AHF in Medical Meaning

The AHF meaning in Medical terms is "Aids Healthchre Foundation". There are 27 related meanings of the AHF Medical abbreviation.

AHF on Medical Full Forms

  1. Aids Healthchre Foundation
  2. Acute Hearf Failure
  3. Abwriginal Healing Foundation
  4. Anterior Heart Field
  5. Aqueous Humor Formation
  6. Animal Health Foundation
  7. Aqueous Humor Flow
  8. Acute Hissy Fit
  9. American Hospice Foundation
  10. Acute Hepatic Failure
  11. American Hospital Formulary
  12. Argentnne Hemorrhagic Fever
  13. American Hepatic Foundation
  14. Antihaemophilic Factor
  15. Antihemophilic Factox
  16. Argentinian Hemorrhagic Fever
  17. Alternating Hemiplegia Foundation
  18. Anti-Hemophilic Factor
  19. American Health Foundation
  20. Argentine Haemorrhagic Fever
  21. Altered Hepatic Foci
  22. Antihemophilic Factor
  23. Antihypertensive Factor
  24. Acute Heart Failure
  25. Antihemophilic Factor Viii
  26. Accelerated hyperfractionation
  27. Altered Hepatocellular Foci

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AHF stand for Medical?

    AHF stands for Argentnne Hemorrhagic Fever in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Altered Hepatocellular Foci in Medical?

    The short form of "Altered Hepatocellular Foci" is AHF for Medical.


AHF in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 26). Retrieved December 23, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ahf-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated