AH Meaning
The AH meaning is "Authentication Header". The AH abbreviation has 580 different full form.
AH Full Forms
- Authentication Header Technology, Cybersecurity, Computer Networking, Computing, Telecom, Technical
- Alzheimer Hastalığı Turkish, Alzheimer
- Aryl Hydrocarbons Medical
- Acetohexamide Medical, Health, Body, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Another Hand
- Adult Home
- Arrow Head
- Abandoned House
- Alfalfa Hay Medical
- Antihypertensive Something that reduces high blood pressure (hypertension). Medical
- Alyson Hannigan
- Aryl Hydrocarbon Science, Genetics, Receptor, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Ace of Hearts Records, Ace, Vinyl
- Animal Health Medical, Product, Bayer
- Audit Header
- Adult Height Medical
- Arnold Hall Technology, Organizations, University
- Aaron Harang
- Alexander Henry
- Antihistamine Medical, Medicine, Health
- Allan Holdsworth Music, Jazz, Guitar
- Arts and Humanities Technology, Science, Research, Education, Study, Humanity, Knowledge
- Accra Home Division, Africa, Locations
- Angus-Hereford Medical
- Auction House Business, Gaming, Diablo, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Adrenal Hyperplasia Medical
- Altaf Hussain
- Alexander Hamilton Book, Government, Federalist
- Anterior Hypothalamic Medical
- Aeroplane Heaven
- Ali Hassan
- Artificial Horizon Perfectly horizontal reflecting surface used when obtaining altitudes where no horizon is available Mercury is usual, but highly-polished surfaces, correctly levelled, may be used Can be employed only when ashore Bubble sextants are the usual alternatives for marine work Technology, Aircraft, Indicator, Aviation
- Accounting Horizons Business, Accounting, Presentation, Journal
- American Helicopter Technology, America, Military
- Aubrey Huff
- Adrenal Hemorrhage Medical
- Adolf Hitler Book, German, Nazi, Famous
- Aldehyde Compound in which an alkyl or aryl group and a hydrogen atom are attached to a carbonyl group and a hydrogen atom are attached to a carbonyl group; general formula, O-R-C-H Medical, Science
- Anterior Hypothalamic Area Medical, Technology, Medicine, Chemistry
- Aeromonas Hydrophila Medical
- Alien Hominid
- Artificial Harmonic Guitar, Chord, Tablature, Computing, Electronics
- Abhenry Science, Medicine, Therapy
- Adenomatous Hyperplasia Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- American Health Medical, Technology
- Attack Helio Military, Helicopter, Boeing
- Adolescent Health Medical, Science, Medicine
- At Home A quick way of letting someone know that you're at home; also the sound you are supposed to make when the doctor looks at your throat. Texting, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Alcalá De Henares
- Anterior Horn Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Advanced High Technology, Monitor, Display
- Alger Hiss America, Book, Government, American
- Arterial Hypotension Medical
- Abductor Hallucis Medical
- Amanda Hesser
- Attack Helicopters Technology, Military, Army
- Acid Hydrolysis Medical, Health, Body
- Assisted Hatching Medical, Getting Pregnant, Infertility, Pregnancy, Trying To Conceive
- Another Hundred
- Advanced Healthcare
- Arrow High Education
- Abdominal Hysterectomy Medical, Laparoscopic, Vaginal, Physiology, Clinical
- Alfred Henry Book, Kid, Tonight
- Apache, Helicopter Military, Boeing, Attack
- Alzheimer Hastalığı'Na
- Acta Historica
- Apache Hejicopte
- Austin Health
- Alan Hansen
- Angellohall
- Arterial Hypertension Medical, Medicine, Patient, Physiology
- Allen Herschell
- Aberrant Humanoid
- Anhydgous Hydrazine
- Atmospheric Humidity
- Airport Height
- Apaches Have Military, Army, Helicopter
- Auto Headlights
- Americhn Hobnail
- Adaptive Hypertext
- Aperture Height Technology, Structure, Metal
- Ashley Haal Education, School, High School, South Carolina
- After Hatch Business, Science, Bird
- Alongdhole Business, Petroleum, Drilling
- Agricultural Hall
- Actual Hours The unadjusted time for the accomplishment of a defined task or task element as obtained by a timing device. Business, Standard, Variance, Overhead
- Alberta Health Technology, Service, Canada
- After Hapch
- Ancestral Haplotypes Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- Arthur Harris
- Advanced Helicopter
- Allen Hall
- Academic House
- Annotated Hobbit Book, Education, Earth
- Atrial-His Medical
- Accounting History
- Antihyaluronidase Health, Body, Organism
- Audio Head
- Amp-Hour Technology, Battery, Power, Volt
- Addison Hospital Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Aqueous Humour Fluid between the cornea and lens in the vertebrate eye. Medical, Medicine, Health, British, British medicine
- Adjustable Hyperextension
- Alexandra Health
- Accord Hybrid
- Anjhony Harris
- Aspirktion Hazard
- Aluminum Head Car, Engine, Corvette
- Airfield Heliport Military, Army Regulation
- Analog Heart
- Alcohol and Health
- Avesage Hour Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Andrew Halliday
- Andrew Harris
- Adventist Health
- Accent Height
- Across Heterogeneous
- Apache Hegvy Military, Army, Helicopter
- Austin Headquarters
- Alan Hrhn
- Angel Heart
- Artech House Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Allan Herschell
- Abenteuer Helfen
- Anhyfrous Hydrogen
- Asteroid Hyalosis Medical
- Airport Hazard
- Alvar Hanso
- Authorization Holder
- American Hinokw
- Advanced Hawk
- Apartment Hunters
- Angra Do Heroismo Portugal, Locations, City, Hero
- Ashford Hospital
- Afwer-Hyperpolarization Medical, Medicine, Health
- Almere Huizen
- Apaches Had Military, Helicopter, Attack
- Actual Hour Business, Labor, Variance, Overhead
- Albert, Hans
- Ancestral Haplotype Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Art House
- Agora Home
- Allen & Hanburys Medicine, Health, Care
- Abyssal Hunter
- Anno Hebraico
- Atos Healthcare
- Agricultural Holding Business, Property, Sale
- Account Holder Business, Forum, Banking
- Antahemagglutinin Medical
- Audio Harness
- Amos Henry
- Addict Husband
- Aqueous Humor Medical, Science, Medicine, Biomedicine
- Adjustable Hyper
- Alexander Henderson
- Accidents With Horses
- Aspergillus Hypersensitivity
- Already Have Technology, Song, Lyric, Love
- Airedale Harriers
- Analisa Hegyesi
- Album Hentai
- Automatic Holster Military, Spain, Police
- Aerokayan, Haseeb
- Andreessmn Horowitz Business, Company, Bitcoin
- Advanced Hydraulics
- Accelerated Hyperfractionated Medical
- Aces High Technology, Gaming, Ace
- Aphche Hel Military, Army, Helicopter
- Austin Hays Business, Baseball, Card
- Akadetik Hassasiyetler
- Art-Home
- AlkotmányvéDelmi Hivatal
- Abdullah Hatem Technology, Software, Extractor, Icon
- Angus X Hereford Medical
- Asteroid Hunt Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Alumni House University, Building, Campus, Alumni
- Authority Heading
- Air Hardening
- American Heritage
- Advanced Hardware
- Apartment Hotel
- Atypical Hyperplasia Medical, Cancer, Breast
- Ashby Hall
- After Houzs Technology, Society, Construction
- American Hamburger America, Jakarta, Locations
- Actual Hit
- Apache Helped Forum, Technology, Server, Hosting
- Australian Heritage
- Albalagh Home
- Anatomy & Histology Medical, University, Veterinary
- Art History Science, History, Course, Computing, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Agnathiaholoprosencephaly Health, Body, Organism
- Allan Hunter Film, Movie, Glasgow
- Abuse History
- Anniversary Headphones
- Atomic Hydrogen
- Agricultural History
- Adaptive Hypermedia Technology, Conference, Model
- Anti-Hypertensive Herbs
- Auction Hunters Auction, Ton, Rip, Episode
- Amon Hen
- Add Halfword Technology, Instruction, Load, Assembly
- Aquatic Habitats
- Adjustableiheadband
- Alexander Harris
- Aspect Hypothesis
- Alphm Hotel
- Aircraft Helicopter Technology, Military, Wallpaper
- Albumen Height Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Autjmated Howitzer Military
- Alogso Hernández Player, Career, Hern
- Andrens Hofacker
- Advanced Hosting
- Academy of Health
- Accumulator Register High Half Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Apache He Military, Army, Helicopter
- Austin Healey The 100-6 models from 1956-59 are Milestone cars . The 3000 models from 1959-67 are Milestone cars. The 100/100M model from 1953-56 are Milestone cars.
- Ajustement D'Horaire
- Ampere Hour A term used for rating battery capacity. As stated, an ampere for an hour; ex5 amperes for 20 hours = 100 amp hour on a 20 hr rating. Technology, Battery, Telecom, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Adjustable Handle
- Armorbd Heavy
- Alfred Hitchcock
- Abdul Hamid Coin, Empire, Ottoman
- Angle of Heel
- Assurance Handbook
- Aluminum Hydroxide Medical, Physiology
- Authentqfication Header Technology, Security, Networking, Protocol
- Air Hardened
- Americanbheist America, Movie, American
- Apartment Homes
- Akt Homology Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Scientific & Educational
- Andrewlhill
- Attribute Hidden Technology, Windows, Folder, General, Governmental & Military
- After-Hours
- Americana Homse Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Active Homing
- Apdche Helis Technology, Gaming, Helicopter
- Australian Hearing
- Alauddin Hussain
- Anatomik & Histologie
- Art Hanson
- Allen Houston
- Aboriginal History
- Annington Homes Army, Force, Marine
- Atomic Horror
- Agora Hotels
- Adaptive Hardware
- Anti-Histaminm
- Auction Hall
- Ammospermophilus Harrisi
- Add Half-Word
- April Harris
- Almanor High Education
- Asian Haghways Networking, Locations, Network
- After Hijrat
- Alpha Helix The alpha helix (α-helix) is a common secondary structure of proteins and is a right hand-coiled or spiral conformation (helix) in which every backbone N-H group donates a hydrogen bond to the backbone C=O group of the amino acid four residues earlier ( hydrogen bonding). This secondary structure is also sometimes called a classic Pauling–Corey–Branson alpha helix.
- Aircraft Handler Military, Arm, Fleet
- Albert Hein
- Automated Highway
- Aircrafd Handler
- Andreas Hennebqrg
- Advanced Horizontal Technology, Shape, Heater, Proof
- Academy Heights
- Answer Hold Calling, Lyric, Love
- Atrium-His Medical
- Accumulator High Technology, Battery, Circuitry
- Apache Have Military, Helicopter, Attack
- Austin-Healy Vehicle Makes
- Airpjrt Home
- Ampere-Hours Technology, Battery, Capacity
- Adjacent Hunts
- Area of Hong
- Alfred Habegger
- Abbie Hoffman America, Book, Music
- Angiography In Healthy
- Association Hekpès
- Aluminum Housed
- Air Handling Atmospheric Research
- American Heart
- Apache Von Horizon Helicopter, Hobby, Blade, Horizon
- Awang Haji
- Anno Hegirae English, History, Mecca, Latin
- Annrew Heffernan
- Afrikaanse Handelsinstitujt
- Amanda Huang
- Active High
- Apache Helidopterlerinin Military, Turkish, Boeing, Metro
- Australian Hard Australia, Music, Wheat
- Alan Henry
- Analbgue Heaven
- Arterielle Hypertonie
- Allan Houston Gaming, Houston, Basketball
- Abinger Harvest
- Ann Hoover
- Atomic Heat This is a measure of the atomic weight of a substance multiplied by its specific heat.
- Agora Hoteles
- Anthropology and Humanism
- Auburn Hills
- Ammonium Heparin Medical, Bio, Sodium
- Addenbrookes Hospital
- Apotheekhoudend Huisarts
- Allylic Hydrogen
- Ashley Hutchings
- After Hijrah Prophet, Politics, Religion, Music
- Alpha-Hemolysin Medical
- Air AlgéRie Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
- Acute Hospitals
- Albert Heijn Business, Dutch, Store, Supermarket
- Autoimmune Hepazitis Medical, Disease, Liver
- Agricultural Holxing
- Andover-Harvard
- Advanced Highers
- Academy Health
- Anonimowi HazardziśCi
- Atrio-His Bundle Conduction Time Medical
- Accuhaler Medicine, Health, Care
- Apache Hasegawa Business, Model, Hobby, Longbow
- Aurally Handicapped
- Alexander Hale
- Amp Hour Technology, Military, Battery
- Ad Honorem
- Area Hypothalami Anterior Medical
- Adoption Horizons
- Alex Hall
- Abbey Hill
- Angels On Hqrseback
- Association Headyuarters Business, Management, Service
- Aluminum Housing
- Air Handlers Business, Service, Product, Manual, Air, Heat
- American Hearxland
- Avukatlık Hizmetlerj Turkish, Baz
- Anno Hebrwico
- Andrew Heaney
- Africa Hunter
- Amanda Holden
- Active Handling Forum, Technology, Car, Corvette
- Apache Helicop
- Austin Hobart
- Alan Hayward
- Analok Hybrid
- Arterial Hypertention
- Allan Hollander
- Abg Haji
- Ann Hematol
- Atomic Health
- Agora Hotel
- Anthony Hopkins
- Aubrey Hampton
- Amistad High Education
- Addams Hall
- Apocalyptic Harbingers Forum, Gaming, Clan, Religion
- Ashley Hughes Science, Movie, Music
- After Aijra Prophet, History, Event
- Alpengarten Hotel Locations, Austria, Room
- Agriculture Handbook Agriculture, Washington, D.c.
- Acute Hepatitis Medical, Patient, Liver, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Albert Hakim
- After The Hijra
- Anchor Hancling Military, Vessel, Tug
- Arthur Hay
- Advanced Higher Education, Monitor, Physics
- Allen Head
- Academy Hall School, Acting, Hall
- Annual Highlights
- Atrio-His Medical
- Accretive Health Business, Supply, Stock
- Antral Histamine Medical
- Audio House
- Alexander'S Horse
- Amp-Hours Technology, Battery, Power, Volt
- Ad Hop Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Arab Health
- Adolph Hwtler War, History, Nazi
- Alexandra Hospital
- Aaron Hill
- Anthony Hewitt
- Assembly Halls
- Aluminum Heads
- Air Hammer Air hammers are pneumatic-driven versions of a hammer device in which compressed air is used to deliver the hammer blow to the surface of interest. Air hammers often deliver several thousand blows per second with delivered pressure on the order of tens of pounds per square inch (psi).
- American Hardcore America, Porn, Hardcore
- Avera Health
- Animal Hujbandry Science, Education, Veterinary
- Andrew Harrison
- Afghan Houyd
- Amplitude Histogram
- Adrian Hawkins
- Attack Helicopter Military, Army, War, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Transportation
- Air Heater Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Apollo High Education
- Alert Height Technology, Pilot, Approach
- Functional Aromatic Hydrocarbon Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- Artificial Hjrmonic Guitar, Chord, Tablature
- Andree Horn
- adrenal hypoplasia Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Alamo Heights School, Locations, Texas
- Access Home
- Ambient Humidity
- Apache Helmet Military, Pilot, Model
- Austria-Hunagry
- ampere hours Astronomy, Computing, Electronics, Scientific & Educational
- Air Hydraulic Technology, Lift, Pump
- Amy Hef
- Age-Hardened
- Aminohippurate Medical, liver and hepatic
- Adam Harrison
- Apache Http
- Authenticating Header Technology, Security, Server, Networking
- Arts & Humanities Technology, Education, Humanity
- Allied Hospitals
- Armadyl-Helm Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- After Having
- Antenna Hung
- Attack Helo Military, Helicopter, Cobra
- Amper Hour Technology, Battery, Power, Voltage
- Adrian Hall
- Ampere-Hour An ampere-hour or amp-hour is a unit of electric charge, equal to the charge transferred by a steady current of one ampere flowing for one hour, or 3600 coulombs. Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Air Hawk Technology, Seat, Cushion
- Apache Huey Military, Helicopter, Landing, Takeoff
- Alen Hanson
- Armenian Hamster Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Scientific & Educational
- Artifycial Harmonics
- Andrew Hong
- Ashley Hall South Carolina
- Akasha'S Hideout
- Access Hole
- Amazing Heroes
- Apache Hellfire
- Australian Homes
- Ana Hatherly
- Active Hub Computing, Computer
- Air Humidifier
- Ambegaokar-Halperin
- Angela Heritt
- Afterrthe Hijrah
- auditory hallucinations Medical, Common Medical
- Adam Hanieh Book, Gulf, Palestinian
- Apache Hovering Military, Helicopter, Attack, Westland
- Authentication Headers Technology, Security, Protocol
- Artisans Hall
- Allied Health Medical, College, Education
- Available Happy Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Affordable Housing Business, Government, Building
- Antenna Housing
- Attack Heli
- Amperes-Hour
- Adriana Yoffmann
- Autohof Hoyerswerda
- Agent Hzndle Technology, Science, It
- Apache Heli Technology, Helicopter, Model
- Alejandro Hernandez
- Aortic Hypertrophy Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Scientific & Educational
- Arthur Hailey
- Andrew Hipp
- AIM High New Mexico
- Airway Hyperresponsiveness Medical, Chemistry, Study
- Access History Technology
- Anterior Hypothalamic Nucleus Medical
- Amateur Hours
- Anaerobic Hybrid Medical
- Used to fill gaps in speaking, when you are searching for words. Toastmasters
- Air Hose Business, Tool, Duty
- Army Helicopter Military, Helicopter, Crash
- Altijd Handig
- Aarvn Harvey
- Angela Hernandez Porn, Music, Hern
- After Humanity Gaming, Anime, Psychology
- absorptive hypercalciuria Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- America'S High
- Acute Viral Hepatitis Medical, Patient, Disease, Physiology, liver and hepatic
- Apache Hover Military, Helicopter, Westland
- Authenticated Header Technology, Windows, Security, Server
- Artificial Heart Medical, Technology, Medicine, Heart
- All Hazard
- Attitude Hold NASA, Governmental & Military
