AICH Meaning

The AICH meaning is "Acquisition Indicator Channel". The AICH abbreviation has 14 different full form.

AICH Full Forms

  1. Acquisition Indicator Channel Information, Network, Computer
  2. Acquisition Indication Channel Information, Network, Computer
  3. Academy for Irish Cultural Heritages Research, College, Education
  4. Associazione Italiana Corea Di Huntington
  5. American Indian Community House America, Education, Native
  6. Acquisition Indictor Channel Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  7. Art In City Hall
  8. American Indian Cultural House
  9. American Capital Holding Corp. Organizations
  10. Iafl Organizations
  11. Advanced Intelligent Corruption Handler
  12. Australian Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy
  13. Advanced Intelligent Corruption Handling Technology, Mule, Hash, Checksum
  14. Associazione Italiana Cutting Horse

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AICH stand for?

    AICH stands for Australian Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Academy for Irish Cultural Heritages?

    The short form of "Academy for Irish Cultural Heritages" is AICH.


AICH. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated