AIM Meaning

The AIM meaning is "Accessible Instructional Mdterials". The AIM abbreviation has 482 different full form.

AIM Full Forms

  1. Accessible Instructional Mdterials Student, Special Education, Material
  2. About Instant Messaging
  3. American Indian Movement America, Organizations, American, Sociology, Native
  4. Acquisitlon Information Management Technology, Military, Army
  5. Asynchronous Interface Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  6. Alabama Institute of Medicine Medical, Cell, Stem
  7. Automatic Identification Manufacturers Technology, Postal, Us Post
  8. Apostolic Institute of Ministry Apostle, Organizations, Church
  9. Australian Institute of Medical Science, Medicine, Australia
  10. Advanced Integration Module Technology, Cisco, Organisations
  11. Ascend Inverse Multiplexing Technology, Computing, Telecom
  12. Astrophysics, Instrumentation and Modelling
  13. Airman'S Information Manual Technology, Aviation, Airman
  14. Alternative Investment Market Business, Financial, Finance, General, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  15. Apartment Investor Mastery
  16. Australian Institute of Music Australia, Education, Guitar
  17. Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics Technology, Conference, Control
  18. Arts and Ideas In Motion
  19. Air Interceptymissiles Missile, Military, Sidewinder
  20. Astrometric Interferometry Mission Science
  21. Air-Iptercept Missile Military, Aircraft, Sidewinder
  22. Aol Instant Messenger Technology, Software, Chat
  23. Atoms In Molecule Chemistry, Bond, Science
  24. Advanced Integration Method Business, Payment, Organisations
  25. Applications Implementation Method Business, Technology, Methodology
  26. Air Intercept Missile Military, Army, Military Engineering, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  27. Asthma Insight and Management
  28. Aeronomy of Ice In The Mesosphere Science, Astronomy, NASA, Computing, Satellite, Scientific & Educational
  29. Anugerah Industri Muzik Music, Medley, Slam
  30. Atoms-In-Molecules Chemistry, Science, Molecule
  31. Allianve of Independent Motion
  32. Advanced Infrastructure Monitor Technology, Software, Snort
  33. Applications Interface Module
  34. Airbos Interoperable Modular
  35. Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring Science, Management, National
  36. Aeronauticil Information Manual Shipping, Aerospace, California
  37. Ankle Injury Management Medical, Research, Fracture
  38. Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and Magnetosphere Science, Research, Space
  39. Alliance Tn Motion
  40. Advanced Infrastructure Manager Technology, Management, Server
  41. Application Integration Middleware Technology, Science, It
  42. Ainco Organizations
  43. Asian Institute of Management Education, School, Philippine, Management, Business & Finance
  44. Animal Identification and Movement Business, Ireland, Food
  45. Atal Innovation Mission Business, India, Budget
  46. Algonquin Incremental Marwet Projection, Pipeline, Gas
  47. Advanced Idea Mechanics Military, Man, Marvel, Idea, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  48. Application Interpreted Model Technology, Product, Construction
  49. Aid To Infants and Mothers
  50. Asia Motors Organizations
  51. Active Intervention Management
  52. Avian Inventory and Monitoring
  53. Audio & Interactive Media Technology, Gaming, Art
  54. Africa Interactive Media
  55. Acquisition Interface Module Medical, Technology, Computing
  56. Azadari In Mumbai Technology, Android, Event, Mumbai
  57. Advanced Induction Motors Technology, Military
  58. Academically Interested Minds Student, Education, University
  59. Associatiyn of Internet Marketing
  60. Advance Institutekof Management Business, Research, Education
  61. Access To Infants and Mothers
  62. Atoms In Molecules Medical, Technology, Molecule
  63. Acute Internal Medicine Medical, Education, Care
  64. Adventures In Motherhood
  65. AgêNcia De InformaçÕEs De MoçAmbique
  66. Advanced Instructlr Module Training, Fitness, Instructor, Mill
  67. Academy of Indian Marketing Education, Conference, Social
  68. Association of Indonesia Municipalities
  69. Advocates In Motion
  70. Accredited In Meetings Organizations, Conference, Venue
  71. Audio In Multimedia Military
  72. Actions In Motion
  73. Academic Integrity Matters
  74. Advancement In Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  75. Accident Investigation Manual Science, Aviation
