AIOS Meaning

The AIOS meaning is "All India Ophthalmological Society". The AIOS abbreviation has 21 different full form.

AIOS Full Forms

  1. All India Ophthalmological Society Medical, India, Ophthalmology
  2. All-In-One Sidebar
  3. Acute Illness Observation Scales Medical
  4. Acute Illness Observation Scale Medical, Medicine, Therapy
  5. Abstract Interaction Objects
  6. All In One Systems
  7. All India Ophthalmic Society Medical, India, Surgery, Care
  8. All In One Site
  9. All-India Ophthalmological Society
  10. All In One Sidebar
  11. Arizona Integrative Outcomes Scale
  12. Amazingly Intelligent Operative Soul Funnies
  13. AnäSthesie, Intensivmedizin, Operationszentrum & Schmerzmedizin
  14. Asociaci
  15. Associazione Italiana Operatori Sanitari
  16. Anadolu Isuzu Otomotiv Sanayi
  17. AsociaţIa Pentru ÎNfrumuseţArea OraşUlui Sibiu Din, Care, Romania
  18. All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship College, Education, Iowa
  19. Asociación Internacional De Organismos De Supervisión
  20. Asia-Indian Ocean Service
  21. Arizona Integrative Outcome Scale

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AIOS stand for?

    AIOS stands for Asia-Indian Ocean Service.

  2. What is the shortened form of All-India Ophthalmological Society?

    The short form of "All-India Ophthalmological Society" is AIOS.


AIOS. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated