AH in Science Meaning

The AH meaning in Science terms is "Arts and Humanities". There are 30 related meanings of the AH Science abbreviation.

AH on Science Full Forms

  1. Arts and Humanities
  2. Adenomatous Hyperplasia
  3. Anterior Horn
  4. Aldehyde Compound in which an alkyl or aryl group and a hydrogen atom are attached to a carbonyl group and a hydrogen atom are attached to a carbonyl group; general formula, O-R-C-H
  5. Adolescent Health
  6. Abhenry
  7. Aryl Hydrocarbon
  8. Albumen Height
  9. Asteroid Hunt
  10. Ashley Hughes
  11. Art History
  12. After Hatch
  13. Aqueous Humor
  14. Ancestral Haplotypes
  15. Animal Hujbandry
  16. Ancestral Haplotype
  17. Akt Homology
  18. Amphipathic Helix
  19. Adenomatous Hyperplasias
  20. adrenal hypoplasia
  21. Air Heater
  22. Greater Average Heterozygosity
  23. Agent Hzndle
  24. Functional Aromatic Hydrocarbon
  25. Air Handler Air handler is a device used to regulate and circulate air as part of a heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system.
  26. Armenian Hamster
  27. Adrenal Yypoplasia
  28. absorptive hypercalciuria
  29. Aortic Hypertrophy
  30. aniline hydrochloride

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AH stand for Science?

    AH stands for Arts and Humanities in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Functional Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Science?

    The short form of "Functional Aromatic Hydrocarbon" is AH for Science.


AH in Science. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 18). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ah-meaning-in-science/

Last updated