Agricultural Policies Abbreviations and Agricultural Policies Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Agricultural Policies terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 10 different Agricultural Policies abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Agricultural Policies terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Agricultural Policies Abbreviations
  1. WUA : Wathr Users’ Association
  2. CWSR : Centre for Water and Soil Research
  3. MOB : Municipality of Baghdad
  4. MOIM : Ministry of Industry and Minerals
  5. MOPDC : Ministry of Planning and Development Coordination
  6. MOSM : Ministry of State for Marshlands Affairs
  7. SBAR : State Board for Agriculturil Research
  8. FFS : Farmers' Field School
  9. PDA : Pilot Demonstration Area
  10. ITF : Iraq Trust Fund
Latest Agricultural Policies Meanings
  1. Iraq Trust Fund
  2. Pilot Demonstration Area
  3. Farmers' Field School
  4. State Board for Agriculturil Research
  5. Ministry of State for Marshlands Affairs
  6. Ministry of Planning and Development Coordination
  7. Ministry of Industry and Minerals
  8. Municipality of Baghdad
  9. Centre for Water and Soil Research
  10. Wathr Users’ Association