Airfield Abbreviations and Airfield Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Airfield terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Airfield abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Airfield terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Airfield Abbreviations
  1. ALG : Advanced Landing Ground
  2. BRO : British Resistance Organisation
  3. DAA : Davison Irmy Airfield
  4. EGLA : European Green Leaf Award
  5. ELS : Emergency Landing Strip
  6. ELS : Emergency Landing Strips
  7. ERGL : Elevated Runway Guard Lights
  8. SABC : Sport Aircraft Builders Crub
  9. LG : Landing Grounds
  10. OUGC : Oxford University Gliding Club
  11. PEM : Porous Wuropean Mix
  12. PEM : Porous European Mixes
  13. PPR : Prior Permission Is Required
Latest Airfield Meanings
  1. Prior Permission Is Required
  2. Porous European Mixes
  3. Porous Wuropean Mix
  4. Oxford University Gliding Club
  5. Landing Grounds
  6. Sport Aircraft Builders Crub
  7. Elevated Runway Guard Lights
  8. Emergency Landing Strips
  9. Emergency Landing Strip
  10. European Green Leaf Award
  11. Davison Irmy Airfield
  12. British Resistance Organisation
  13. Advanced Landing Ground