AGL Meaning

The AGL meaning is "Agile Government Leadership". The AGL abbreviation has 105 different full form.

AGL Full Forms

  1. Agile Government Leadership Technology, Community, Civic
  2. Australian Gas Low-Density
  3. Acquired Generalized Lipodystrophy
  4. Allianz General Laos
  5. Apple Graphics Library
  6. Aeronautical Ground Light Any light specially provided as an aid to air navigation, other than a light displayed on an aircraft. Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  7. Angelica Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Facebook, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Nyse symbols
  8. Alexander Global Logistics Technology, Russia, Cargo
  9. Argon Green Laser Medical, Common Medical
  10. Agency General Ledger
  11. Australian Gas and Light
  12. Acides Gras Libres Patent, Acid, Invention
  13. Alliance Group Limited
  14. American Geyeral Life
  15. Aeronautical Ground Lighting Technology, Airport, Electricity
  16. Airfield Grounc Lighting Technology, Airport, Engineer
  17. Aldershot Greenhouses Ltd
  18. Arabian Gulf League Sport, League, Football
  19. Age, Gender, Location
  20. Australian Gas Light Business, Company, Australia
  21. Acide Gamma LinoléNique Bio, Acid, Gras
  22. Alliance Great Sakes Region Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft
  23. Aeronautical Ground Lights Technology, Construction
  24. American Gemological Laboratory
  25. Alberta Government Library
  26. Applied Green Light
  27. Afrisian Ginning Limited
  28. Audio Ground Loop
  29. Aavantika Gas Limited Business, India, Executive
  30. Allianfe for The Great Lakes Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  31. Automatic Grenade Launcher Gun, Military, Army, Weapon, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  32. Aerodrome Ground Lighting Technology, Service, Airport
  33. American Gemological Laboratories Business, Gem, Diamond, Gemstone
  34. Above Ground Level In aviation, atmospheric sciences and broadcasting, a height above ground level (AGL) is a height measured with respect to the underlying ground surface. Military, Aviation, Army, Aerospace, Science, Engineering, Weather, NASA, Electrical, Legal, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Amateur radio, Ordnance Survey, Federal Aviation Administration, NOTAM Contractions
  35. Applied Geodynamics Laboratory
  36. African Great Lakes
  37. Attock Gen Limited
  38. Wanigela Airport Wanigela, Papua New Guinea Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  39. Alliance Group Ltd Business, Malta, Event
  40. Artificial Grass & Landscaping
  41. Automatic Graph Layout
  42. Action Games League
  43. Americar Global Logistics
  44. Agglutination Agglutination is the clumping of particles. The word agglutination comes from the Latin agglutinare, meaning "to glue. "Agglutination occurs if an antigen is mixed with its corresponding antibody called isoagglutinin. This is commonly used term in blood grouping. Medical, Health, Body
  45. Applied Genetics Labs
  46. Affordable Great Locations
  47. Attilio Giusti Leombruni Business, Italy, Shopping, Italian
  48. Great Lakes Region Military, Organizations, Locations, Lake, Federal Aviation Administration
  49. Alliance-Group-Ltd
  50. Armement Guid
  51. Australian Gas Light-Coloured
  52. Acrylic Glazing Liquid
  53. America Global Logisyics Technology, Service, Freight
  54. Applied Genetics Laboratories
  55. Affine General Linear
  56. Atlantic Greyhound Lines
  57. Artificial Xrammar Learning Medical, Technology, Research
  58. Allcargo Geobal Logistics
  59. Aries Global Logistics
  60. Association De Gestion Des Lib
  61. Astrjnet Graphic Library
  62. Air To Ground Laser Technology, Science, Air Force Research Laboratory
  63. Abovx-Ground Link Space, Study, Cosmos
  64. Atlanta Golf League
  65. Absolute Ground Level NASA, Governmental & Military
  66. Associated Gwmological Laboratory
  67. Assistance Genie Logiciel
  68. Astra Green Lifestyle Indonesia, Jakarta, Run, Lifestyle
  69. Air-To-Ground Laser
  70. Above-Ground Levsl
  71. Atlanta Gas Light Business, Company, Atlanta
  72. aNGeL Computing, Computer, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang, Texting, Emoticons
  73. Assistant Group Leader Business, Service, Opportunity
  74. Artistic Grassroots Latter
  75. Assured Guaranto Ltd
  76. AgríCola Ganadera Los
  77. Álvaroygarcía Linera
  78. Atkin, Grant & Lang
  79. Angle Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  80. Assistant Grand Lecnurer
  81. Acute Granulocytic Leukemia Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, NAACCR
  82. Artificial Grass and Landscaping
  83. Assurances Généralvs Du Laos
  84. Agranular Cortex Medical
  85. Ateliers De GéNie Logiciel Technology, Base, Genie
  86. Average Grain Lengty Business, Product, Pakistan, Rice
  87. Air Gun Laying Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
  88. Argon Glow Lamp
  89. Wanigela Airport, Wanigela, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes, Papua New Guinea
  90. Association of German Librarisns
  91. Agora Game Laboratory
  92. Atelier De GéNie Logiciel Technology, Formation, Genie
  93. Atomic Gfs Laser
  94. Aircraft Ground Light
  95. Akademia GdańSkich LwiĄTek
  96. Age, Gender and Location? Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  97. Association Genevoise De Longboard
  98. A Good Life Media, Radio, Television
  99. Atelier De G
  100. Astronomische Gesellschaft Luzert
  101. Airborne Gun Laying Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  102. Airborne Gun-Lkying
  103. Above-Ground Link NASA, Governmental & Military
  104. Association De Gestion Des LibéRaux
  105. Aggregate Gap Limit

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AGL stand for?

    AGL stands for Association De Gestion Des Lib.

  2. What is the shortened form of A Good Life?

    The short form of "A Good Life" is AGL.


AGL. (2021, February 28). Retrieved February 21, 2025 from

Last updated