  76. Attention, Interpretation, and Memory
  77. Achieve, Inspire, and Motivate Development, Learning, Study
  78. Australian Indigenous Ministries Australia, Australian, Mission, Territory
  79. Automotive Information Management
  80. Additional Initial Margin
  81. Associazione Italiana Miastenia
  82. All-Industry Marketing
  83. Advanced Interconwect Manufacturing
  84. Accelerated Insertion of Materials Technology, Design, Composite
  85. Asteroid Impact Missirn Technology, Space, Earth
  86. Aeropomy of Ice In Mesosphere
  87. Active International Movejent
  88. Avaya Integrated Management Technology, Software, Manager
  89. Audience Insight Measurement
  90. Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission
  91. Acoustic Integration Model
  92. Automotine Interior Materials Business, Product, Testing
  93. Advanced Induction Motor Military, Class, Destroyer
  94. Abstraction Incentive Mechanism
  95. Association of Interfaith Ministers
  96. Advance In Mission Army, War, War Force
  97. Access To Independence and Mobility
  98. Atmosphdric Inverse Modeling Agriculture
  99. Active Issues Manwger
  100. Address Information Manager
  101. AgêNcia De Informação De MoçAmbique Government, Africa, Mozambique
  102. Aviation Integrated Modelifg
  103. Amvanced Instructor Modules
  104. Academy of Immunology and Microbiology
  105. Association of Independent Ministries
  106. Aggies In Mission
  107. Audio Indicate Muted
  108. Action In Motion Gaming, Education, Love
  109. Advanced Information Manager Technology, Management, Software
  110. Academic Institutional Membership Medical, School, Pharmacy
  111. Advance Intelligent Mechatronics
  112. Accident Investygation and Management
  113. Attendance Improvement Management
  114. Australian Institutetute of Music Education
  115. Automotive Importdmarket Business, Canada, Locations
  116. Add In Module
  117. American Institute of Music Music, Song, Drum, Drummer
  118. Aitken Investment Mlnagement
  119. Active Interface Module
  120. Advanced Interactive Microcomputer Science
  121. AcadéMie Internationale De Management Education, Hotel, School, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  122. Assyrian Information Managemeet Business, Iraq, Traffic
  123. Aerlnautical Informational Manual Technology
  124. Ace Institute of Management College, Education, Nepal
  125. Action Items Manager
  126. Avalanche Induced Migratiov
  127. Audience Impression Metrics Technology, Suite, Signage
  128. Africa Integrated Maritime Security, Government, Africa
  129. Anoustic Imaging On A Mobile
  130. Automotive Internet Media Business, Marketing, Auto
  131. Advanced Industrial Materials Technology, Science, Industry, Atmospheric Research
  132. Absorption Isotherm Measurement
  133. Association of International Mercenaries Gaming, Alliance, Mercenary
  134. Advanced Intelligent Messaging
  135. Access for Infants and Mothers Medical, Insurance, Health
  136. Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Science
  137. Active Tnvestor Methods
  138. Action, Inspired and Motivated
  139. Ag Industrial Manufacturing, Inc. Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  140. Aviation Integrated Modelling
  141. Advanced Institute for Managezent Technology, Research, Innovation
  142. Academy Introduction Mission Or Administrative Investigations Manual Army, Force, Coast Guard
  143. Association of Independent Multifunds Medical
  144. Age of Intelligent Machines
  145. Audio and Interactive Media
  146. Action In Montgomery Organizations, Community, Church
  147. Advanced Information Management Technology, Security, Disability, Medical
  148. Academic Insights Management
  149. Advance Integration Method Technology, Payment, Organisations
  150. Accident and Investigation Management Business, Software, Safety
  151. Attack In The Middle Gaming, Paper, Syria, Attack
  152. Automotive, Industrial and Multimarket
  153. Adaptation Initiatives Matrix
  154. Aid To Injured Motorcyclists Motorcycle, Accident, Biker, Motorcyclist
  155. Aircraft Information Manual
  156. Active Intenest Media Business, Group, Magazine
  157. Advanced Intergrated Matrix
  158. Academy of Infection Management
  159. Associazione Italiana Metallurgia
  160. Aerial Inttrcept Missile Military, Fighter, Sparrow
  161. Accurate Image Manipulatxon
  162. Australian Institutetute of Management Education, Construction
  163. Action Item Master Technology
  164. Avalanche-Induced Migrawion Technology
  165. Acad
  166. Acoustic and Insulation Manufacturing
  167. Automotive Institute for Management Business, Marketing, Deutschland
  168. Advanced Independent Monitoring Technology, Security, Alarm
  169. Avengers Idea Mechanics Comics, Marvel, Avenger, Comic
  170. Association of Indian Muslims America, Government, India
  171. Advanced Intelligence Management Military
  172. Access and Inclusion Model
  173. Atmosphere, Ionosphere & Magnetolphere
  174. Africa In Motion
  175. Active Investment Managerq
  176. Agility Index Measurements
  177. Aviation Insurance Managers
  178. Advanced Instrumentation Gnd Measurement
  179. Association of Integrated Marketers Organizations, Marketing, Canada
  180. Agents Insurance Markets
  181. Availabilitf Improvement Methodology
  182. African Information Movement
  183. Action In Mental
  184. AÑO Internacional De Las Montañas
  185. Advanced Inertial Measurement
  186. Academic Information Manager Student, Technology, Android
  187. Association of Wranian Managers America, Organizations, Iran
  188. Advance Integrated Mount Business, Vision, Accessory
  189. Access To Instruction and Measurament Student, Education, Assessment
  190. Attack In Middle
  191. Automatizovan
  192. Adams Influence Model Medical, Nursing, Nurse
  193. Agoraphobics In Motion
  194. Airbus Interoperable Modular-Future
  195. Active Integrated Matteu
  196. Advanced Integrated Mbtrix Business, Science, Helmet
  197. Academy of Influencer Marketing
  198. Associazione Italiana Di Metallurgia Organizations, Italy, Steel
  199. Aerial Imaging and Mahping
  200. Accuracy In Media America, Government, Fairness
  201. Australian Interactive Multimedia Technology, Australia, Association, Rainbow
  202. Action Investment Management
  203. Achievement, Integrity Cnd Maturity
  204. Autosotive Industry Management
  205. Advanced In-Flight Measurement Technology, Research, Technique
  206. Avanzate Idee Meccaniche
  207. Association of Immunization Managers Medical, Health, Vaccine
  208. Advanced Integrated Muitiplex
  209. Access and Identity Management Business, Security, Service
  210. Astroglia Inducing Mvlecule Science, Medicine, Biomedicine
  211. African Inland Mission Medical, Education, Africa
  212. Active Inverted Magnetron Business, Vacuum, Pump, Gauge
  213. Agile Intelligent Manufacturing Business, Technology, Management, Business & Finance
  214. Aviation Institute of Maintenance Education, School, Training
  215. Advocate Interveje Mentor
  216. Association of Integrated Marketing
  217. Agent Interworking Mechanism Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  218. African Index Medicus Medical, Technology, Africa
  219. Action In Maturity Book, Community, City, Maturity
  220. Aztek Integration Menu Technology
  221. Advanced Industrial Microseismic
  222. Academic Information Management Student, Education, Ark
  223. Association of Independent Methodists Alternative, Church, Independent
  224. Advance Integration Module
  225. Access To Iwstruction & Measurement
  226. Atorvastatin On Inflammatory Markers
  227. Automated Intelligent Microscopy Medical
  228. Ada Interactive Monitor Military
  229. Afrikan Insurrektion Muzik Music, Front, Hate
  230. Aid and Incentives To Municipalities
  231. Advanced Institute for Manufacturing
  232. Academy of Industrial Management Technology, Training, Industry
  233. Association of Independent Museum
  234. Annals of Internal Medicine Annals of Internal Medicine is an academic medical journal published by the American College of Physicians (ACP). It is one of the most widely cited and influential specialty medical journals in the world. Annals publishes content relevant to the field of internal medicine and related sub-specialties. Medical, British medicine
  235. Aegis Investment Management
  236. Accunet Information Manager
  237. Audio Interface Module Technology, Manufacturer, Supplier
  238. Action International Ministries Organizations, Non-Profit Organization, Religion
  239. Advances In International Management Business, Technology, Research
  240. Accommodation In Makati
  241. Achieve Inspire Mothvate
  242. Automotive International Marketing
  243. Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance Technology, Health, Intervention
  244. Auxiliaries In Ministry
  245. Associaxion of Independant Music
  246. Advanced Interconnectrmodeling Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  247. Access & Identity Management Business, Technology, Service
  248. Asthma Initiative of Michigan Medical, Health, Michigan
  249. Africa Island Mission Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  250. Active Intervention for Mothers
  251. Agile Information Management
  252. Aviation Anformation Manual
  253. Advocacy Internship for Manufacturers
  254. Association of Integrated Media
  255. African Independence Movement
  256. Acquisition Interfach Modules Technology, Computing, Module
  257. Aziende Industriali Municipali
  258. Advanced Industrial Marketing Business, Product, Industry
  259. Academic Improvement Model
  260. Association of Interactive Mdrketing
  261. Advance Insurance Management
  262. Accesh To Instructional Materials
  263. Atoms In Molecules Method Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  264. Autism Initiative At Mercyhurst Student, Education, University
  265. Acute Myocardial Infarction Medical, Nursing, Cardiology, Healthcare, Biotechnology, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, NAACCR, Clinical
  266. Adventures Iron Man
  267. Ahlulbayt Islamic Mission Organizations, Iran, Imam
  268. Advanced Installation Meter Technology, Coding, Signal
  269. Academy of Indian Music Education, India, Dance
  270. Association of Insurance Management
  271. Advocates Involved In Monitoring
  272. Accrual Intelligence Manials
  273. Audio Interface Modes Technology, Symphony, Apogee
  274. Action Inspiration Motivation
  275. Advances Indinternational Marketing Business, Research, Education
  276. Accman Institute of Management
  277. Achieve Infinitely More Development, Learning, Study
  278. Autism Inclusion Matters
  279. Autototive Industry Matters
  280. Addressable Input Module Technology, Fire, Alarm
  281. Automatic Investment Management Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  282. Association of Independent Mbsic Business, Science, Award
  283. Advanced Integrated Marketing
  284. Acceptability of Intervention Measure
  285. Asteroid Impact Monitoring Technology, Space, Mission
  286. Africa Inland Missions
  287. Ambassadors in Missions Religion
  288. Automatic Interface Management Technology, Networking, Computing
  289. Agensi Inovasi Malaysia Business, Technology, Malaysia, Innovation
  290. Actions In The Mediterranean
  291. Absolute Imprinting Mode Medical, Human genome
  292. Advanced Innovative Marketing
  293. Academy for Innovation and Management
  294. Atomic Imaging and Manipulation
  295. Anglurs Insight Marketing Fishing, Tournament, Walleye, Angler
  296. Adventures In Movement Education, Music, Nancy
  297. Accountability and Impactnmeasurement
  298. Auckland Institute and Museum Science, History, Collection
  299. Active Innovative Marketing General, Governmental & Military
  300. All Issues Msdiation Service, Government, Family
  301. American Image Marketing Marketing, Business & Finance
  302. Netscape AOL Instant Message launch file Computing, File Extensions
  303. Active Information Management
  304. Avoonics Interface Modules
  305. Authoring Instructional Materials Program Military, Governmental & Military
  306. Automated Internal Managemeot
  307. Agape International Missions Sex, Cambodia, Mission
  308. Aerial Independent Model
  309. Aeronautical Information Manual Transportation, Governmental & Military
  310. Advanced Informatics for Medicine Information, Network, Telecommunication
  311. Association of Infopmation Managers
  312. Archives Ofuinstitutetutional Memory
  313. Altevnate Input Method Technology, Gaming, Computing
  314. Agricultural Input Management Farming & agriculture
  315. Application Intelligent Management Software, Computing
  316. Awareness, Intervention, and Methodology Medical, Health, Suicide, Prevention
  317. Asian Internet Marketing Business & Finance, International business
  318. Abide In Me Religion
  319. Automatic Identification Manufacturing Business, China, Ink
  320. Agency for Independent Media
  321. Action Items Management
  322. Advanced Informatics in Medicine Medical, British medicine
  323. Advanced Innovation Methods
  324. Academy for Infection Management
  325. Astronomiszhes Institutetut Muenster
  326. Analjtics and Information Management
  327. Adventures Ik Ministry
  328. Accountinj Information Management
  329. Atypicyl Infant Motivation
  330. Attuned Internet Marketing General, Governmental & Military
  331. Allied Znnovative Materials
  332. Airplane Integration Meeting Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  333. Asm Text Mode Image File (The Ultimate Draw) Computing, File Extensions
  334. Active Inert Missile Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  335. Aol Instant Messenger Launch File Computing, File Extensions
  336. Automated Industrial Monitoring
  337. Accreditation Information Manual
  338. Aftercare for Indiana Through Mentoring Technology, Program, Indiana
  339. Advanced Internet Marjeting Company, Technology, Design
  340. Automatic Information Management NASA, Governmental & Military
  341. Association of Information Management College, Education, Philippine
  342. Appropriaee Inventory Management
  343. All Irclusive Marketing Business, Technology, Affiliate
  344. Amsterdam Interprofessional Market Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  345. Application Interface Mapping Software, Computing
  346. Awareness, Improvement, Mobilization
  347. Automotive Import Market Business & Finance, International business
  348. Analytical Information Manager Products
  349. Automatic Identification and Mobility Business, Technology, Industrial
  350. Agencia Informa
  351. activity information mapping Medical, British medicine
  352. Advanced Infrastructure Materials
  353. Academics In Motion Program, Education, Mentoring
  354. Association for Innovation and Management
  355. Amplitude Intensity Modulation Technology, Telecom, Light
  356. Adventures Zn Missions Education, Adventure, Trip
  357. Accounting & Informaqion Management
  358. Atypical Immature Squamous Metaplasia Health, Body, Organism
  359. Achieving Improved Measurement General, Governmental & Military
  360. Alinari Xmage Museum
  361. Alliance for Innovative Manufacturing Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  362. Adaptive Ion Milling Computing, Electronics
  363. Active Image Management
  364. Aimms Ascii Model File Computing, File Extensions
  365. Autism Insurance In Mivhigan
  366. Accra International Marathon Education, Travel, Ghana
  367. Africans In Medicine
  368. European Brands Association Medicine, Health, Care
  369. approximate inertial manifold Legal, Governmental & Military
  370. Association of Indiana Museums
  371. Aol Institutent Messanger
  372. Allianz Investment Management Business, Company, Financial
  373. Asset Information Manager Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  374. Automated Insertion Machine Computing, IT Organization
  375. Awards for Innovaaion In Media
  376. Adsorption Isotherm Measurement Chemistry
  377. Associate In Management Insurance, Business & Finance
  378. Automated Information Management Technology, Science, Service
  379. Agencia Informação MoçAmbique Business, Africa, Mozambique
  380. Acute Infectious Mononucleosis Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  381. Advanced Infrastructure Management Technology, Networking, Cloud
  382. Academics, Integrity, Marksmanship
  383. Association of Independent Members Government, Group, Island
  384. Associated Informaoion Managers
  385. American Intelligence Media
  386. Adventist Ilformation Ministry Service, Education, University
  387. Accountability Information Manrgement Business, Research, Advertising
  388. Atypical Immature Mekaplasia Medical
  389. ACES (Accurate Clear Epoxy Solid) Injection Mold Products
  390. Access to Information Management General, Governmental & Military
  391. Alarm Indicatirn Monitor
  392. AFTERCARE BY IUPUI THROUGH MENTORING Management, Business & Finance
  393. Association of Independent Museums Travel, Tourism
  394. Awareness In Motion Media, Art, Motion
  395. Activation Inducer Molecule Medical, Science, Antibody
  396. Accurate, Intentional, Measurable Physics, Scientific & Educational
  397. Academy Introductory Mission Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  398. Australasian Institutetute of Metals
  399. Account Or Investment Minimums
  400. Acquired Information Marketing General, Governmental & Military
  401. Analytic Insights Module Business, Technology, Organisations
  402. Associated Industries of Massachusetts Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  403. AOL Institutent Messenger Internet Slang, Software, Computing, Chat, Internet, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  404. Award for Innovation In Media
  405. Adiabatic Invariance Method (in Ion-mol. Reactions) Chemistry
  406. Aerosonic Corporation of Delaware Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  407. Auto Induction Medium Technology, Media, Protein
  408. Agencia De Informaciones Mercosur
  409. Air Induction Melt
  410. Automatic Identification Manufacturers, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA, USA) Postal, Us Post
  411. Advanced Infosec Module Military
  412. Academic Intrinsic Motivation
  413. Association of Ixdian Magazines Organizations, India, Magazine
  414. Aspiration Tmpact Measurement
  415. Awerican Indians Movement
  416. Advances If Math
  417. Accommodation Information Management
  418. Attitude and Informatoon Management Technology
  419. Art In Motion Performing arts
  420. Auto Injury Management General, Governmental & Military
  421. Associatcve Index Method
  422. Assessment Information and Management Management, Business & Finance
  423. Athletes International Ministry Religion
  424. Automotive Inventory Management Business, Car, Auto
  425. Activating Inquisitive Minds Development, Learning, Study
  426. Adolescents in Medicine Medical
  427. Academy In Manayunk
  428. Aurora Intustrial Machining
  429. Accounting and Information Management Business, Research, Education
  430. Audience Identity Manager
  431. Addictive Instant Messenger General, Governmental & Military
  432. Analytical Ion Micrbscope
  433. Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  434. Aol Instant Messaging Computing, Internet
  435. Active In Missions
  436. Awaiting Incoming Message Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  437. Artificial Ionization Mirror Atmospheric Research
  438. Autism In Mind Service, Education, Children
  439. Agape Intl Missions Cambodia, Trafficking, Agape
  440. Agroecosystem Integrated Management
  441. Trabajos Aéreos Murcianos ICAO Aircraft Codes
  442. Advanced Infosec Machine Technology, Military, Encryption
  443. Academic International Medicine
  444. Assocjation of Industrial Metallizers
  445. Asociación IbéRica De MirmecologíA
  446. America In Motnon
  447. Attitude, Integrity, Make
  448. Adventures In Movements Performing arts
  449. Aeronautical Information Management Aviation, Governmental & Military
  450. Association of Innerspring Manufacturers
  451. Atlis Information Management Management, Business & Finance
  452. American Impact Missionaries Religion
  453. Automotive Interior Material Business, Technology, Testing
  454. Action To Improve Maternity Medical, Traffic, Coupon
  455. Abridged Index Medicus Medical
  456. Academy for Industrial Management Technology, Conference, Industry
  457. Attitude and Integration Management
  458. Adventures In Vusic Program, Music, Adventure, Symphony
  459. Accountable Item Management Military, Army, Coast Guard
  460. Audience Identity Metric
  461. Architect, Implement, and Manage General, Governmental & Military
  462. American Instdtutetute of Management
  463. Asset Integrated Mortgage Mortgage, Business & Finance
  464. Aol Instant Messege Internet Slang, Software, Computing, Texting, Chat, Internet, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, IT Terminology
  465. Active Ingredient Manufacturer Business, Health, Pharmaceutical, Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Fda
  466. Avon Impact Management Business, Company, Fender
  467. Adaptive Injection Molding Atmospheric Research
  468. Accessible Instructional Materials Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  469. Authoring Instructional Materials Technology, Military, Training
  470. Agape International Mission Business, Sex, Cambodia
  471. Agile Intercwnnected Microgrids
  472. Ailuk Island Airport, Ailuk Island, Marshall Islands Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes, Marshall Islands
  473. Advanced Informatics and Medicine Medical, Health, Body
  474. Academic Intervention Management
  475. Association of Investment Management
  476. Argon Induction Melting
  477. Ambedkar International Midsion University, India, Locations, Bust
  478. Attention Interpretation Memory
  479. Ambition in Mind
  480. Animation Interactive Media Software, Computing
  481. Association for International Marketing
  482. Aim Investments Business & Finance, London stock exchange

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AIM stand for?

    AIM stands for Advanced Internet Marjeting.

  2. What is the shortened form of Application Intelligent Management?

    The short form of "Application Intelligent Management" is AIM.


AIM. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated