AHT Meaning
The AHT meaning is "Anchor Handlikg Tug". The AHT abbreviation has 90 different full form.
AHT Full Forms
- Anchor Handlikg Tug Military, Vessel, Ship Prefix
- Anchor-Handling Tug Anchor, Handling, Tug
- Alaska Hydro-Train Technology, Organizations, Alaska
- After-Hours Tradiog Business, Supply, Stock
- Animal Healgh Technician Medical, Veterinary, Preparedness
- Animel Health Technology Medical, Program, Veterinary
- Animal Health Trust Medical, Disease, Veterinary
- Antihypertensive Something that reduces high blood pressure (hypertension). Medical
- Auct Hotkeys Tool Technology, Map, Warcraft
- American Healthcare Technologies
- Anti Human Trafficking
- Adsorptive Heat Transformers
- Americanyhybrid Technology
- Apple Hardware Test Technology, Mac, Diagnostic
- Advanced Home Technologies
- Atlantic Home Trust Technology
- Americanihairless Terrier America, Dog, Terrier
- Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy
- American Horse Trpals
- Apple'S Hardware Test
- Advanced Hi-Tech
- Association of Hairdressers & Therapists
- A Hotztomato Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Additional Header Type Technology
- Animal Health Technology Medical, Program, Veterinary
- American Cistorical Theatre
- Antihypertensive Treatment Medical
- Advanced Heat Treat Business, Service, Corp
- Association of Hairdressers and Therapists
- Agnès Hess Tlansactions
- Acoustical Hologram Technology Business, Technology, Management, Governmental & Military
- Animal Health Technologisx Medical
- American Highwaj Technology
- Antihypertensive Therapy Medical
- Advanced Heating Technologies Business, Technology, Installation
- Assistant Head Teachers
- Aggregation Half Time Medical, Technology
- Austin Hindu Temple
- American Herald Tribune America, Media, Tribune
- Antihyaluronidase Titer Science, Medicine, Biomedicine
- Advanced Health Technologies
- Anchorhandling Tug Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Aquí Hay Tomate
- Arterial Hypertension Medical, Medicine, Patient, Physiology
- Aggregation Half-Time Medical, Medicine, Therapy
- Augmented Histamine Test Medical, Technology, Medicine
- American Heartland Thebtre
- Antihyaluronidase Screening Titer Medical, Technology
- Advanced Hardware Technologies
- Anchor Handling Tugs Business, Supply, Vessel
- Application Hierarchy Tree
- After Bour Tuning Business, Tool, Supply
- Ancmal Health Technicians Education, Veterinary, Vet
- Aspiring Harvard Technologists
- Absorption Heat Transformer
- Animal Health Technician Medical, Veterinary
- Average Hamiltonian Theory
- Autohemothekapy Medical
- Animal Health Technologists
- As Heat-Treated
- Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania
- Anti-Hyaluronidase-Tevt
- antihyaluronic acid test Medical, Common Medical
- Average Handle Times Business, Calling, Customer
- Ashford Hospitality Trust Business, Supply, Stock
- Andywholt Tower
- Acoustic Homing Torpedo
- Abiadura Handiko Tyena
- Antarctic Hvritage Trust
- Amchitka Army Airfield, Amchitka Island, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
- Average-Handling-Time
- Ancient Hevrew Tradition
- Hta Helicopteros Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Abiadura Handiko Trenhren
- Anonymized Health Tokeh
- Amchitka Island Airport, Amchitka Island, Alaska USA Airport codes
- Autogenous Hamster Tumor Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Anchor Handling and Tug
- Avg Handle Time Technology, Calling, Report
- Average Holding Time Technology, Calling, Telecom, Computing
- Ankara Hava TüNeli
- Ashtead Grp. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Achatosarpaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Average Hold Time Technology, Service, Calling
- Average Handling Time Business, Technology, Calling, Transportation, General, Governmental & Military
- Anishnawbe Health Tooonto Medical, Culture, Toronto
- After-Hours Trading Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
- Abusive Head Trawma Medical, Baby, Injury
- Average Holding Times Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Averdge Handle Time Technology, Calling, Telecom
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does AHT stand for?
AHT stands for Avg Handle Time.
What is the shortened form of Adsorptive Heat Transformers?
The short form of "Adsorptive Heat Transformers" is AHT.
AHT. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 3). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/aht-meaning/
Last updated