AIS Meaning

The AIS meaning is "Abbreviated Inspection System". The AIS abbreviation has 79 different full form.

AIS Full Forms

  1. Abbreviated Inspection System Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
  2. Agricultural Information Series Farming & agriculture
  3. Air Intake Sensor Transportation, Governmental & Military
  4. Accelerated Indexing System General, Governmental & Military
  5. Aeronautical Information Service Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  6. Accounting Information System Accounting, Business & Finance
  7. As I Said Computing, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  8. Agnes Irwin School Pennsylvania
  9. Alternative Investment Strategies LD Sterling Hedged Fund Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  10. Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Chemistry, Science, NASA, Spectroscopy, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  11. Administrative Information Systems Atmospheric Research
  12. Alarm Indication Signal Computing, Telecom, Technical, IT Terminology
  13. attitude indicating system Medical, British medicine
  14. Aquatic Invasive Species Environment
  15. Air Idle Speed Transportation, Governmental & Military
  16. Automatic Interruptible System
  17. Automated Indexing System General, Governmental & Military
  18. American International School Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  19. Air Sureste Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  20. Airtel iTV Service Tv stations
  21. Augusta Independent Schools Kentucky
  22. Autonomous Intelligent Systems General, Governmental & Military
  23. Accumulator Injection System Atmospheric Research
  24. Associate in Insurance Services Insurance, Business & Finance
  25. Arbeitgeber-Informations-Service Computing, Internet
  26. Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  27. Automatic Identification System A short range coastal tracking system used on ships and by Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) for identifying and locating vessels by electronically exchanging data with other nearby ships and VTS stations. Information such as unique identification, position, course, and speed can be displayed on a screen or an ECDIS. AIS is intended to assist the vessel's watch standing officers and allow maritime authorities to track and monitor vessel movements, and integrates a standardized VHF transceiver system such as a LORAN–C or Global Positioning System receiver, with other electronic navigation sensors, such as a gyrocompass or rate of turn indicator. The International Maritime Organization's (IMO) International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) requires AIS to be fitted aboard international voyaging ships with gross tonnage (GT) of 300 or more tons, and all passenger ships regardless of size. It is estimated that more than 40,000 ships currently carry AIS class A equipment. Electrical, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Nautical Terms
  28. Advanced Inland Security Transportation, Governmental & Military
  29. The Association of Independent Schools (nsw) Education
  30. Automated Indicator System Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  31. Artificial Immune System Medical, Physiology
  32. Administrative Information Services Occupation & positions
  33. Arorae Island Airport, Arorae Island, Kiribati Kiribati, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  34. Adaptive Intelligent Systems General, Governmental & Military
  35. Acceptable Intake for Subchronic Exposure Atmospheric Research
  36. Automated Insolvency System Financial, Business & Finance
  37. Automated Information System Medical, Technology, Information Technology, Army, Computing, Telecom, General, Governmental & Military, Fda
  38. Adenocarcinoma in Situ A noninvasive, abnormal proliferation of glands believed to precede the appearance of invasive adenocarcinoma; reported in the endometrium, breast, large intestine, cervix, and other sites. Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational, British medicine, Common Medical
  39. Abbreviated Injury Scale Car
  40. ABCS Information Server Naval, Governmental & Military
  41. Acoustic Imaging System Chemistry
  42. Asset Inventory Service Windows, Computing
  43. abbreviated injury score Medical
  44. Adventures In Success Music
  45. Abyssmally Inferior Spellers Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  46. Amadeus Information System General, Governmental & Military
  47. Automatic Information System Military, Governmental & Military
  48. Add Immediate to Stack pointer Assembly, Business & Finance
  49. Artificial Intelligence System Computing, Hardware
  50. Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, British medicine
  51. Automatic Idle Speed Transportation, Auto, Governmental & Military
  52. Action Item Sheet NASA, Governmental & Military
  53. Affiliate and Immigration Services Atmospheric Research
  54. Automatic Illumination Selection Software, Computing
  55. American Institute of Stress Medical
  56. Animated Inbuilt Scenery Media
  57. Ain't It Strange Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  58. Access to Information Services General, Governmental & Military
  59. Velvet Studio Instrument Computing, File Extensions
  60. ASCII Individual Stream Assembly, Business & Finance
  61. Array of Intensity Samples Graphics file Computing, File Extensions
  62. Awty International School Texas
  63. Air Injection System Auto
  64. Airlock Illumination Subassembly NASA, Governmental & Military
  65. Advanced Isotope Separation Atmospheric Research
  66. Alternative Internet System Software, Computing
  67. anal carcinoma in situ Medical, British medicine
  68. Adhesive Interconnect System Computing, Industry, Electronics
  69. Ain't It Sweet Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  70. Advanced Inventory System General, Governmental & Military
  71. The Association of Independent Schools Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  72. AMPAL American Israel Corporation Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  73. ACDSee Image Sequence file Computing, File Extensions
  74. Address Information Systems Postal, Us Post
  75. Automated Inspection Support Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  76. Automated Information Security Legal, Governmental & Military
  77. Affiliate Information System Atmospheric Research
  78. Application Information Service Microsoft, Windows, Computing
  79. Anterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome Medical, Neurology, British medicine, Nerves

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AIS stand for?

    AIS stands for Automatic Identification System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis?

    The short form of "Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis" is AIS.


AIS. (2022, February 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated