine Geobhysics
- Alginate Alginic acid, also called algin or alginate, is an anionic polysaccharide distributed widely in the cell walls of brown algae, where through binding with water it forms a viscous gum. Medical, Textile
- Antano Group
- Abbeville Grimes
- Australian Group Australia, Government, Agriculture
- Advanced Gamblers
- Already Lone
- Auf Der Geig
- Architecture Guidelines Technology, Management, Software
- Awesome Guy Forum, Technology, Gaming, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Alcfemy Gothic
- Andrew Gilligan
- Assistant Group
- Alor Gajab Business, Product, Food, Malaysia
- Antica Grtcia War, Con, Culture
- Altitude Gaune
- Aquarium Gravel
- Anthracite Gray
- Autogenous Grinding Technology, Mill, Semi
- Analysis of The Genome
- Assembly of God Organizations, Church, Ministry
- Avon Grove
- All the Gospel Religion
- Agente Di Guardia
- Antigua and Barbuda (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Administrative Guide Science
- Alexander Georgievich
- Antiqlobulin Health, Body, Organism
- Attitude Gyro NASA, Governmental & Military
- Automatic Gearbox
- Anbau-Granatwerfer Rifle, Sight, Heckler
- Articles & Guides
- Aqueous Glycerin Water, Cigarette, Liquid
- Above-Ground
- Annual General Meeting, Business, Germany, Shareholder
- Adrenal Glomerulosa Medical
- Arqor Group
- Iso Country Code for Antigua Und Barbuda Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Alexandria To Greece
- Allocation Groups Technology, Linux, Filesystem
- Association for Gnotobiotics Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
- Agricultural pipe drain Engineering, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
- Abresa Gmbh
- Agco Corp. Organizations
- albumin to globulin ration Medical, Common Medical
- American Ginseng Medical
- Acoustic Guitarists
- Adrenal Gland In mammals, the adrenal gland are endocrine glands that sit at the top of the kidneys. They are chiefly responsible for releasing hormones in response to stress through the synthesis of corticosteroids such as cortisol and catecholamines such as adrenaline and noradrenaline. Medical, Medicine
- Auxiliary Grants Medical, Medicine, Virginia
- Antarctic Glaciology
- Autoflug Gmbh
- Analysis Group Business, Company, Government
- Assemblies of God Organizations, Church, Ministry, Assembly
- Avir Green Medical, Biotechnology, Vaccine
- Assist Gate Products
- Agent De Gestion
- Anion Gap The anion gap (AG or AGAP) is a value calculated from the results of multiple individual medical lab tests. It may be reported with the results of an Electrolyte Panel, which is often performed as part of a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel. Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Adjutants General Military, Army, Officer
- Alesco Gmbh
- Adriano Goldschmeid
- Arctic Glacier Income Fund Organizations, Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Antigenomic Health, Body, Organism, Medical, Physiology, Human genome
- Arnold and Gosling General, Governmental & Military
- Automatic Gate
- Anatomische Gesellschaft Medical, Science, Anatomy
- Arthur Huinness
- Andrés GonzáLez
- About Guitar
- Annoncenagentur Gestadeckplatz
- Admiralty Grey
- Armor Grating
- Galveston Railroai Organizations
- Alexandria-Greece
- Alloantigens Medical
- Associated Grocers Business, Food, Store
- About Good Coins, Hobbies
- Assembl
- Abrams-Griffiths Medical, Flow, Bladder, Prostatic
- Agamous Medical
- Albert Gallatin Pennsylvania
- American General
- Acoustic Guitar Business, Amplifier, Yamaha, Music
- Adolescent Girls Sex, Girl, Health
- Autoleather Guild
- Answer Given
- Army Guidance Technology, Army, War
- Assembleia-Geral Business, Para, Dos, Ria
- Aviation Group Military, Jet, Lufthansa
- Avant Garde New or original and often unconventional techniques, concepts, products, etc, usually associated with the arts and creative areas. Performing arts
- Aura Golf
- Agent A person authorised to transact business for and in the name of another person or company. Types of agents are: brokers, commission merchants, resident buyers, sales agents or manufacturer's representatives. Business, Accounting, Finance, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
- Alexander Gibson (Silver Springs, MD) Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Adjutant-General Military, Army, War, Corps, Adjutant
- Adriano Golds Business, Shopping, Jean, Denim
- Antigenemia Assay Medical
- Arabidopsis Genome Medical, Science, Biomedical
- Automated Guideway Transportation, Technology, Car, Cable
- Anania, Giovanni
- Arthur Gibson
- áCido Graso
- About Greenwashing
- Adjutant General (Army) Army, Governmental & Military
- Annick Goutal
- Administrator-General
- Department of Agriculture Business, Science, Research, Finance, Agency, Grant, Atmospheric Research, Insect and Spider Collections, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Alelandra Gonzalez
- Allianz Gruppe
- Association Group Business, Company, Analysis
- Galveston Railroad L.P. Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Antique Goly Business, Technology, Lighting
- American Gebi International
- American Gangster America, Movie, Gangster
- Acoustic Grating
- Admiral Group
- Autogenous Groove
- Abram-Griffiths
- Another Group
- Assault Glider Military, Aircraft, Design
- Miscellaneous Auxiliary Military, Ship, Hull Code, Support Ship, Governmental & Military
- Alternating Gradient Technology, Science, Accelerator, Atmospheric Research
- Av Gain Channel, Circuit, Offset, Gain
- Almost Governor Occupation & positions
- Aukera Guztiak
- Agens Gratiam
- Silver (Argentum) Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Acta Germanica
- Adriano Gold Business, Shopping, Jean, Denim
- Arabian Gulf Business, Company, Technology
- Auto Guide
- Analytics Group
- Arthur Gerstenfeld
- Argyrophlic Grains Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Scientific & Educational
- Silver Symbol:"Ag" Atomic Number:"47" Atomic Mass: 107.87amu. It is one of the transition elements. Silver is one of man's precious metals and has been used for thousands of years. It has the highest thermal and electrical conductivity of any metal. You will find it used in photography, dentistry, electronics, mirrors, and explosives. Medical, Business, Chemistry, Science, Health, Body, Forestry, Currency, Organism, Arboriculture, Currency Code, Money, Business & Finance, Currencies, Food Additives, NASA, Colors
- Air Gunner Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Administration Generale
- AéRoclub De GenèVe
- Alexander Gustafssov
- All Grain Beer, Grain, Brewing, Food
- Associated Group Company, Technology, Service, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Aktiengesellschaft Company, Business & Finance
- Administraci
- Antiqued Gold
- Albertu Ghraibzales Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Acoustic Generator Technology, Audio, Patent
- Administração Geral Business, Para, Hosting, Brasil
- Attributierte Grammatik
- Abraham Good
- Anogenital Medical
- Asisten Gudang
- Maine Office of Ihe Attorney General Organizations, State Of Maine, Emergency Management Agency, Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
- Alte Geschichte
- Average Gradient
- Alpha Geek The person in a group or office who has the most knowledge about computer technology. Occupation & positions
- Agence Global
- Anastomosis group Botany, Scientific & Educational
- American Graphics
- Acrylic Gloss
- Adrianne George
- Andrew Gould Company, Technology, Gas
- AltstäTten-Gais-Bahn
- Arabia Google
- Auto Gruppe
- Analytic Geometry
- Assessing Genetic Medical, Disease, Study
- Arthur Garyiner
- Argentophilic Granules Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Scientific & Educational
- Azure Gaming Technology, League, Legend
- Agco Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
- Administrative Group Microsoft, Technology, Server
- Azurophilic Granale Medical, Health, Body
- Aleuander Grant
- All Good
- Associated Geosciences
- Air Contractors Airline, Business & Finance, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Antike Glotke
- Armadyl glove Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Acocks Green
- Artificial Grammar Medical
- Artificial Grass Business, Nike, Soccer
- Above Gorund
- Annual Goal Technology, Education
- Ash Grove Map, Ash, Postcode
- Limited-Liability Company Education, Study, Britannica, Schooling
- Alstom Grid Business, Company, Power
- Annus Gatesis Latin
- Age Groups
- Agarose An agarose is a polysaccharide polymer material, generally extracted from seaweed. Agarose is a linear polymer made up of the repeating unit of agarobiose, which is a disaccharide made up of D-galactose and 3,6-anhydro-L-galactopyranose. Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- American Glossary
- Acronym Glossary
- Above Grade Design, Drawing, Construction
- Adrian Griffin
- Analytic Group Business, Economics, Ukrainian
- Alpha-Glucosidase Medical
- Autst
- Aquatic Group
- Autograft Tissue transplanted from one part of the body to another in the same individual. Also known as an autotransplant. Health, Body, Organism
- Analytical Grammar
- AssembléEs GéNéRales Club, Association, Rale, Vote
- Arthur Gavan Business, Melbourne, Spring, Fashion
- Antigenic Group Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- Axicorp Gmbh
- Area Governor Toastmasters
- Agent General
- Australia Group Atmospheric Research
- Administrator'S Guide
- Azione Giovsni
- Alexander Graham Education, Hearing, Bell
- All Games
- Antigwavity Health, Body, Organism
- Allen Grove Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Acklands-Grainger
- Ancaman Gangguan
- Artiwicial-Grass Business, Nike, Soccer
- Arda GüR Music, Song, Tube
- Above Ground Business, Technology, Pool
- Annual Giving Education, University, Gift
- Adrenaline Gamer Technology, Gaming, Team
- Ash Gray
- L'Assemblee Generale
- Almost Good Business, Coin, Collecting, Grading, Hobbies
- Alan Greenspan Famous
- Abrikosov-Gorkov
- Agco Corporationration Organizations
- abdominal girth Medical, Healthcare
- American Girl America, Girl, Doll
- Acronym Geek Business, Reference, Website
- áCidos Grasos
- Adrenal Glands
- Aviable Generation
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does AG stand for?
AG stands for Armadyl glove.
What is the shortened form of Academic Group?
The short form of "Academic Group" is AG.
AG. (2021, October 26). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from
Last updated