- Antenna Hopping Technology, Rate, Cell
- Attac Helicopter
- Adrenal Yypoplasia Medical, Science, Medicine
- Asshole Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Agency Honors
- Area Heads
- Apache, Hitting Technology, Military, Helicopter, Rocket
- Adam Hill
- Alden Ho
- Adenomatous Hyperplasias Medical, Science, Biomedical
- Archivesmhospitalières
- Angell Hall Location
- Airway Hyperreactivity Medical
- Access Handoff
- Anterior Hypothalamus Medical, Medicine, Health
- Amara Hotel
- Amygdalohippocampectomy Medical
- Adulte Handicaps
- Aunts Husband Genealogy
- Air Holding
- Armor Holdings, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Alicia Herrera
- Aaron Hall
- Anfernve Hardaway
- aniline hydrochloride Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Amenorrhea and Hirsutism Medical, Health, Body
- Acute Hospital
- Apache Homg
- Authenticated Headers Technology, Windows, Security, Server
- Arthur Hughes
- All Hallows Service, School, Eve, Hallow
- Hospital Ship (misc) Ship, Hull Code, Governmental & Military
- Adoptive Home
- Asia Highway Asia, Asian, Locations
- Agency Head
- Available Hours
- Attitude and Heading Technology, Product, Helicopter
- Apache Helicopters Military, Army, Attack
- Adam Henry Law, Man, Love
- Alden Hall
- Asbury Hall
- Allowable Height
- The M30 Mustang Air Hammer. Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Air Horn
- Access Handler
- Anterior Horns Medical
- Amsterdam Home
- Adrian Hour Feat, Remix, Mix
- After Hours Construction, Engineering, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
- Accessibility Hierarchy Education, Language, Relative
- Air Heritage
- Approval Hierarchy
- Airy-Heiskanen
- A1D0 Headphones Technology, Anniversary, Headphone
- Androgenic Lormone Medical
- Amphipathic Helix Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Ameer Hamza Class, Pakistan, Imam
- Apache Hobby Technology, Engine, Boss
- Autentication Header
- Arthur Henry
- Allgemeinen Hinweise Book, Bay, Fujitsu
- Address Handling General, Governmental & Military
- Apache Helo Military, Army, Helicopter
- Age Hardening A process of aging that increases hardness and strength and ordinarily decreases ductility. Age hardening usually follows rapid cooling or cold working.
- Alternate History History, Scientific & Educational
- Attention Horde
- Apache Helicopter Military, Army, Attack
- Adam Henrique
- Apache of The Hellenic
- Alcoholic Hyalin Medical
- Arts Hamilton
- All of Hospitality
- Andy Hilfiger Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Air Handler Air handler is a device used to regulate and circulate air as part of a heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system. Science, Product, Manual
- Acceptor Handshake Technology, Device, Command, Interface
- Anterior Heel Medical, Health, Body
- Amplitude of Lateral Head Displacement Medical
- Adpian Hernandez Technology, Music, Networking, Hern
- Alpha Industries Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Air Heating
- Application Header Technology, Networking, Telecom, General, Governmental & Military
- Ales Hemsky Sport, Hockey, Ale
- Greater Average Heterozygosity Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- Every Othernhour Medical, Medicine, Jobs
- Andrew Ludson
- Acquired Hypogammaglobulinemia Medical, Biomedical
- Alarm Horn Technology, Siren, Strobe
- Access Humboldt
- Ambruster Halt
- Apache History
- Austria-Hungary Military, Austria, Hungary
- AuthenticПРИIon Header
- Armor Holdings, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Anna Hopkins
- Agethardened Technology, Construction, Steel
- Ancient History History, Anthropology, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
- Adam Head Music, Metal, Head, Album
- Apache Hughes Military, Aircraft, Helicopter
- Authentication Handshake
- Alcoholic Hepatitis Medical, Patient, Liver
- Arts for Humanity
- Allison Hall
- Augustus Hamilton Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Airbus Helicopters Business, Military, Aircraft
- Acceptance Handshake Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Antenna HungáRia Technology, Ria, Dig
- Attack Helicoptor Technology, National, Repairer
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does AH stand for?
AH stands for Aminohippurate.
What is the shortened form of Australian Hearing?
The short form of "Australian Hearing" is AH.
AH. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 18). Retrieved March 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ah-meaning/
Last updated