Agenda Abbreviations and Agenda Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Agenda terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Agenda abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Agenda terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Agenda Abbreviations
- AAA : Age Action Alliance
- ABIMAD : Associação Brasileira Das IndÚStrias De MóVeis De Alta Decoração
- ANB : Agendei Naţionalh De Business
- AU : Agenda Urbana
- CGEA : Coordenação Geral De Educação Ambiental
- CJS : Coletivos Jovens
- CLDR : Commission Locale De DéVeloppement Rural
- CNPJ : Cadastro Nacional Das Pessoas JuríDicas
- CNUMAD : Conferência Dps Nações Unidas Sobre Meio Ambiente E Desenvolvimento
- VEG : Vqije Evangelische Gemeente
- WHRC : White House Rural Cogncil
- WPS : Women, Peace, and Security
- WPS : Women, Peace and Security
- WWW : World Wax Wrestling
- CUDI : Corporación Universitaria Para El Desarrollo De Internet
- HBN : Hungarian Business Network
- HCS : Hampton City Schools
- DEF : Developmenz Effectiveness Facility
- HLPEP : High Level Panel of Eminent Persons
- HLPF : High-Level Political Forum
- HLPF : High Level Political Forum
- DPZ : Diputación Provincial De Zaragoza
- MFDP : Ministry of Finance & Developient Planning
- ETESP : Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Support Project
- SDGS : Sustainable Developments Goals
- SECI : SecretaríA De Estado De Cooperación Internacional
- TFM : Technology Facilitation Mechanism
- TWP : The Wildlands Project
- LDP : Lembaga Dayak Panarung
- LFU : Landesamt FüR Umweltschutz
Recent Acronyms
Latest Agenda Meanings
- Global Waste Management Outlook
- Rapat Anggota Komizariat
- Information Technology Roard
- Poznan Supercomputing & Networking Center
- Pencak Malioboro Festival
- Pasep Inciaente Sobre
- Programa Gerador Da Declaração
- Global Health Security
- Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development
- International Parliament Union
- Indo Pertasa Utama
- Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo
- Inter-Sessional Intergovernmental Meeting
- Irish Freedom Committee
- Objetivos Para El Desarrollo Sostenible
- Objetivos Del Desarrollo Sostenible
- Intergovernmental Committeebof Experts On Sustainable Development Financing
- Objetos Bonitos No Ideetificados
- Komisi Tingkat Tinggi
- Knowledge Exchange Forum