AIT Meaning

The AIT meaning is "Adoptive Immunotherapy". The AIT abbreviation has 49 different full form.

AIT Full Forms

  1. Adoptive Immunotherapy Medical, Medicine, Health, British medicine
  2. Autoimmune Thrombocytopaenia Medicine, Health, British, Medical, British medicine
  3. Assembly, Integration, and Test Technology, Program, Space, Legal, Governmental & Military, NASA
  4. Array Induction Tool Electrical
  5. Audit Inventory Team Atmospheric Research
  6. Airest ICAO Aircraft Codes
  7. Auditory Integration Training Software, Computing
  8. Acute Intensive Treatment Medical, Physiology
  9. Asian Institute of Technology Legal, Governmental & Military
  10. Auto-Ignition Temperature Minimum temperature at which a combustible fluid will burst into flame without the assistance of an extraneous ignition source. This temperature is typically several hundred degrees higher than the flash and fire point. Electrical
  11. Automated Interactive Target Military, Governmental & Military
  12. Aitkin Muni-steve Kurtz Field Airport Faa Airport Codes
  13. Jack Aitken Formula 1
  14. Advanced Intelligent Tape Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  15. Autoimmune Thyroiditis Medical, Medicine, Health, British medicine
  16. Advanced Integrative Therapy Medical
  17. Atomic International Time Legal, Governmental & Military
  18. All Included Taxes Tax, Business & Finance
  19. Aircraft Interface Tester Military, Governmental & Military
  20. Aitutaki Island Airport, Aitutaki, Cook Islands Cook Islands, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  21. Arts Initiative Tokyo Performing arts
  22. Advanced Individual Training (specialty Training Post-bct) Us Army, Governmental & Military
  23. Assembly, Integration, and Testing Technology, Space, Satellite, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  24. antibody-incompatible transplantation Medical, British medicine
  25. Advanced Intelligent Technology General, Governmental & Military
  26. Advanced Information Technologies Inc Management, Business & Finance
  27. Adobe Illustrator Template Computing, File Extensions
  28. Action Item Tracking Us Government, Governmental & Military
  29. Administrative Information Technician Occupation & positions
  30. Autodin Interface Terminal Us Army, Governmental & Military
  31. Anterior Inferotemporal Medical, British medicine
  32. Automated Information Transfer Transportation, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  33. Active Capital Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  34. Agency for Instructional Technology Education, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  35. Automated Identification Technology Transportation, Governmental & Military
  36. Aid In Training Occupation & positions
  37. Aeritalia NASA
  38. After-Image Transfer Medical, Optometry, British medicine
  39. Advanced Individual Training Education, Army, Military Slang, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  40. Alliance Internationale de Tourisme Travel, Tourism, Business & Finance, International business
  41. Associate of Industrial Technology Academic Degree, Degree, Scientific & Educational
  42. autoignition test NASA, Governmental & Military
  43. Augmented Inspection Team Energy
  44. Autoignition Temperature(s) Chemistry
  45. Auditory Integrated Training Medical, Disability, Special Education, Scientific & Educational, British medicine
  46. Automatic Identification Technology Technology, Computing, Telecom, Governmental & Military
  47. Associate in Information Technology Insurance, Business & Finance
  48. Auditory Integration Therapy Medical, Physiology
  49. Advanced Infantry Training Military Slang, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does AIT stand for?

    AIT stands for Acute Intensive Treatment.

  2. What is the shortened form of Atomic International Time?

    The short form of "Atomic International Time" is AIT.


AIT. (2021, December 14). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from

Last updated