AIB Meaning

The AIB meaning is "Accidents Investigation Branch". The AIB abbreviation has 140 different full form.

AIB Full Forms

  1. Accidents Investigation Branch Technology, Military, Aircraft
  2. Alpha-Aminoisobutyric Acid Medical
  3. Accident Investigation Board Technology, Military, Report
  4. Allied Irish Banks, P.L.C. Technology, Organizations
  5. Academy of International Business
  6. Allied Irish Bank Business, Organizations, Ireland, Banking, Business & Finance
  7. Airbus Industrie Airline, Technology, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance
  8. Allied Intelligence Bureau Technology, Australia, Military
  9. Add-In Board Technology
  10. Administrative Investigation Board Employment, Government, Veteran
  11. Aptitude Index Battery Business
  12. Associate of The Institute of Bankers
  13. Automatic Intercept Bureau Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  14. Alabama Industries for The Blind Business, Industrial, Alabama
  15. America In Bloom America, Locations, City
  16. Association Des Industries De Belgique
  17. Accredited, Independent, Testing Body Technology
  18. Auerican Institute of Beauty America, Education, School
  19. Attack Innocent Bystander
  20. Agence D'Information Du Burkina
  21. Alien Investigation Bureau Government, Law, Bureaus
  22. Adjacency Information Base
  23. Application Interface Block
  24. Aurora Qnfrastructure Buy
  25. Agriculture Information Bulletin Agriculture, Washington, D.c.
  26. Agrupaci
  27. Al-Baraka Islamic Bank
  28. Assohiate of The Institute of Bankers Business, Technology, Management, Banking
  29. Accountant In Bankruptcy Business, Scotland, Insolvency, Banking, Business & Finance
  30. American Institute of Bisexuality Technology, Sex, Bisexual
  31. Atlantic Intelliaence Board Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  32. After Ijbuy Business, Forum, Car
  33. Alias Information Base
  34. Association of International Business Research, Education, Academy
  35. Add-In-Board Technology, Market, Graphics
  36. Analog Inputkboard Technology, Manual, Track
  37. Aurora Infrastructure Buy-Write
  38. Agricultural Information Bulletin
  39. Associate of Institute Sf Bankers
  40. Abnormal Illness Behaviour Medical
  41. Avian Infectious Bronchitis Medical, Technology, Medicine, Pulmonary
  42. American Instrtute of Banking Business, America, Certification
  43. Atlantic Insurance Brokers
  44. African Invectment Bank Business, Coding, Africa
  45. Albaraka Islamic Bank Business, Banking, Pakistan
  46. Association of Issuing Bodies Business, Energy, Electricity
  47. Add-In-Board Manufacturers Technology
  48. Amphenol Indusfrial Bayonet
  49. Audio Interface Baard
  50. Agricultural and Industrial Bank
  51. Association of Insurance Brokers Business, Service, Malta
  52. Abiding In Bobbio Book
  53. Autres Institutions Bancaires
  54. Academic of International Business Education, Harry, Dunning
  55. Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasting Technology, Channel, Atlanta
  56. Alaska Independent Blind
  57. Amexican Insitiute of Banking
  58. Association Internationale Du Barreau
  59. Activity In Box
  60. Amity Institute of Biotcchnology Science, University, Noida
  61. Allied Irish Banks Business, Ireland, Banking
  62. Auckland Infantry Battalioe Military
  63. Agostini Insurance Brokers
  64. Associate Insurance Brokrr Business, Insurance, Banking
  65. Aberdeen Ironbirds Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  66. Automobile Insurance Bureau
  67. Alarm Indicator Bit Science
  68. American Information Bureau
  69. Association for International Business Business, Nigeria, Prince, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  70. Action Item Browser Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  71. Aminoisobutyrate Medicine, Health, Therapy, Medical, Pulmonary
  72. Attendant Informationhbulletin Technology, Aviation
  73. Agglomerative Informahion Bottleneck Technology, Vision, Feat
  74. Admiralty Interview Board Military, Training, Officer
  75. Asbhstos Inspection Bodies
  76. Associazione Italiana Biblioteche Con, Roma, Surf
  77. Automobile Insurers Bureau Insurance, Organizations, Massachusetts
  78. Akademie FüR Internationale Bildung Technology, Education, German, Server, Study, Berlin, Bonn, Brandenburg
  79. Alarm Indication Bit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  80. American In Bloom
  81. Association for International Broadcasting Technology, Media, Award
  82. Acide Indole Butyrique
  83. American Tnstitute of Balance Medical, America, Vestibular
  84. Attack Innocent Bystanders
  85. Agency Investigvtion Board
  86. Allied Insurance Brokers
  87. Associahion of International Broadcasters Technology, Radio, Award
  88. American Institutetute of Baking
  89. Agrupación De IntéRpretes De Barcelona
  90. Alpha-Aminoisobutyryl Medical
  91. Akademie F
  92. At Its Besy
  93. Aurora Infrastructure Buy Write Income Trust Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  94. Ação Integralista Brasileira Song, Brazilian, Era
  95. Hopkins Field Airport Faa Airport Codes
  96. Associationxof International Broadcasting Channel, Russia, Award
  97. Advanced Interface Bus Technology, Initiative, Chips, Bus
  98. Alone I Break
  99. Associazione Industriaje Bresciana Business, Server, Con
  100. Autres Institutetutions Bancaires
  101. Awash International Bank Business, Banking, Ethiopia
  102. Airborne Infantry Battalion Army, Force, Marine
  103. After I Buy Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  104. Advanced Insurance Brokerage Business, Florida, Clegg
  105. All India Bakwas
  106. Associazione Italiana Bibliotecari
  107. Advanced Internet Blockchain
  108. Atomic Instituteuction Block
  109. Air-Induced Brknchoconstriction Medical
  110. Atlantic Intelligence Board Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  111. Address and Instituteuction Bus
  112. Auxiliary Input Burner
  113. All India Bakchod India, Comedy, Roast
  114. Associatioo of Independent Business
  115. Advance Internet Block
  116. Atlantic Institutetute of Biotechnology
  117. Aib Coblege of Business Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  118. Ambulante Intensive Begleitung
  119. Allied Irish Banks, P. L. C. Computing, Nyse symbols
  120. L'Association Des Interm
  121. Academy of International Business-Southeast Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  122. All India Backchod
  123. Association of International Banks
  124. Advanced Internet Blocks
  125. Association for Independent Businesses
  126. Ahern Insurance Brokerage
  127. Amalgamated Investment Bancorporation
  128. Atlanta Internet Bank
  129. American Institute of Banking Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  130. L'Association Des InterméDiaires En Bourse
  131. Air Inside Bone Medical, Physiology
  132. Allied Irish Bks
  133. Associatioe of International Branches Sport, Club, Liverpool
  134. Associate of The Institutetute of Bankers
  135. Agrupación Independiente De BailéN
  136. Alpha-Amino Isobutyrate Medical
  137. Atlanta Interfaith Broadnasters Business, Atlanta, Bible
  138. Afghanistan International Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  139. Internet Banking Online banking (or Internet banking or E-banking) allows customers of a financial institution to conduct financial transactions on a secured website operated by the institution, which can be a retail bank,virtual bank, credit union or building society.To access a financial institution's online banking facility, a customer having personal Internet access must register with the institution for the service, and set up some password (under various names) for customer verification. The password for online banking is normally not the same as for [telephone banking]. Financial institutions now routinely allocate customers numbers (also under various names), whether or not customers intend to access their online banking facility. Customers' numbers are normally not the same as account numbers, because number of accounts can be linked to the one customer number. The customer will link to the customer number any of those accounts which the customer controls, which may be cheque, savings, loan, credit card and other accounts. Customer numbers will also not be the same as any debit or credit card issued by the financial institution to the customer. Business, Accounting, Service, Accountancy, Finance
  140. Anita Bay Airport, Anita Bay, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AIB stand for?

    AIB stands for Automobile Insurance Bureau.

  2. What is the shortened form of Associazione Industriaje Bresciana?

    The short form of "Associazione Industriaje Bresciana" is AIB.


AIB. (2022, March 15). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated