AIMP Meaning

The AIMP meaning is "Always In My Prayers". The AIMP abbreviation has 25 different full form.

AIMP Full Forms

  1. Always In My Prayers Internet Slang, Chat, Message, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  2. Ab Initio Model Potential Chemistry, Technology, Science
  3. Applied Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Pathology
  4. AliançA Internacional MonáRquica Portuguesa
  5. Association of Independent Meeting Planners Travel, Locations, Industry, Tourism
  6. Advanced Instant Messengers Password
  7. Association of Independent Multiple Pharmacies
  8. Advanced Imagery Management Program Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  9. Association of Independent Music Publishers Organizations, Industry, Publishing
  10. AcadéMie Internationale Des Masseurs Praticiens
  11. Artem Izmaylov Media Player Technology, Windows, Audio
  12. Aurora Incremental Modernization Project Technology, Military, Canada
  13. Artads Interface Management Plan Military, Army, War
  14. Army Intelligence Master Plan Military, Army, Marine
  15. Allied Command Europe Intelligence Management Plan Military
  16. Association of Independent Members of Parliament
  17. Impervious Area Construction
  18. American Institutetute of Medical Prevention
  19. Automated Information Management Program Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  20. Aurora Incremental Modernisation Project Technology
  21. Ab Initio Model Potential (for Valence-electron Mol. Calcns.) Chemistry
  22. Aurora Incremental Modernization Program Military
  23. Army Intelligence Management Plan Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  24. Associazione Italiana Meeting Planners
  25. Anchored Interplanetery Monitoring Platform Computing, Satellite

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AIMP stand for?

    AIMP stands for Association of Independent Music Publishers.

  2. What is the shortened form of Associazione Italiana Meeting Planners?

    The short form of "Associazione Italiana Meeting Planners" is AIMP.


AIMP. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated