AGC Meaning

The AGC meaning is "Atypical Glandular Cells". The AGC abbreviation has 202 different full form.

AGC Full Forms

  1. Atypical Glandular Cells Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  2. Adjutant General'S Corps Government, Military, Soldiery
  3. American General Corp. Organizations
  4. Adaptive Golf Cars
  5. Allegheny County Airport Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  6. Autojatic Gain Control Technology, Army, Texting
  7. Ag Mhem Organizations
  8. Aerojet-General Corporatizn Technology
  9. Adbanced Gastric Cancer Medical, Patient, Chemotherapy
  10. Automatic Gain Control Automatic gain control (AGC), is a closed-loop feedback regulating circuit in an amplifier or chain of amplifiers, the purpose of which is to maintain a suitable signal amplitude at its output, despite variation of the signal amplitude at the input. Internet Slang, Media, Military, Aircraft, Army, Computing, Industry, Spacecraft, Electronics, Chat, Telecom, Weather, NASA, Hardware, Aeronautics, Drivers, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Amateur radio, IT Terminology, Master IEEE, Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation, Honeywell, Process Automation
  11. Adjutant General Corps Business, Military, Army
  12. Accreditation Governing Commission
  13. Applied Geophysics Center
  14. Africa Gospel Church Africa, Locations, Kenya, Religion
  15. Association of Graphic Communicitions Business, Service, Design
  16. Amazing Grace Christian
  17. Adult Gaming Centres Business, Gambling, Licence
  18. Automatic Guudance Control
  19. Active Galactic Core
  20. Army Golf Club Golf, Bangladesh, Dhaka
  21. Air-Ground Communications
  22. Attack Group Commander
  23. Amphibious Group Command Military, Army, War
  24. Anti Glare Coatings Business, Glass, Screen
  25. Advanced Gastric Carcinomas Medical
  26. All God'S Children
  27. Faa Office of Chief Counsel Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  28. Assistant General Counsel Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  29. Automavic Generator Control Business, Technology
  30. Anatomically Graduated Component Medical, Health, Body
  31. Access To The General Curriculum Technology, Education, Region
  32. Applied Geography Conference
  33. Affinity Groqp Coalition Education, Publics, Television
  34. Association Geologique Du Canada Geography, Information System, Cartography
  35. Alternate Genetic Code
  36. Automatic Guided Yar
  37. Active Gauge Controller Equipment, Head, Gauge
  38. Army Geospatial Center Technology, Government, Engineer
  39. Akência Geral Das Colónias
  40. Atmospheric General Circulation
  41. Amex Gift Card Business, Travel
  42. Advanced Gastric Carcinoma Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  43. All Games Considered
  44. Asserbo Golf Club
  45. Ais Ground Co-Operative
  46. Automated Guided Cart Products
  47. Anatomically Graduated Components Medical
  48. A-Galactosylceramide Science, Medicine, Biomedicine
  49. Apollo Gold Corporation
  50. Aerojet General Corporation Technology, Industrial, Signal, NASA, Governmental & Military
  51. Assot of General Contractors
  52. Alpine Guide Course
  53. Automatii Guided Carts Business, Company, Vehicle
  54. Active Gain Control
  55. Army General Counsel
  56. Agrupación De Grafovnalistas Consultivos
  57. Atlantic Gulf Communitges
  58. American Gaming Console Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  59. Advanced Gas Conversion Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
  60. Allegheny Generating Company
  61. AssembléE GéNéRale Constitutive
  62. Air Grahing Centre
  63. Ausclad Group of Comsanies
  64. Analyse Gestion Comptabilite
  65. Automatic Gen-Set Controller Technology, English, Power
  66. Apollo Gold Corp
  67. Aerojet-Geneqal Corp
  68. Association General Contractors Business, Technology, Organizations
  69. Alpha Group Center
  70. Automatic Guided Cart Technology, Vehicle, Material
  71. Adjustable Gain Control Technology, Signal, Amplifier
  72. Armoured German Cars Company, German, Car, Vehicle
  73. Agrupami
  74. Atlantic Geoscience Centre
  75. America'S Growth Capital
  76. Advanced Gas Centrifuge Technology, Us, Homeland Security
  77. Algebraic-Geometric Code
  78. Aspen Grove Creations Internet Slang
  79. Aircraft Glass Cleaner
  80. Aurum Gold Coin Business, Cryptocurrency, Hybrid
  81. Analog Gain Control
  82. Automatic Generation Control Technology, Energy, Power, Computing, Electronics, Electrical
  83. Apache Gold Casino
  84. Advanced Global Connections
  85. Association GéNéAlogique De La Charente
  86. Alokozay Group of Companies Business, Company, Tea
  87. Associated General Contactors
  88. Automatic Guage Control
  89. Acoustic Gain Control Business, Technology, Networking, Enterprise
  90. Approved Gate Check
  91. Agriculture Canada
  92. Association of Greek Chemists
  93. Amazon Gift Cards
  94. Advanced Gamma Corrector Technology, Windows, Software
  95. Automati Gain Control自动增益控制
  96. Adaptive Gaussian Classifier
  97. Asociación Guatemalteca De CardiologíA
  98. Air Ground Communicaqion Technology, Flight, Aviation
  99. Auditor General of Canada
  100. Anala Goat Company
  101. Aotomatic Gain Control
  102. Advanced Genset Controller Business, Generator, Manual
  103. Association for Gifted Children
  104. Alliance Group Capital
  105. Iata Code for Allegheny County Airport, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States Locations
  106. Associated General Contractors of America Business, Science, Insurance, Drawing, Construction, Business & Finance, Business Word, Professional organizations
