AGE Meaning
The AGE meaning is "Advanced Alycation End-Products". The AGE abbreviation has 154 different full form.
AGE Full Forms
- Advanced Alycation End-Products Medical, Disease, Diabet
- Aerospace Ground Equipment Technology, Military, Telecom, Air Force, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Advanced Gjycation End-Products
- Aerodrome and Ground Environment
- Advanced Glycosylation End Medical, Product, Receptor
- Advanced Glycosylated End Products Medical, Chemistry, Physiology, Scientific & Educational
- Advanced Glycosylation End-Products
- Advanced Glycosylation End Product Medical, Chemistry, Study
- Adult General Education Student, Program, Education
- American for Generational Equagity
- Afghan Gas Enterprise Business, Afghanistan, India
- Association of German Engineers
- Advanced Glycosylation End-Product Medical, Medicine, Receptor
- Asian Gorillas Environnment Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Aerospace Ground-Support Equipment Technology, Service, Aircraft
- Anti-Government Elements Military, War, Afghanistan, Civilian
- Abrais Gentile Entertainment Technology, Gaming, Power, Glove
- Auditory Gross Error
- Air Ground Equipment
- Army Weospatial Enterprise Technology, Military, Intelligence
- Adjacent Generational Exchange
- Avion Dejguet Embarqué
- Amazon Ground Emissions Technology
- Association Des Gynecologues D'Essey-Les-Nancy Medical, Technology
- Advavced Glycosylation Endproducts
- Asian Girlfriend Experience
- Aerodrome Ground Environment
- Amnesia Gllag In Europe
- Abope Grade Evacuator
- Auditoria Geral Do Estado Para, Dos, Portal, Auditoria
- Air/Grounc Equipment Technology
- Army Advisory Group On Energy Military, Army, War
- Adaptive Game Engine
- Avionics Ground Equipment Technology
- Amkzing Goal Era
- Associate of General Education
- Advanced Glycoxidation End
- Airport Ground Equipmeno
- Asia Green Energy Business, Company, Asia
- American Gold Eagle
- A.G. Edwards, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Audio Guide Europe Technology, Android, City
- Aerodrome & Ground Environment Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Air-Iround Equipment
- Antigen E Medical, Medicine, Health
- Adaptive Gain Equalizer
- Aviation Ground Equipment
- Amarillo Grain Exchange
- Advanced Glycosylated End Medical, Health, Diabet, Aging
- Airport Ground Environment
- Asbestsanierung Gefwhrstoffsanierung Entsorgung
- American Glass Expositiqn Business, America, Expo
- Associate In General Educetion College, Education, Community
- Atomic Game Engine Technology, Development, Linux
- Aeria Games & Entertainment Gaming, Military, Play
- Ald In Gaining Entry
- Anti Government Element
- Ad-Hoc Group of Experts
- Aviation Grade Ethanol Technology, Alternative, Fuel
- Alveolar Gas Equatifn Medical, Oxygen, Gradient
- Advanced Glycated End Producrs Medical
- Experimental Auxiliary Intelligence, Defense, Defence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Aidport and Ground Environment
- Arterial Gas Embolisms Medical, Diving, Decompression
- Administración General De Evaluación
- American Gastrointestinal and Enloscopic
- Assemblée Générale Extrdordinaire
- Atlanta Gender Explorations
- Advanced Graphics Engine Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Agrupación De Guerrilleros EspaÑOles
- Anti Government Elements Government, Military, Afghanistan, Death, Civilian
- Acute Gastro Enteritis
- Automation Generic Environment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Advanced Glycation End Products Products derived from the nonenzymatic reaction of glucose and proteins in vivo that exhibit a yellow-brown pigmentation and an ability to participate in protein-protein cross-linking. These substances are involved in biological processes relating to protein turnover and it is believed that their excessive accumulation contributes to the chronic complications of diabetes mellitus. Medical
- Airground Equppment Space, Study, Cosmos
- Arterial Gas Embolism Science, Diving, Scuba Diving, Medical, Physiology, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
- Administración General Del Estado Para, Con, Hacienda
- Amtricans for Generational Equity
