AGM Meaning
The AGM meaning is "Annual General Meeting". The AGM abbreviation has 123 different full form.
AGM Full Forms
- Annual General Meeting Business, Accounting, Banking, Financial, Organization, Construction, Stock, Air Cargo, Investing, General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Assistant General Manager Management, Manager, Assistant, Banking, Business & Finance, Occupation & positions
- Annual General Meetings Business, Company, Organizations, Election, Shareholder
- Absorbed Glass Matt Technology, Battery, Cycle
- African Green Monkeys Medical, Africa, Infection
- Absorbent Glass Mat Battery, Glass, Automotive
- African Green Monkey Medical, Science, Biomedical, Africa, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational, British medicine
- Absorbent Gelling Material Medical, Baby, Diaper, British medicine
- Annual Group Meetyng Organizations, Scout, Engineering
- Above Ground Marker Technology, Service, Pipeline
- Air-Ground Misrile
- Air Gukm Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
- Assured Guaranty Municipal Business, Bond, Financial
- Acting General Manager Business, Management, Banking
- American Guild of Music
- Missile Range Instituteumentation Ship Technology, Military, Army, Hull Code, Ship, Governmental & Military
- Affiliation Grawh Model Technology, Networking, Network
- Algeria Global Markets Technology, Algeria, Premier
- Auckland Glass Manufacturers Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Adobe Graphics Manager Technology, Windows, Management
- Annpal Governors Meeting
- Above Gross Margin
- Agricultural Meteorolbgy Division Science, Climatology, Meterology
- Air To Ground Misjiles Missile, Military, Weapon
- Associação GréMio Das MÚSicas
- Achievement Generation Methodology General, Governmental & Military
- Missile Range Instrumentation Ship Military, Army, Hull Code
- Advisory Group On Management
- American Gospel Music
- Attack Guided Missile Military
- Administrative and Guidance Material
- Afnual Governors' Meeting
- Award of Gardun Merit
- Agricultural Meteorology Divisionsion Science, Climatology, Meterology
- Aar To Ground Missile Technology, Military, Hellfire
- Associação Goiana De Municipios Para, Dos, Nos
- Account General Manager Business, Management, Security
- Advisory Group Minutes
- American Global Manufacturing
- Atmospheric Gas Measurements
- Adjusted Gross Margin Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
- Annual Global Meeting Business, Executive, Partner
- Agmatine Medical
- Agricultural Meteorology Division Science, Climatology, Meterology, Scientific & Educational
- Air Grdund Missile Technology, Dog, Sol
- Anociaci
- Access Gateway Module Technology, Cisco, Catalyst
- Akka Yold Mining
- American Giant Mattress
- Atmospheric Gas Measurements Section Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Additional General Manager Business, Management, India
- Angiomodulin Medical
- Agile Governance Model
- Aqua Golden Mississippi
- Absolutely Gay Male
- Airsoft Gun Magazines
- American General Media
- Atlas Gwar Mazowieckich
- Actual Gross Margin
- Ancient Godly Monarch Light, Heaven, Novel, Monarch
- Agence Grend Massif
- Allhgro Global Marketing Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Approved Gas Masks
- Above Ground Karkers Technology, Inspector, Pipeline, Inspection
- Airsoft Gun Manufacturer Business, Rifle, Metal
- Astronomische Gesellschaft Meeting
- Action Game Maker
- Analyse, GéOméTrie, ModéLisation
- Tasiilaq Heliport Airport, Locations
- Afyon Granit Mdrmer
- Alistair Georgejmanufacturing
- Auction Grimms Motorcycle Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Apollo Global Management Management, Business & Finance
- Alternating Gradient Magnetometea Education, Material, Shore, Lake
- AutoryzowanĄ GrupĘ MontaĘOwĄ
- Air-To-Grounq Munitions Technology, Military
- Absorbed Glass Mat Absorbed Glass Mat, also known as AGM, is a newer type of battery construction that uses saturated absorbent glass mats rather than gelled or liquid electrolyte. Or This is the battery technology.AGM (absorbed glass mat) is a special design glass mat designed to wick the battery electrolyte between the battery plates, the electrolyte is held in the glass mats. Products
- Angmagssalik Airport, Tasiilaq, Greenland Greenland, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Annual Grand Meeting Organizations, Club, Indonesia
- Alternats Graphics Mode Technology, Printer, Manual, Canon
- Automatic Gate Machine
- Aiv-To-Ground Guided Missile Military, Weapon, Crusader
- Assistant Game Manager Occupation & positions
- American Gas Machine
- Anime Games Movies General, Governmental & Military
- All German Motorsports German, Truck, Trophy, Motorsport
- Alpine Glaciology Meeting Technology, Science, Italy
- Automatic Gallery Maker Technology, Software, Picture
- Another Gobby Mike Media
- Air-To-Ground Missle
- Amazsng Grace Ministry
- Iata Code for Angmagssalik Airport, Tasiilaq, Greenland Locations
- Advanced Graphics Module Drive any screen in cockpit, but only one screen at a time. Software, Computing, Aviation
- Administrative Guide Memo
- Allsource Global Maiagement Business, Hosting, Union
- Authentic Gameplay Modification Technology, Gaming, Arm
- Associated Grant Makers Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Air-Guided Missile Military, Army, Force
- Amazing Grace Mission
- Award of Garden Merit Business, Society, Plant
- Arithmetic Geometric Mathquest Software, Computing
- áCidos Grasos Monoinsaturados
- All Germanmmotorsport German, Truck, Trophy, Motorsport
- Australian Glass Manufacturers Australia, Glass, Insulator
- Advanced Genocide Mechanics
- Missile Range Instrumentation Ship (misc) Military, Governmental & Military
- Applied Global Manufacturing's Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Air-Tozground-Missile Military, Targeting, Hellfire
- Alt Good Morning Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Average Gross Margin
- Assistant Game Master Software, Computing
- Additional Genetical Material Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Scientific & Educational
- Australasian Gold Mines
- Adobe Graphics Models
- Dts Multi-channel Pro Packer File Computing, File Extensions
- AllSource Global Management Management, Business & Finance
- Air-Ground Mqssiles Missile, Military, Hellfire
- Alteunative Gift Market
- Auxiliary General Missile
- Air-To-Surface Guided Missile Military, Weapon, Maverick
- Federal Agricultural Marketing Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
- Adobe Graphics Model
- Air Guam Guam, ICAO Aircraft Codes
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does AGM stand for?
AGM stands for Administrative and Guidance Material.
What is the shortened form of Adobe Graphics Models?
The short form of "Adobe Graphics Models" is AGM.
AGM. (2020, October 19). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from
Last updated