  107. Automatic Generation Ccntrols Technology, Power, Area
  108. An Giang Coffee
  109. Acorn Growth Companies
  110. Applied Global Cogeneration
  111. Africanbglobal Capital
  112. Association of Global Custodians Business
  113. Amazon Gift Card
  114. Adult Gaming Centre Locations, Gambling, Licence
  115. Automati Gain Control
  116. Adaptive Gain Control Technology, Power, Signal
  117. Army Good Conduct
  118. Air-Ground Communication
  119. Attorney-General Chambers Government, Malaysia, Singapore
  120. Amplitude Gain Control Computing, Hardware
  121. Automatic Gain Controller Technology, Control, Signal
  122. Antral Gastrin Concentration Medical
  123. Advanced Gen-Set Controller
  124. Associationation of General Contractors Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  125. All God'S Creatures
  126. Faa Office of The Chief Counsel Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
  127. Associació De Germanistes De Catalunya
  128. Automatic Genset Controller Technology, Product, Control
  129. Ancient Gneiss Complex
  130. Advanced Graphics Control
  131. Annual Guideline Concentration Science, America, Environment
  132. Associated General Contractors of Maine Organizations, State Of Maine, Emergency Management Agency, Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
  133. Alfermann Grad & Co
  134. Audio Gain Control Computing, Hardware
  135. Associate Grand Conductress
  136. Autorail Grande Capacite France, Train, Bombardier
  137. Automatic Generator Control Business & Finance, Power Plant
  138. Adjutant-General'S Corps Business, Military, Army
  139. Air Group Commender
  140. Acting General Counsel
  141. Annual Golf Classic
  142. Adobe Global Community
  143. Associated General Contractors-Austin
  144. Alexandre Group Company, Incorporated Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  145. Association of General Contractors Environment
  146. Antigen C Medical
  147. Associate General Counsels Science
  148. Automotive Gliss Cartridge Technology, Circuit, Fuse
  149. Azteca Gold Corp
  150. Active Group Count Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  151. Adenocarcinoma of The Gastric Cardia Medical
  152. Abort Guidance Computer
  153. Adjutant General Corporation Military
  154. Associate General Contractors Business, America, Construction
  155. Alberta Graduate Council
  156. Annual Giving Campaign Group, Organizations, School
  157. Arab Agricultural Aviation Company Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  158. Anti-Gravity Craft America, Military, Group, War
  159. Associate Gambling Counsellor
  160. Automotive Glass Consultants Technology
  161. AydıN Gazeteciler Cemiyeti
  162. Allegheny County Airport, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States Pennsylvania, United States, Faa Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  163. Adelaide Graduate Centre Education, University, Scholarship
  164. The Affinity Group Coalition Media, Internet, Broadcasting
  165. Adjutant General'S Corporation Military
  166. Associated General Contractor Business, America, Construction
  167. Alaska Growth Capital
  168. Annual General Conference Gaming, Organizations, Android
  169. Alaska Game Commission
  170. Antenna Gain Control
  171. Associated Gun Clubs Rifle, Military, Maryland
  172. Automation Gain Centrol
  173. Avaya Global Connect
  174. AEROGRAPHER'S MATE CHIEF PETTY OFFICER Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  175. Adaptive Ground Compensation
  176. L'Autorail Grande Capacité
  177. Advanced Gravity Casing Kenda's latest innovation for gravity-oriented riders is the Advanced Gravity Casing (AGC). To protect the tire from cuts and punctures, a strip of Kenda Vector Shield (KVS), a lightweight woven aramid material, is built in under the tread and along the sidewalls. KVS has a cut resistance that is roughly three times that of ordinary protective materials. Pinch flats and burping are prevented by a 20 mm apex along the bead. It's the lightest and most durable gravity casing we've ever made. AGC includes a two-layer compound: A stronger rubber serves as a stable foundation, while a softer rubber on top provides lots of traction. Bicycle, Tire
  178. Adjutant Generals Corp
  179. Alaska Gold Company
  180. Association G
  181. Anglophone General Conference
  182. Africa Golf Confederation Government, Africa, Zambia
  183. Another Gaming Comic
  184. Associated Gospel Churches Religion
  185. Algarve Golfycourses
  186. Avaliaçãd Geral De Curso
  187. Agricultural Genetics Company Technology, Governmental & Military
  188. Autorail À Grande Camacité Technology, Train, Bombardier, Rouen
  189. Associate genetic counsellor Clinical
  190. Adjutant Generals Corps Business, Military, Army
  191. Alaska Geobotany Center Service, Locations, Alaska
  192. Assembl
  193. Aerojet General Corporationration
  194. Anola Golf Club
  195. Associate of General Contractors
  196. Alf Garnet'stcommandos
  197. American General Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  198. Autorails Grande Capacité Train, Transport, Bombardier
  199. Associated General Contractors The Finance and Administrative Services
  200. Adjutant-Generals Corps Military, Army, Corps
  201. Alabama Generwl Contractors
  202. Associaci

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AGC stand for?

    AGC stands for A-Galactosylceramide.

  2. What is the shortened form of Associated General Contactors?

    The short form of "Associated General Contactors" is AGC.


AGC. (2022, January 7). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated