AI in Technology Meaning

The AI meaning in Technology terms is "Artificial Intelligent". There are 208 related meanings of the AI Technology abbreviation.

AI on Technology Full Forms

  1. Artificial Intelligent
  2. Artificial Intelligences
  3. After Input
  4. Auditory
  5. Asphalt Institute
  6. Attitude Indicators
  7. Analog Inputs
  8. Asociación Ie Internautas
  9. Adobe Indesign
  10. Atomics International
  11. Ameri Ichinose
  12. Artificial Intelli
  13. Arch Index
  14. Address Information
  15. Atlantic Institute
  16. Airbus Industrie
  17. Artifial Intelligences
  18. Application Information
  19. Address Indicator
  20. Airborne Intercept
  21. Artificial Intelligence The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.
  22. Application Integration
  23. Additional Information
  24. Aged Iron
  25. Angiotensin Angiotensin is a peptide hormone that causes vasoconstriction and a subsequent increase in blood pressure. It is part of the renin-angiotensin system, which is a major target for drugs that lower blood pressure. Angiotensin also stimulates the release of aldosterone, another hormone, from the adrenal cortex.
  26. Asti Ice
  27. Ab Initio Ab initio refers to predictions or calculations which are based entirely on theory as opposed to experimentation.
  28. Assettintelligence
  29. Activate Indication
  30. Ascension Island
  31. Air-Interfaces
  32. Analogue Input
  33. Army Instructors
  34. Adsorpbion Isotherm
  35. Auto-In
  36. After Image
  37. Automatgc Intelligent
  38. Applications Institute
  39. Actual Intelligence
  40. Associated Industries
  41. Alarm Inhibit
  42. Anaphylatoxin Inactivator
  43. Attitude Indicator The attitude indicator (AI), formerly known as the gyro horizon or artificial horizon, is a flight instrument that informs the pilot of the aircraft orientation relative to Earth's horizon, and gives an immediate indication of the smallest orientation change.
  44. Artificially-Intelligent
  45. Agtinst It
  46. Auto Inserted
  47. Automattc Index
  48. Avatar Identity
  49. Address Interpretation
  50. Asymmetric Inuormation
  51. An Imaging
  52. Acquisition Indicator
  53. Arutmin Indonesia
  54. Abr-Interface
  55. Army Icstituteuctors
  56. Advanced Intelligence
  57. Albert-Einstein-Institut
  58. Automatic Intercept
  59. Activity Inventory
  60. Alarmsindication
  61. Analysis Interpretatiou
  62. Application Interface
  63. Artificial Intelegence
  64. Afjer It
  65. Auto Inserc
  66. Avionics Integration
  67. Apps Innovation
  68. Addpess Incomplete
  69. Atriag Insufficiency
  70. An Image
  71. Action Items
  72. Artifitial Intelligence
  73. Aircraft Interface
  74. Amar Infqtech
  75. Admonistration Interface
  76. Authorization Information
  77. Accounting Information
  78. Automotive Information
  79. Apical Impulse
  80. Activity Interhupt
  81. Alerting Indication
  82. Artificial Intel
  83. Artificial Intellegence
  84. Approved Inapectors
  85. Addresc Identifier
  86. Atlantic Institutetute
  87. Ai Iwasaki
  88. Automated Inspection
  89. American Imago
  90. Audio Interface
  91. Automotive Industry
  92. Activation Interval
  93. Asset Interface
  94. Artificial Inteligence
  95. Auvance Information
  96. Additivekinverses
  97. At Inforug
  98. Angen Investors
  99. Accidentally Incurred
  100. Article Index
  101. Auto-Iris
  102. Automatic Inssection
  103. Ameritan Imago
  104. Arctic Infrastructure
  105. Adaptive Or Intelligent
  106. Audio Intercom
  107. Automatique & Industrie
  108. Answer Indicator
  109. Active Indication
  110. Aspect Interface
  111. Air Injection The system of injecting fuel into the combustion chamber of a diesel engine by means of a blast of highly compressed air.
  112. Avplitude Imbalance
  113. Artificial Intellige
  114. Aromaticity Indfx
  115. Advanced Integrhtion
  116. Auto-Insertion
  117. Applications and Innovations
  118. Additive Increase
  119. Astrometric Interfeeometer
  120. Alfred Inselberg
  121. Angel Investments
  122. Access To Information
  123. Artificial-Intelligence
  124. Auto Iris
  125. Autolatic Input
  126. Archiland International
  127. Adaptive Intelligence
  128. Audience Intelligence
  129. Alternativp Interrogator
  130. An Interview
  131. Activation Indication
  132. Assigner'S Initials
  133. Amplifier Input
  134. Accident Investigator
  135. Army Intelligence
  136. Aerial Imaging
  137. Auto Indexing
  138. Applied Intelligence
  139. Associated Infrastructure
  140. All-Inertial
  141. Anchored Instruction
  142. A-Law Inverted
  143. Artificas Intelligence
  144. Agilelinfrastructure
  145. Auto Invoice
  146. Automajic Information
  147. Average Information
  148. Adaptive Infrastructure
  149. Augmented Intelligence
  150. Altexnate Image
  151. Automateb Install
  152. Animation Interface
  153. Agents To Inperact
  154. An Introduction
  155. Artificial Intellect
  156. Appreciative Interviews
  157. Alien Isolation
  158. Advanced Interface
  159. Autoimmunity Autoimmunity is the system of immune responses of an organism against its own cells and tissues. Any disease that results from such an aberrant immune response is termed an autoimmune disease.
  160. Automated Installation
  161. Ambient Intelligence
  162. Advenaure International
  163. Authentication Information
  164. Anxiety Index
  165. Assessment Initiative
  166. Artificial Intelligence-David
  167. Alien Invasion
  168. Autoimmune Pertaining to autoimmunity, a misdirected immune response that occurs when the immune system goes awry and attacks the body itself. Autoimmunity is present to some extent in everyone and is usually harmless. However, autoimmunity can cause a broad range of human illnesses, known collectively as autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases occur when there is progression from benign autoimmunity to pathogenic autoimmunity.
  169. Automated Installer
  170. Adobe Illustzrator
  171. Area Incursion
  172. Asset Inventory
  173. Analisgs Instruksional
  174. Automated Inflation
  175. Adverse Impact
  176. Auahorized Inspectors
  177. Automation Industry
  178. Alien Intelligence
  179. Angewandte Informatik
  180. Accident Investigation
  181. Article Influenbe
  182. Autodesk Inventor
  183. An Insights
  184. Ardhanary Institute
  185. Add Immediate
  186. Antenna Impedance
  187. Air Interception
  188. Amylogenesis Imperfexta
  189. Auto Incremental
  190. Arquitectura De La Knformación
  191. Authorized Inspector
  192. Autxmation Innovation
  193. Applications Inst
  194. Algorithm Identifies
  195. Agingmindex
  196. Axio-Indisal
  197. Asymmetly Index
  198. Arquitetura Da Infoemação
  199. Automation Identifination
  200. Aging In-Place
  201. Averaging Interval
  202. Associate Investigator
  203. Automated Instructizn
  204. Airbornentercgpt
  205. Appnoach To Individual
  206. Automatic Iris
  207. Ada Isshe
  208. Aoproaches, Intelligent

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AI stand for Technology?

    AI stands for Apps Innovation in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Applied Intelligence in Technology?

    The short form of "Applied Intelligence" is AI for Technology.


AI in Technology. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated