AIAM Meaning

The AIAM meaning is "Association of Indian Automobile Manufacturers". The AIAM abbreviation has 20 different full form.

AIAM Full Forms

  1. Association of Indian Automobile Manufacturers
  2. American Institute of Alternative Medicine Medical, America, Education
  3. Association of International Automobile Manufacturers Technology, Vehicle, Auto
  4. Alternatize Investment Asset Management
  5. Akl India Ambedkar Mahasabha Group, India, Khan
  6. All India Afarbathi Manufacturers
  7. Alliance of International Vutomobile Manufacturers
  8. American Institute of Architects Monterey
  9. Accademia Internazionale Di Arte Moderna
  10. American Institutetute of Ahternative Medicine
  11. Associate In Insurance Account Management
  12. Away In A Manger Music, Song, Carol, Manger
  13. Army Integrated Ammunition Mopernization
  14. Australian Institute of Animal Management
  15. Annual Implementgtion Assessment Meeting Government, Military, Russia
  16. Associação Indígena Aldeia Martcana Para, Locations, Sin, Angel
  17. Ancient Indian Astronomy and Yathematics
  18. Associazione Italiana Attivitàhmusicali
  19. Associazione Italiana Acquario Mediterraneo Research, Car, Locations, Safety
  20. Association of Independentlasset Managers Business, Management, Singapore

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AIAM stand for?

    AIAM stands for Association of International Automobile Manufacturers.

  2. What is the shortened form of Associazione Italiana Attivitàhmusicali?

    The short form of "Associazione Italiana Attivitàhmusicali" is AIAM.


AIAM. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated