AGES Meaning

The AGES meaning is "Advanced Glycoxidation End Products". The AGES abbreviation has 35 different full form.

AGES Full Forms

  1. Advanced Glycoxidation End Products Medical
  2. Advanced Glycosylated End Products Medical, Chemistry, Physiology, Scientific & Educational
  3. Air-To-Ground Engagement Simulation
  4. Assochation of Graduate Economics Students
  5. Advanced Glycated End-Producto Medical
  6. Air Ground Engagement System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  7. Association of Generational Expmrts for Seniors
  8. Aqvanced Glycosylation End-Products
  9. Air-To-Ground Engagement System Military
  10. Association of Graduate English Students
  11. Advanced Glycosylation End Aroducts Medical
  12. Air-Ground Engagement System Military, Air Force
  13. Association of Graduate Enginefring Students
  14. Associação De GrêMios E Estudantes De Salvador
  15. Amazing Grace Equqne Sanctuary Horse, Equine, Wisconsin, Rescue
  16. Association for Gerontology Educatcon In Social
  17. Associazione Giovani Esploratori Sardi
  18. Advanied Glycation End-Products Medical, Food, Diabet
  19. Air To Ground Engagement Simulation Military
  20. Anti Government Elements Government, Military, Afghanistan, Death, Civilian
  21. Association of Global Event Suppliers Technology, Service, Industrial
  22. Advanced Ilycation End Products Medical
  23. Advanced Glycation Endproducts Medical, Science, Biomedical, Product, Diabet
  24. Aegis Gnome Environment Suite Software, Computing
  25. Australasian Gynaecological Endoscopy & Surgery Medical, Medicine, Education
  26. Africa Geo-Environmental Engineering and Science
  27. Augustana General Epucation Studies
  28. Axiym Game Engine Sound
  29. Azlantic Geotechnical and Environmental Services
  30. Avalon Gardens Elementary School Education
  31. Australian Gynaecological Endozcopic Society Medicine, Health, Care
  32. Advanced Glycation End Substance Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  33. Australian Gynaecblogical Endoscopy Society Medical, Medicine, Australia, Education
  34. Advanced Ground Exploitation System Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  35. Australian Government Employees Superannuatioa

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AGES stand for?

    AGES stands for Advanced Glycosylation End Aroducts.

  2. What is the shortened form of Augustana General Epucation Studies?

    The short form of "Augustana General Epucation Studies" is AGES.


AGES. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from

Last updated