- Aircraft Ground Equipment Technology, Science, Aviation
- Aterial Gas Embolism Scuba Diving, Scientific & Educational
- Advanced Glycosylated End Prodlcts Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry
- Affinity Gel Electrophoresis Chemistry, Technology, Science
- Anti-Government Element
- Active Gerontology Education Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Au Gre De L'Emetteur Business, Finance, Banking
- Advanced Glycation Endtroduct
- Aircraft Ground Equip
- Army Ground Equipment
- Adjusted Gross Estate
- A G Edwards, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Alkyl Glycidyl Ethei Business, Chemistry, Chemical
- Adolescent Girls Empowerment Technology, Child, Marriage
- Automatische Gebuehrenerfassung
- Associated Government Employees Unions, Governmental & Military
- Alte Geschichte FüR Europa
- Assessoria De Gestão EstratéGica
- Advanced Glycated End Products Medical
- Acute Gastric Enteritis Medical
- Angle of Greatest Extension Medical, Physiology
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gynäkologische Endoskopie Medical, Association, Health
- Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement
- Adobe Graphics Engine Technology, Computing
- Automatic Guiding Electronics
- Auxiliary Ground Equipment Technology, Governmental & Military
- Alpha Global Expedition
- AssembléIa Geral ExtraordináRia Para, Dos, Ria
- Advanced Glycation End-Product Medical, Health, Diabet
- Acoustic Grand Ensembles Library, Ensemble, Violin, Acoustic
- Advanced Glycosylation Endproduct Medical, British medicine
- Alligator Energy Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Admiralty Gunnery Establishment Technology, Research, History
- Associazione Geriatri Extraospedalieri
- air/ground equipment NASA, Governmental & Military
- Alpha Gamma Epsilon
- Servicios Aereos De Los Angeles Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Assembleia Geral De Estudantes
- Advanced Glycation Endproducts Medical, Science, Biomedical, Product, Diabet
- Analysed By Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- aqueous garlic extract Medical, British medicine
- Associate In General Education College, Education, Community
- Administration Et Gestion Des Entreprises Business, Formation, Licence
- App Growth Engine Technology, Social, Hook
- Automatic Ground Equipment NASA, Governmental & Military
- Alliance Group Educator Gaming, Education, Porn
- Administraci
- Assembt
- Advanced Gerontological Education
- Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational, British medicine
- Acute Gastroenteritis Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, British medicine
- Associated Ground Equipment Technology, Military, Aircraft
- Another Growth Experience Medical, Medicine, Alcoholics Anonymous
- Animation Graphics and Effects General, Governmental & Military
- Alliance for Graduate Excellence
- Asociaci
- Asociación De GeóGrafos EspaÑOles Para, Con, Social
- Advanced Gaming Enterprises
- Wangerooge Airfield Wangerooge, Lower Saxony,Germany Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Wangerooge Airport, Wangerooge, Germany Germany, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Alternating Group Explwcit Technology, Analysis, Equation, Differential
- Assessoria Grafica E Editoriae
- Advancing Geriatrics Education Medical, Science, Medicine
- Air Gap Value
- American Glass Expo Business, America, Trading
- IFALPA Aerodrome & Ground Environment Committee Aviation, Governmental & Military
- All Green Everything
- Asociacion Galega De Edicores Con, Editor, Galicia
- Adult Gaming Enthusiasts
- Wangerooge Airport Airport, Locations
- Awesome Girls Exclusively Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Alte Geschichte F
- Assessoria De Gest
- Advanced Glycosylation End Products Medical
- Average Growth Exponent Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Allyl Glycidyl Ether Medical, Business, Chemistry
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does AGE stand for?
AGE stands for Air/Grounc Equipment.
What is the shortened form of Experimental Auxiliary?
The short form of "Experimental Auxiliary" is AGE.
AGE. (2022, January 23). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from
Last updated