AGVS in Vehicle Meaning

The AGVS meaning in Vehicle terms is "Automated Guided Vehicle System". There are 6 related meanings of the AGVS Vehicle abbreviation.

AGVS on Vehicle Full Forms

  1. Automated Guided Vehicle System An automated guided vehicle system is a mobile robot that follows markers or wires in the floor, or uses vision, magnets, or lasers for navigation. They are most often used in industrial applications to move materials around a manufacturing facility or warehouse.
  2. Autonomous Ground Vehicles
  3. Automatic Guided Vehicles
  4. Automatic Guided Vehicles System
  5. Autonomously Guided Vehicles
  6. Autonomous Guided Vehicles

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AGVS stand for Vehicle?

    AGVS stands for Autonomously Guided Vehicles in Vehicle terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Autonomous Guided Vehicles in Vehicle?

    The short form of "Autonomous Guided Vehicles" is AGVS for Vehicle.


AGVS in Vehicle. (2021, February 28). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from

Last updated