AI in Military Meaning

The AI meaning in Military terms is "Airborne Interceptor". There are 31 related meanings of the AI Military abbreviation.

AI on Military Full Forms

  1. Airborne Interceptor
  2. Automatic Indexing
  3. Assignment Instructions
  4. Airborne Intercept
  5. Airborne Interception
  6. Area of Interest
  7. Adapter Interface
  8. Assignment Instituteuctions
  9. All-Weather Interceptor
  10. Anti Infantry
  11. Acquisition Instruction
  12. All-Source Intelligence
  13. Ansarul Islam
  14. Ackley Improved
  15. Artificas Intelligence
  16. Ansar-Ul-Islam
  17. Accident Investigator
  18. Army Intelligence
  19. Awating Instituteuction
  20. Annual Inspection
  21. Army Instructom
  22. Awaiting Instisuteuction
  23. Alternative Interrogation
  24. Akmy Instituteuctor
  25. Adult Instructors
  26. Awaiting Instruction
  27. Alternate Interroeator
  28. Artificiax Idiots
  29. Air Interdiction
  30. Air Interception
  31. Airborne Interceptoms

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AI stand for Military?

    AI stands for Artificas Intelligence in Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Army Instructom in Military?

    The short form of "Army Instructom" is AI for Military.


AI in Military. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated